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115 Cards in this Set

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What are the 5 indirect object pronouns in Spanish?

Me, te, le, nos, les.

Conjugate the Spanish verb meaning "To give" in the preterit tense.

Dar: To give

Yo: Di

Tú: Diste

Él/Ella/Ud.: Dio

Nosotros/as: Dimos

Ellos/Ellas/Uds.: Dieron

Conjugate the Spanish verb meaning "To say; To tell" in the preterit tense.

Decir: To say; to tell

Yo: Dicí

Tú: Diciste

Él/Ella/Ud.: Dició

Nosotros/as: Decimos

Ellos/Ellas/Uds.: Dicieron

Conjugate the Spanish verb meaning "to like very much, love'.

Encantar: To like very much, love

Yo: Encanté

Tú: Encantaste

Él/Ella/Ud.: Encantó

Nosotros/as: Encantamos

Ellos/Ellas/Uds.: Encantaron

Conjugate the Spanish verb meaning "To give" in the present tense.

Dar: To give

Yo: Doy

Tú: Das

Él/Ella/Ud.: Da

Nosotros/as: Damos

Ellos/Ellas/Uds.: Dan

Conjugate the Spanish verb meaning "To say; to tell" in the present tense.

Decir: To say; to tell

Yo: Digo

Tú: Dices

Él/Ella/Ud.: Dice

Nosotros/as: Dicimos

Ellos/Ellas/Uds.: Dicen

Conjugate the Spanish verb meaning "To tell, narrate" in the present tense.

Contar: To tell, narrate

Yo: Cuento

Tú: Cuentas

Él/Ella/Ud.: Cuenta

Nosotros/as: Contamos

Ellos/Ellas/Uds.: Cuentan

Conjugate the Spanish verb meaning "To hand in" in the present tense.

Entregar: To hand in

Yo: Entrego

Tú: Entregas

Él/Ella/Ud.: Entrega

Nosotros/as: Entregamos

Ellos/Ellas/Uds.: Entregan

Conjugate the Spanish verb meaning "To write" in the present tense.

Escribir: To write

Yo: Escribo

Tú: Escribes

Él/Ella/Ud.: Escribe

Nosotros/as: Escribimos

Ellos/Ellas/Uds.: Escriben

Conjugate the Spanish verb meaning "To explain" in the present tense.

Explicar: To write

Yo: Explico

Tú: Explicas

Él/Ella/Ud.: Explica

Nosotros/as: Explicamos

Ellos/Ellas/Uds.: Explican

Conjugate the Spanish verb meaning "To speak" in the present tense.

Hablar: To speak

Yo: Hablo

Tú: Hablas

Él/Ella/Ud.: Habla

Nosotros/as: Hablamos

Ellos/Ellas/Uds.: Hablan

Conjugate the Spanish verb meaning "To send" in the present tense.

Mandar: To send

Yo: Mando

Tú: Mandas

Él/Ella/Ud.: Manda

Nosotros/as: Mandamos

Ellos/Ellas/Uds.: Mandan

Conjugate the Spanish verb meaning "To show" in the present tense.

Mostrar: To show

Yo: Muestro

Tú: Muestras

Él/Ella/Ud.: Muestra

Nosotros/as: Mostramos

Ellos/Ellas/Uds.: Muestran

Conjugate the Spanish verb meaning "To offer" in the present tense.

Ofrecer: To offer

Yo: Ofrezco

Tú: Ofreces

Él/Ella/Ud.: Ofrece

Nosotros/as: Ofrecemos

Ellos/Ellas/Uds.: Ofrecen

Conjugate the Spanish verb meaning "To ask for" in the present tense.

Pedir: To ask for

Yo: Pido

Tú: Pides

Él/Ella/Ud.: Pide

Nosotros/as: Pedimos

Ellos/Ellas/Uds.: Piden

Conjugate the Spanish verb meaning "To ask (a question)" in the present tense.

