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204 Cards in this Set

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What does the combining form arthr/o, articul/o mean?
What does the combining form burs/o mean?
purse or sac, bursa.
What does the combining form carp/o mean?
What does the combining form chondr/o mean?
gristle, cartilage.
what does the combining form condyl/o mean?
knuckle of a joint.
What does the combining form cost/o mean?
the combining form cran/o, crani/o mean?
skull, cranium.
the combining form fasci/o means?
the combining form femor/o means?
thigh, femur.
the combining form fibr/o means?
what does the combining form fibul/o mean?
what does the combining form ili/o mean?
flank, hip, groin, ilium of the pelvis.
ischi/o means?
ischium, hip joint, and or haunch.
what does the combining form menisci/o mean?
what does the combining form muscul/o mean?
the combining form myel/o means?
bone marrow.
what does the combining form my/o, myos/o mean?
the combining form oste/o means?
pariet/o means?
patell/o means?
the combined form petr/o means?
phalang/o means?
the combining form phys/o means?
what does pub/o mean?
the form radi/o means?
what does the term sacr/o refer to ?
what do the combined forms spondyl/o and vertebr/o refer to ?
stern/o refers to what?
chest, sternum.
synov/o and synovi/o refer to what?
ten/o and tendon/o refer to what?
what is the function of bone?
to support soft tissues, and to store mineral salts including calcium and phosphorus.
the prefix a- means?
the prefix brady- means?
the prefix dys- means?
bad, abnormal, painful, and difficult.
the prefix hyper- means?
excessive, abnormally high, and above.
the combined form kinesi/o means?
the combined form tax/o means?
reaction to a stimulus, movement.
the combined form troph/o means?
the suffix -algia, -dynia mean?
condition of pain.
the suffix -a means?
the suffix -ia means?
condition of.
the suffix -y means?
process of.
what is ataxia?
the inability to coordiante muscles during a voluntary action.
what is atrophy ?
reduced muscle size and strength.
what is bradykinesia?
a condition of slow motion. it can be used as a clinical sign of an underlying bone, muscle, or nervous disorder.
What is decalcification?
abnormal reduction of calcium in bone.
What is dyskinesia?
bad, abnormal, painful, and or difficult motion.
What is dystrophy?
a process of bad, abnormal, painful, or difficult development.
define hypertrophy.
excessive muscle growth.
define myalgia.
condition of muscle pain. common sign of strenuous exercise.
what is tenodynia?
an indicator of minor injury to one or more tendons. common symptom of weekend athletes. it is tendon pain.
what does the prefix para- mean?
alongside or abnormal.
what does the prefix poly- mean?
what does the prefix quadri- mean?
the combining form ankyl/o means?
the combined form kyph/o means?
the combined form leuk/o means?
the combined form lith/o means?
the combined form lord/o means?
bent forward.
the combined form myos/o means?
the combined forms ost/o, and oste/o mean?
the term por/o means?
the combined form sarc/o means?
flesh or meat.
the combined form scoli/o means?
the combined form spondyl/o means?
the suffix -asthenia means?
the suffix -cele means?
hernia, swelling, protrusion.
the suffix -emia refers to what ?
condition of blood.
the suffix -genesis means?
origin, cause.
-malacia means?
-oma means?
-osis means?
condition of.
the suffix -plasia means?
formation or growth.
the suffix -plegia means?
the suffix -ptosis means?
what is achondroplasia?
literally it means without the formation of cartilage, it is the also the main disease that causes dwarfism.
define ankylosis?
it means condition of crooked, it causes stiff and difficult to move joints.
what is arthritis?
the general disorder resulting in inflammation and degeneration of a joint.
name the two major forms of arthritis.
osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis.
Which type of arthritis is autoimmune?
RA (rheumatoid arthritis)
define osteoarthritis.
common condition where joint structures become worn over time and are replaced by bone.
define rheumatoid arthritis.
the autoimmune disease in which joint structures become eroded by the action of the body's own white blood cells.
what is arthrochondritis?
when articular cartilage within synovial joints undergoe inflammation resulting in joint pain during movements.
what is unique about arthrochondritis?
it is caused by a localized infection and it is only temporary.
what is a bunion.
an abnormal enlargement of the joint at the base of the big toe.
define bursitis.
inflammation of a bursa.
what is bursolith?
a calcium deposit within a bursa of the foot
What is CTS?
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, and it is characterized by inflammation of the wrist that causes pressure agianst the median nerve resulting in localized pain with restricted movement.
