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32 Cards in this Set

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Organizational Culture and what does it ensure that organizational members do?
A firm's shared values, beliefs, traditions, philosophies, rules and role models for behavior (aka corporate culture)

Ensures that:
-that they share values
- observe common rules
- share problem solving approaches
What does formal expression entail? (6)
Mission statement, code of ethics, manuals, ceremonies, memoranda, stories (sometimes becomes mythical)
What is informal expression? (3)
dress code (or lack of one), work habits, and extracurricular activities
Organizational Structure
Is the arrangement or relationship of positions within an organization

Structure develops as:
-managers assign work tasks to individuals
and groups
-coordination of diverse activities to attain
Organizational Charts
visual displays of the organizational structure, lines of authority, staff relationships, permanent committee arrangements and lines of communication
Specialization and why do you specialization?
managers divide the labor into small, specific tasks and assign employees individual tasks to accomplish

Why specialize?
- ease of training
-activities too numerous for one person
Departmentalization and what are the 4 different departmentalizations?
Group of jobs into working units (departments, units, groups, divisions)

4 types:
Delegation of authority
Giving employees tasks and empowering them to make commitments, use resources and take action to carry out tasks
Obligation placed on employees to perform assigned tasks and be held accountable for proper execution
employees who accept an assignment and the responsibility to complete it are answerable to a superior for work outcomes
Centralized organizations
authority is concentrated at the top level

very little delegation to lower levels
Decentralized organizations
decision making authority is delegated as far down the chain of command as possible
Span of management
the # of subordinates who report to a particular manager

wide span & narrow span
Wide Span of Management
exists when a manager directly supervises a very large # of employees

(flat organization) 

exists when a manager directly supervises a very large # of employees

(flat organization)

Narrow Span of Management
exists when a manager directly supervises only a few subordinates

exists when a manager directly supervises only a few subordinates

Line and Staff Structure
can provide info to other departments

report up
Multidivisional Structure
organizes departments into larger groups called divisions
occurs as organizations grow larger and more diversified
Divisions can be formed on the same bases as departments: customer, product, and geography
Delegation of authority and divisionalized work
Matrix Structure
most complex form

multiple bosses + expectations

chaotic for employee
two or more individuals who communicate with one another, share a common identity and have a common goal
a small group whose members have complementary skills; have a common purpose, goals, and approach; hold themselves mutually accountable
Groups vs. Teams
a permanent, formal group performing a specific task
Task force
a temporary group responsible for a particular change activity
Project teams
similar to task forces in that they have total control of a specific project
Product Development Teams
formed to devise, design and implement a new product
Quality Assurance Teams (Quality Circles)
brought together from throughout the organization to solve specific problems
Self-directed Work Teams
responsible for an entire work process that delivers a product to a customer
Organizational Communications
Technology and Communication
Technology has generated many alternatives to face-to-face communication

ex. voice mail, email, online newsletters, videoconferencing, online meeting services
Formal Communication
Flow of communication within the formal organizational structure as depicted on organizational charts

upward, downward, horizontal, and diagonal communication
Informal Communication
separate from management's formal, official communication channels
managers can utilize informal communications as a sounding device
Monitoring Communications + how must managers monitor communications?
technological advances and electronic communication have made monitoring communications at work necessary

Managers must monitor communications:
-without invading employee privacy
- while generating respect and mindfulness
amongst employees