Preguntar: To ask (a question)

Yo: Pregunto

Tú: Preguntas

Él/Ella/Ud.: Pregunta

Nosotros/as: Preguntamos

Ellos/Ellas/Uds.: Preguntan

Conjugate the Spanish verb meaning "To lend" in the present tense

Prestar: To lend

Yo: Presto

Tú: Prestas

Él/Ella/Ud.: Presta

Nosotros/as: Prestamos

Ellos/Ellas/Uds.: Prestan

Conjugate the Spanish verb meaning "To promise" in the present tense

Prometer: To promise

Yo: Prometo

Tú: Prometes

Él/Ella/Ud.: Promete

Nosotros/as: Prometemos

Ellos/Ellas/Uds.: Prometen

Conjugate the Spanish verb meaning "To recommend" in the present tense

Recomendar: To promise

Yo: Recomiendo

Tú: Recomiendas

Él/Ella/Ud.: Recomienda

Nosotros/as: Recomendamos

Ellos/Ellas/Uds.: Recomiendan

Conjugate the Spanish verb meaning "To give (as a gift)" in the present tense

Regalar: To give (as a gift)

Yo: Regalo

Tú: Regalas

Él/Ella/Ud.: Regala

Nosotros/as: Regalamos

Ellos/Ellas/Uds.: Regalan

Conjugate the Spanish verb meaning "to serve" in the present tense

Servir: To serve

Yo: Sirvo

Tú: Sirves

Él/Ella/Ud.: Sirve

Nosotros/as: Servimos

Ellos/Ellas/Uds.: Sirven

Translate the word or phrase "cabin (on a ship)" in Spanish.

La cabina

Translate the word or phrase "Cruise (ship)" in Spanish.

El crucero

Translate the word or phrase "Station (bus station, train station)" in Spanish

La estación

La estación de autobuses

La estación del tren

Translate the word or phrase "port" in Spanish.

El puerto

Translate the word or phrase "waiting room" in Spanish.

La sala de espera

Translate the word or phrase "smoking area" in Spanish.

La sala de fumar/fumadores

Translate the word or phrase "flight" in Spanish.

El vuelo

Translate the word or phrase "to go/travel by..." in Spanish.

Ir en....

Translate the word or phrase "bus" in Spanish.


Translate the word or phrase "plane" in Spanish.


Translate the word or phrase "boat, ship" in Spanish.


Translate the word or phrase "train" in Spanish.


Translate the word or phrase "travel agency" in Spanish.

La agencia de viajes

Translate the word or phrase "travel agent" in Spanish.

El/La agente de viajes

Translate the word or phrase "seat" in Spanish.

El asiento

Translate the word or phrase "ticket" in Spanish.

El boleto

Translate the word or phrase "one-way ticket" in Spanish.

El boleto de ida

Translate the word or phrase "round-trip ticket" in Spanish.

El boleto de ida y vuelta

Translate the word or phrase "delay" in Spanish.

La demora

Translate the word or phrase "arrival" in Spanish.

La llegada

Translate the word or phrase "fare, price (of a transportation ticket)" in Spanish.

El pasaje

Translate the word or phrase "departure" in Spanish.

La salida

Translate the word or phrase "to get down (from); to get off (of) (a vehicle)" in Spanish.

Bajarse (de)

Translate the word or phrase "to be late" in Spanish.

Estar atrasado/a

Translate the word or phrase "to check baggage" in Spanish.

Facturar el equipaje

Translate the word or phrase "to save (a place [in line])" in Spanish.

Guardar (un puesto)

Translate the word or phrase "to stand in line" in Spanish.

Hacer cola

Translate the word or phrase "to make stops" in Spanish.

Hacer escalas/paradas

Translate the word or phrase "to pack one's suitcase(s)" in Spanish.

Hacer la(s) maleta(s)

Translate the word or phrase "to take a trip" in Spanish.

Hacer un viaje

Translate the word or phrase "to go/pass through security (check)" in Spanish.

Pasar por el control de la seguridad

Translate the word or phrase "to complain (about)" in Spanish.