What is carpoptosis?
also known as wrist drop, it is a weakness of the wrist resulting in difficuly supporting the hand.
what are invloluntary muscle contractions that cause pain called?
what is DJD?
Degenerative Joint Disease caused by degenerating of cartilage that is progressive and replaced by bone.
What is DMD?
Duchenne's muscular dystrophy. it is a disease that children are occasionaly born with causing skeletal muscle degeneration resulting in progressive muscle weakness and deterioration.
What is epicondylitis?
inflammation of the epicondyles, common on the humerus by the elbow.
What is fibromyalgia?
a disease with an unknown origin tha produces widespread pain of musculoskeletal structures of the limbs, face, and trunk. It literally means pain of the fibers and muscles.
Define fracture.
a break in a bone.
Define a Colles' fracture.
a break in the distal part of the radius.
What is a comminuted fracture?
a break resulting in fragmentation of the bone.
what is a compression fracture?
a crushed break, often due to weight or pressure applied to a bone during a fall.
describe a displaced fracture.
a break causing an abnormal alignment of bone pieces.
what is a epiphyseal fracture?
a break at the location of the growth plate, which can affect the growth of the bone.
what is a greenstick fracture?
a slight break in a bone that appears as a slight fissure in an X-ray.
what is a non-displaced fracture?
a break in which the broken bones retain their alignment.
What is a Pott's fracture?
a break at the ankle that affects both bones of the leg.
what is a spiral fracture?
a spiral shaped break often caused by twisting stresses along a long bone.
What is gout?
sharp pain in the joints of toes caused by an abnormal accumulation of uric acid crystals in the joints which are waste products of protein metabolism.
what is a herniated disc?
the rupture of an intervertebral disc that causes pressure aginst spinal nerves which generates back pain.
What is kyphosis?
A.K.A "humpback" is an abnormal upper back (thoracic) curve which bends posteriorly.
Define lordosis.
an abnormal curve in the lumbar region which curves anteriorly.
define scoliosis.
lateral curvature of the spine.
what is marfan's syndrome?
a result of excessive cartilage formation at the epiphyseal plates forming abnormally long limbs and tall thin body forms.
what is mensicitis?
inflammaton of the meniscus.
what is myasthenia gravis?
progressive failure of muscles to respond to nerve stimulation. literally it means "serious muscle weakness"
what is myeloma?
tumor of the red bone marrow.
What is myocele?
an injury to a muscle causing to the muscle to tear through the fascia causing a protrusion.
what is myositis?
common result of a muscle injury with local inflammation.
define osteitis.
inflammation of bone.
what is osteitis deformans?
it results in bone deformities due to the acceleration of bone loss.
what is another name for osteitis deformans?
Paget's disease.
what is osteocarcinoma?
bone cancer arising from epithelial tissue that has invaded a bone
what is osteosarcoma?
bone cancer arising from connective tissue usually within the bone itself.
define osteogenesis imperfecta.
literally it means imperfect bone development. it is an inherited disease resulting in impaired bone growth and fragile bones.
what is osteomalacia?
a disease resulting in the softening of bones
define osteomyelitis.
inflammation of red bone marrow and bone.
what is osteoporosis?
the abnormal loss of bone density.
what is paraplegia?
the loss of voluntary movement in the lower area below the hips including both legs.
what is quadriplegia?
paralysis of all four limbs.
what is polymositis?
inflammtion of many muscles. it is caused by a bacterial infection in which the muscles react by becoming inflamed.
what is rickets?
bones that have became softened due to the excessive removal of calcium for other body functions.
rotator cuff injury can be what?
inflammation, tearing, dislocation, or pain of the shoulder joint.
what is an SCI?
a spinal cord injury, due to trauma to the vertebral column which can result in paralysis of some sort.
Define spondylarthritis.
inflammation of the vertebral joints.
What is a sprain?
a tear of collagen fibers within a ligament.
what is a strain?
stretching a muscle beyond its normal range.
