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25 Cards in this Set

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relatively durable change in behavior or knowledge that is due to experience.


repeat neutral stimulus, decreased response


become more sensitive after threatening stimulus


attachment of younger to older animals/birds


learning through forming associations between experiences


if a behavior was previously reinforced, then becomes unreinforced, behavior will extinguish after a time

Spontaneous Recovery

when the CR rebounds after a time of no exposure to the CS

UCS-unconditioned stimulus

a stimulus that provokes an unconditioned response without previous conditioning (e.g., meat)

UCR-unconditioned response

an unlearned reaction to that occurs without conditioning, a reflex (e.g. salivating)

CS-conditioned stimulus

a previously neutral stimulus that has acquired meaning through conditioning and the capacity to evoke a response (e.g. a bell)

CR-conditioned response

a learned reaction that occurs because of previous conditioning

operant conditioning

learning controlled by consequences, in addition to mere association


occurs when the consequences of a response increase an organism’s tendency to make that response

positive reinforcement

response increases because get a positive (e.g. give allowance if room is clean)

negative reinforcement

response increases because remove a negative (stop nagging if room is clean)


occurs when the presentation of a negative consequence decreases tendency to make that response

positive punishment

response decreases because get a negative

negative punishment

response decreases because remove a positive (e.g. take away TV privileges if room not clean)


the reinforcement of closer approximations of a behavior (e.g., praise for not leaving clothes in the bathroom)


reinforcing “chains” of behavior into one stream, only reinforce when entire chain of previously reinforced behaviors are emitted in the right order

Observational Learning

Occurs when behavior is influenced by the observation of others

Non-associative Learning

Learning about a stimulus, such as sight or sound, in the external world

Associative Learning

Learning the relationship between two pieces of information

Classical conditioning/Pavlovian conditioning

A type of associative learning in which a neutral stimulus comes to elicit a response when it is associated with a stimulus that already produces that response.

Behavior Modification

The use of operant-conditioning techniques to eliminate unwanted behaviors and replace them with desirable ones