Quejarse (de)

Translate the word or phrase "to go up; to get on (a vehicle)" in Spanish.

Subir (a)

Translate the word or phrase "to travel" in Spanish.


Translate the word or phrase "to fly, go by plane" in Spanish.

Volar (vuelo) en avión

Translate the word or phrase "campground" in Spanish.

El camping

Translate the word or phrase "sea" in Spanish.

El mar

Translate the word or phrase "ocean" in Spanish.

El Océano

Translate the word or phrase "to be on vacation" in Spanish.

Estar de vacaciones

Translate the word or phrase "to (go on) vacation to/in..." in Spanish.

Ir de vacaciones a.....

Translate the word or phrase "to spend one's vacation " in Spanish.

Pasar las vacaciones en....

Translate the word or phrase "to leave on vacation" in Spanish.

Salir de vacaciones

Translate the word or phrase "to take a vacation" in Spanish.

Tomar unas vacaciones

Name the five indirect object pronouns.






Translate the word or phrase "so do I" in Spanish.

A mí también

Translate the word or phrase "I don't either/Neither do I" in Spanish.

A mí tampoco

Translate the word or phrase "well, I do" in Spanish.

Pues a mí, sí

Translate the word or phrase "well, I don't" in Spanish.

Pues a mí, no

Translate the word or phrase "I like it a lot/a whole lot" in Spanish.

Me gusta mucho/muchísimo

Translate the word or phrase "I don't like it at all" in Spanish.

No me gusta (para) nada.

Translate the word or phrase "to hate" in Spanish.


Conjugate the Spanish verb meaning "to speak" in the preterite tense

Hablar: To speak

Yo: Hablé

Tú: Hablaste

Él/Ella/Ud.: Habló

Nosotros/as: Hablamos

Ellos/Ellas/Uds.: Hablaron

Conjugate the Spanish verb meaning "to eat" in the preterite tense

Comer: To eat

Yo: Comí

Tú: Comiste

Él/Ella/Ud.: Comió

Nosotros/as: Comimos

Ellos/Ellas/Uds.: Comieron

Conjugate the Spanish verb meaning "to live" in the preterite tense

Comer: To eat

Yo: Viví

Tú: Viviste

Él/Ella/Ud.: Vivió

Nosotros/as: Vivimos

Ellos/Ellas/Uds.: Vivieron

Conjugate the Spanish verb meaning "to see" in the preterite tense

Ver: To see

Yo: Vi

Tú: Viviste

Él/Ella/Ud.: Vio

Nosotros/as: Vimos

Ellos/Ellas/Uds.: Vieron

Conjugate the Spanish verb meaning "to look for" in the preterite tense

Buscar: To look for

Yo: Busqué

Tú: Buscaste

Él/Ella/Ud.: Buscó

Nosotros/as: Buscamos

Ellos/Ellas/Uds.: Buscaron

Conjugate the Spanish verb meaning "to pay" in the preterite tense

Pagar: To look for

Yo: Pagué

Tú: Pagaste

Él/Ella/Ud.: Pagó

Nosotros/as: Pagamos

Ellos/Ellas/Uds.: Pagaron

Conjugate the Spanish verb meaning "to begin" in the preterite tense

Empezar: To begin

Yo: Empecé

Tú: Empezaste

Él/Ella/Ud.: Empezó

Nosotros/as: Empezamos

Ellos/Ellas/Uds.: Empezaron

Conjugate the Spanish verb meaning "to wake up" in the preterite tense.

Despertar: To wake up

Yo: Desperté

Tú: Despertaste

Él/Ella/Ud.: Despertó

Nosotros/as: Despertamos

Ellos/Ellas/Uds.: Despertaron

Conjugate the Spanish verb meaning "to return" in the preterite tense.

Volver: To return

Yo: Volví

Tú: Volviste

Él/Ella/Ud.: Volvió

Nosotros/as: Volvimos

Ellos/Ellas/Uds.: Volvieron

Conjugate the Spanish verb meaning "to believe" in the preterite tense.

