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70 Cards in this Set

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anything that has matter and takes up space.
capacity to do work

kiljoules in a unit of work....kilocalories is heat energy unit
kinetic energy
energy in motion
potential energy
capactiy to do work as a result of position or state
study of energy and its transformations.
closed system

open system
does not exchange energy with its surrounding

does exchange energy with its surrounding
1st law of thermodynamics
Energy can not be created or destroyed, but can be transfered or converted from one form to another
second law of thermodynamcis
When energy is converted from one form to another, some energy left avablie to do work is converted into heat that dispereses into the surroundings.
kinetic energy of randomly moving particles
sum of al chemical acivities taking place in an organism
includes the various pathways in which complex molecules are synthesized from simpler substances..ex: linking amino acids to form protein
includes the pathways in which larger molecles are broken down into smaller ones.....ex degradiation of starch to form moosaccharides
enthalphy (H)
potential energy of the system
free energy (G)
amount of energy avaalible to do work under the conditions of a biochemical reaction
amount of thermal energy no availbe to do work
exergonic reaction
a reaction that releases energy and is said to be a spontaneous or a 'Downhill" reaction from higher to lower free energey
endergonic reaction
is a reaction in which there is a gain of free energy
sum of al chemical acivities taking place in an organism
concentraion gradient
when there is a region with a high and low concentration....cells must expand enery to do this
includes the various pathways in which complex molecules are synthesized from simpler substances..ex: linking amino acids to form protein
dynamic equilibrium
in which the rate of the reverse reaction equals the rate of the forward reaction
includes the pathways in which larger molecles are broken down into smaller ones.....ex degradiation of starch to form moosaccharides
sum of al chemical acivities taking place in an organism
enthalphy (H)
potential energy of the system
includes the various pathways in which complex molecules are synthesized from simpler substances..ex: linking amino acids to form protein
free energy (G)
amount of energy avaalible to do work under the conditions of a biochemical reaction
includes the pathways in which larger molecles are broken down into smaller ones.....ex degradiation of starch to form moosaccharides
amount of thermal energy no availbe to do work
enthalphy (H)
potential energy of the system
exergonic reaction
a reaction that releases energy and is said to be a spontaneous or a 'Downhill" reaction from higher to lower free energey
free energy (G)
amount of energy avaalible to do work under the conditions of a biochemical reaction
endergonic reaction
is a reaction in which there is a gain of free energy
amount of thermal energy no availbe to do work
concentraion gradient
when there is a region with a high and low concentration....cells must expand enery to do this
exergonic reaction
a reaction that releases energy and is said to be a spontaneous or a 'Downhill" reaction from higher to lower free energey
dynamic equilibrium
in which the rate of the reverse reaction equals the rate of the forward reaction
endergonic reaction
is a reaction in which there is a gain of free energy
concentraion gradient
when there is a region with a high and low concentration....cells must expand enery to do this
dynamic equilibrium
in which the rate of the reverse reaction equals the rate of the forward reaction
coupled reactions
thermodymnically favorable exergonic reaction tat provides the energy required to drive the thermdynamicaly unfavorable endergonic reaction
adensosine triphospate (ATP)
holds readily avablie energy for very short periods
adenosine diphospate (ADP)
chemical created when the terminal phospate is removed from ATP
phosphorylation reaction
one in whicg a phospate group is transferred to some other compound
chemical process in which a substance loses electrons
substace gains electrons
redox reactions
when oxdiation and reduction reactions happen at same time
nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+)

NAD is an acceptor molecule, when reduced sotres large amounts of free eneergy... becomes reduced when combined with hydrogen

hydrogen accptor but has an extra phospate group then NAD

nadph is the reduced form
Flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAd)
is a nucleotide that accepts hydrogen atomd and electrons

proteins that contain iron
regulate rate of chemical reaction
increase speed of reaction without being consumed
enzyme that decompes 40 million molecules of hydrogen peroxide per second.
energy of actavation
energy required to break the existing bonds and being the eraction
substance that an enzyme acts on
Es complex
when this break up product is realeased
active sites
regions which substre binds to from Es complex
induced fit
the binding of the substrate to the enzyme molecule causes a change
chemicAL componet in enzyme.
nonpolypeptide compound that binds to the apoenyzme and erves as a cofactor
coenzyme a
is involved in the tranfer groups dervied from organic acid
metabolic pathway
serious of reactions
feedback inhibiton
type of enzyme regulation in which the formulation of a product inhibits an earlier reaction in the sequence
allosteric site
receptor site of enzymes
allosteric regulators
substances that affect enzyme activity by binding to allsteric inhibtors
Reverible inhibiton
when an inhibotr forms weak chemical bonds with an enzyme
competitive inhibiton
inhibtior competes with the normal substare for binding to the active site of the enzyme
noncompetive inhibtion
inhibtor binds with the enzyme at a site other han the active site
irreversible inhibtion
inhibitor permentatly inactivates or destroys an enzyme when the inhibitor combines with one of the enzymes functional groups