What is TMJ?
temporomandibular joint disease which is frequent dislocations that make it difficult and painful to move the jaw during speaking and chewing.
what is tendonitis?
inflammation of a tendon.
define tenosynovitis.
a form of tendonitis that also involves inflammation of the synovial membrane surrounding the joint.
the combined form electr/o means?
the combined form lamin/o means?
thin, lamina.
the combined form orth/o means?
the combined form syn/o means?
the suffix -centesis means?
surgical puncture.
the suffixes -clasia, and -clasis mean?
break apart.
the suffix -desis means?
surgical fixation or fusion.
the suffix -ectomy means?
surgical removal or excision.
the suffix -gram means?
a record or image.
the suffix -graphy means?
recording process.
the suffix -iatry means?
treatment or specialty.
the suffix -ist means?
one who specializes.
the suffix -lysis means?
loosen or dissolve.
the suffix -pathy means?
the suffix -plasty means?
surgical repair.
the suffix -rrhapy means?
the suffix -scope means?
instrument used for viewing.
the suffix -scopy means?
process of viewing.
the suffix -tic means?
pertaining to.
the suffix -tomy means?
incision or cut.
what is arthrocentesis?
when excess fluids are aspirated or withdrawn by suction, through a surgical puncture into the synovial cavity of the joint.
what is athroclasia?
when an abnormally stiff joint must be broken during surgery in order to increase Range of Motion.
what is athrodesis?
surgical fixation of a joint.
what is a arthrogram?
an image of a joint printed on a film for a pre-op analysis.
define arthrolysis.
when a joint is loosened of abnormal restrictions such as calcium deposits and bursoliths.
what is arthroplasty?
repair to a joint. complete arthroplasty is total joint replacement.
define arthroscopy.
the surgical term for using a endoscopic visual exam of a joint cavity using fiber optics, live action photography and computer enhancement known as an arthroscope.
What is arthrotomy?
a surgical incision into the synovial cavity of a joint.
What is a bursectomy?
a surgery invloving the removal of a bursa from a joint.
what is chiropractic refer to?
the field of therapy that is centered on the manipulation of bones, commonly the vertebral column.
What is a chrondectomy?
the surgical removal or excision of the cartilage associated with a joint.
What is a chrondroplasty?
surgical repair of cartilage of a joint.
what is a costectomy?
a surgery involving the removal of a rib.
What is cranioplasty?
when one or more bones of the cranium undergoe repain through means of surgery
what is a craniotomy?
the surgeons enter the cranial cavity.
what is a diskectomy?
a surgical procedure that is used frequently to reduce the pain of a herniated disc by surgically removing the intervertebral disk.
What is electromyography?
the measuring of muscle contraction and strength.
define fasciotomy.
a surgical incision into the connective tissue sheath surrounding a muscle called fascia.
What is fracture reduction?
the treatment of fractures by aligning the broken bones to their normal positions.
define myoplasty.
surgical repair of a muscle.
define myorrhapy.
the repair including suturing the ends together in the procedure.
What is NSAID's
the most common pharmacological treatment for any condition including inflammation, or even muscle pain.
What does NSAID mean?
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
what are orthotics?
the field of medical support involving the construction and fitting of orthopaedic appliances to assist a patient such as lifts, limbs, and retraction devices.
what is an ostectomy?
the surgical removal or excision of bone tissue.
what is osteoclasis?
the necessary action of breaking a bone purposley to correct a defect or an improperly healed fracture.
define osteopathy.
the relationship between the musculoskeletal system and overall health with an emphasis on body alignment as well as nutrition.
define osteoplasty.
the surgical repair of bone.
what is podiatry?
the specialty of foot health.
define tenomyoplasty.
the surgical repair of both muscle and tendon.
what is tenorrhapy?
the suturing of a tendon to close a tear.
what is a tenotomy?
often used in a tenorrhapy procedure, tenotomy is making multilple incisions into a tendon.
what is vertebroplasty?
a surgical repair of damaged or diseased vertebrae.
what is malpractice?
professional misconduct or demonstration of an unreasonable lack of skill with the result of injury, loss, or damage to the patient.
define negligence.
unintentional action which occurs when a person either performs or fails to perform an action that a reasonable person would or would not have committed in a similar situation.
what is malfeasance?
performing a wrong and illegal act.
what is misfeasance?
improper performance of a lawful proper act.
what is nonfeasance?
the failure to perform a necessary action.
what are the 4 D's of negligence?
duty, dereliction of duty, direct or proper cause, and damages.
what is duty?
the responsibility established by the physician-patient relationship.
Define dereliction?
a failure to act as any physician in a prudent matter.
what is direct cause?
the continuous sequence of events unbroken by interveing cause that produces an injury and without which the injury would have not occured.
what does res ipsa loquitur mean? and what does it do?
it means the thing speaks for itself. and it applies to the law of negligence.
what are damages?
any injury caused by the defendant.
what is fraud?
delberate concealment of the facts from another person for unlawful or unfair gain.
what does the statement res judicata mean?
the thing has been decided.
what are the two major types of insurance?
claims made insurance, and occurence insurance.
what medical prfession does not work for strictly under a doctor?