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57 Cards in this Set

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Commands that require an argument will give this error when none is given.
Usage message
An Argument is a
token, such as a filename,text,number or object that a command acts on.
Arguments start numbered
option is a
argument that modifies the effect of a command.
You can have more then one option.
Hyphens in programs
GNU two hyphens, normally ONE
Usually you can list options in any order.
human readable
Arguments that start with a hyphen
ls -- -l, ls ./-l, ls /home/alex/-1
Long listing a hyphen argument
ls -l -- -l
help option
Control h
erase a character
control u
kill a line
control w
erase a word
a program has to appear first
Execute a executible in the working directory.
ls -l
displays permissions. Long listing.
Shell does not
process command line arguments. It hands them off to the program.
standard output
a place that a program can send information
standard input
a place the program gets information from.
device file
usually in the /dev directory. Represents a peripheral(terminal,screen,printer or disk drive)
changes your login shell
control d
end of file signal
redirect output signal
redirect output signal
redirects the output to a specific file then to the screen
Redirecting output can destroy a file
redirect input signal
redirect input signal
redirects the input to come from a specific file instead of the keyboard.
stops you from accidentally overwriting a existing file using redirection.
override no clobber
set -o noclobber
enables no clobber
set +o noclobber
disables no clobber
append output symbol
append output symbol
adds new information to the end of the file leaving existing info intact.
data sink or bit bucket
redirect output that you don't want to see or keep too
connect standard output of a command to the input of another command.
sort can be used as
Not all utilities can be used as a
copies its standard input to a file and to a standard output
Used to run a command in the background.
Control Z
To put a suspended job in the background
use the bg command followed by the job number.
brings a back rounded app back to the foreground.
control c
interupt key
kills a backgrounded process. With either PID or % and the job number.
process status, utility to display pid #'s
causes the shell to generate file names
examples of ?
memo? =memo1, memox
matches any number of characters in a file including zero characters.
displays a list of currently running jobs
maps one string of characters into another
will search for memo1 memo7 and memoa
search for lowercase letters a-z and uppercase A-Z
utility that is built in to the shell.
info bash builtin
complete list of bash builtins
when running a builtin the shell does not fork a new process.