Creer: To believe

Yo: Creí

Tú: Creíste

Él/Ella/Ud.: Creyó

Nosotros/as: Creímos

Ellos/Ellas/Uds.: Creyeron

Conjugate the Spanish verb meaning "to read" in the preterite tense.

Leer: To read

Yo: Leí

Tú: Leíste

Él/Ella/Ud.: Leyó

Nosotros/as: Leímos

Ellos/Ellas/Uds.: Leyeron

Conjugate the Spanish verb meaning "to do; to make" in the preterite tense.

Hacer: To do; to make

Yo: Hice

Tú: Hiciste

Él/Ella/Ud.: Hizo

Nosotros/as: Hicimos

Ellos/Ellas/Uds.: Hicieron

Conjugate the Spanish verb meaning "to go/ to be" in the preterite tense.

Ir/Ser: To go/ To be

Yo: Fui

Tú: Fuiste

Él/Ella/Ud.: Fue

Nosotros/as: Fuimos

Ellos/Ellas/Uds.: Fueron

Conjugate the Spanish verb meaning "to turn in" in the preterite tense.

Entregar: To turn in

Yo: Entregué

Tú: Entregaste

Él/Ella/Ud.: Entregó

Nosotros/as: Entregamos

Ellos/Ellas/Uds.: Entregaron

Conjugate the Spanish verb meaning "to explain" in the preterite tense.

Explicar: To explain

Yo: Expliqué

Tú: Explicaste

Él/Ella/Ud.: Explicó

Nosotros/as: Explicamos

Ellos/Ellas/Uds.: Explicaron

Conjugate the Spanish verb meaning "to ask for; to order" in the preterite tense.

Pedir: To ask for; to order

Yo: Pedí

Tú: Pediste

Él/Ella/Ud.: Pidió

Nosotros/as: Pedimos

Ellos/Ellas/Uds.: Pidieron

Conjugate the Spanish verb meaning "to serve" in the preterite tense.

Servir: To serve

Yo: Serví

Tú: Serviste

Él/Ella/Ud.: Sirvió

Nosotros/as: Servimos

Ellos/Ellas/Uds.: Sirvieron

Translate the verb "to announce" in Spanish.


Translate the verb "to smoke" in Spanish.


Translate the verb "to be pleasing" in Spanish.


Translate the verb "to interest (someone)" in Spanish.


Translate the word or phrase "airport" in Spanish.

El aeropuerto

Translate the word or phrase "flight attendant" in Spanish.

El/La asistente de vuelo

Translate the word or phrase "tourist class, coach" in Spanish.

La clase turística

Translate the word or phrase "porter" in Spanish.

El maletero

Translate the word or phrase "means of transportation" in Spanish.

El medio de transporte

Translate the word or phrase "aisle" in Spanish.

El pasillo

Translate the word or phrase "first class" in Spanish.

La primera clase

Translate the word or phrase "post card" in Spanish.

La tarjeta (postal)

Translate the word or phrase "small window (on a plane)" in Spanish.

La ventanilla

Translate the word or phrase "station wagon; van; pick-up truck" in Spanish.

La camioneta

Translate the word or phrase "campground" in Spanish.

El camping

Translate the word or phrase "photo(graph) " in Spanish.

La foto(grafía)

Translate the word or phrase "tent" in Spanish.

La tienda (de campaña)

Translate the word or phrase "to take photos" in Spanish.

Sacar (qu) fotos

Translate the word or phrase "to sunbath" in Spanish.

Tomar el sol

Translate the word or phrase "joke" in Spanish.

El chiste

Translate the word or phrase "late" in Spanish.

Atrasado/a (with estar)

Translate the word or phrase "together" in Spanish.


Translate the word or phrase "on time" in Spanish.

A tiempo

Translate the word or phrase "I would (really) like..." in Spanish.

Me gustaría (mucho)...

Translate the word or phrase "an awful lot" in Spanish.


Translate the word or phrase "through; for" in Spanish.
