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31 Cards in this Set

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Mood Disorders
Disturbances of mood the are intense and persistent enough to be clearly maladaptive
Often characterized by an intense and unrealistic feelings of excitment and euphoria
Ussually involves feelings of extraordinary sadness and dejection
Mixed spisode cases
The person expiriences rapidly altering moods such as sadness, euphoria and irritability all within the same episode of illness
Unipolar disoder
When a person expiriences only depressive episodes
Major Depresive Disoder
Moderate to severe mood disorders in which a [erson expiriences only depresive episodes, but no hypomanic, manic or mixed episodes. single episodes if only one; recurrent episodes if more than one.
Manic Episodes
The person shows markedly elevated, euphoric or expansive mood, often interrupted by occasional outburst of intense irritability or even violence.
Dysthymic Disorders
Moderatel severe mood disorder characterized by a persistently depressed mood most of the day for most days for at leat 2 years. additional symptoms may include poor appetite, sleep distubances, lack of energy, low selfsteem
Diffrent pattern of symptoms that sometimes characterize major depresive episodes which may help predict the course and pefered treatment for the condition
Major depressive episodes with melancholic features
A type of major depressive episode which includes marked symptoms of loss of interest or plesure in almost all activities plus at least 3 of the 6 other designated symptoms.
Severe Major Depressive episode with psychotuc features
Major depressive episode involving loss of cantact with reality, often in the form of delussions or hallucinations
Mood-Congruent Disorders
Delussions or hallucinations that are consistent with a person's mood.
Major depressive episode with atypical features
A type of major depressive episodes which includes a pattern of symptoms characterized by marked mood reactivity, as well as 2 out of 4 other designated symptoms
Doubble depression
This condition is diagnosed when a person with dysthymia has a superimposed major depressive episode
Chronic major depressive disorder
A disorder in which a major depressive episode does not remitt over a 2 year period
Return of the symptoms of a disorder after a fairly short period of time.
A new occurence of a disorder after a remission of symptoms
Seassonal affective disorder
Mood disorder involving at least 2 episodes of depression in the past 2 years occuring at the same time of the year, ussulaly fall/winter, with remission also occuring at the same time of the year, ussually spring.
Monoamine Hypothesis
That depression was at least sometimes, due to an absolute or relative depletion of one or all of the neurotransmitters (seritonin, norepinehrene, dopamine, GABA) at important recetor sites in the brain.
Depressogenic schemas of dysfunctional beliefs
Dysfunctional beliefs that are ridgid, extreme and counter productive and that are thoughts that leave one suceptible to depressions when experiencing stress.
Negative automatic thoughts
Thoughts that are just below the surface of awearenss and that involve unpleasent pesamistic predictions
Negative cognitive triad
Negative thoughts about the self, the world and the future
Learned Helplesness theory
A theory that animals and people exposed to uncontrolable aversive eents and this causes them to behave in a passive and helpless manner when latter exposed to potentially controloble events. later exptended to become the theory of dpression.
Pessimistic attribution Style
Cognitive style involving a tendency to make internal, stable and global attributions for negative life events.
Hypomanic Episode
In which a person expiriences abnormaly elevated, expansive or irritable mood for at least 4 days. in addition the person must have at least 3 other symptoms similar to those involved in mania but to a lesser degree.
Cychlothymic Disorder
A mild mood disorder characterized by cyclical periods of hypomanic and depressive symptoms.
Bipolar I disoder
A form of bipolar disorder in which the person expirienses both manic (or mixed) episodes and major depressive episodes
Mixed episode
A condition in which a person is characterized by symptoms of full blown manic and major depresive episodes for at least one week, whether the symptoms are intermixed or alternate rapidly every few days
Bipolar II Disorder
A form of bipolar disorder in which the person experiences both hpomanic and major depresive episodes
Bipolar Disorder with seassonal pattern
Bipolar disorder with recurrences in particular seasons of the year.
Rapid cycling
A pattern of bipolar disorder involving at least 4 manic or depressive episodes in on year.