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53 Cards in this Set

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Which herb redirects the qi downward and expels phlegm, release wind from the exterior?
a. qian hu
b. zhe bei mu
c. chuan bei mu
d. gua lou
qian hu
Which herb is for cough or wheezing w thick sputum due to the lung heat, for wind heat or wind cold syndromes w coughing and copious sputum?
a. qian hu
b. zhe bei mu
c. chuan bei mu
d. gua lou
qian hu
Which 2 herbs are bitter and cold in nature, clear heat and transform phlegm, dissipates nodules, for cough w sputum or nodules, sores, swellings, scrofula, and LU or breast abscess due to phlegm heat?
a. qian hu
b. zhe bei mu
c. chuan bei mu
d. gua lou
zhe bei mu
chuan bei mu
Which herb is sweet, slightly cold and tends to moisten and is more effective for cough due to lung dryness or chronic cough caused by yin deficiency of the lung, more for chronic yin deficiency?
a. qian hu
b. zhe bei mu
c. chuan bei mu
d. gua lou
chuan bei mu
Which herb is bitter and cold and tends to disperses and is more effective for cough caused by external pathogens or phlegm heat, more for acute excess?
a. qian hu
b. zhe bei mu
c. chuan bei mu
d. gua lou
zhe bei mu
Which herb clears heat and transforms phlegm heat, expands the chest and dissipates nodules, moistens the intestine and unblock the bowel?
a. qian hu
b. zhe bei mu
c. chuan bei mu
d. gua lou
gua lou
Which herb is for coughing w sticky sputum and difficulty expectoration, for stifling or distended sensation, constriction, pain in the chest due to qi and phlegm accumulate in the chest, for abscess in the lung, intestines or breast?
a. qian hu
b. zhe bei mu
c. chuan bei mu
d. gua lou
gua lou
Which herb clear heat, transform the phlegm and moisten intestinges, for cough w sputum due to the phlegm heat?
a. quan gua lou
b. gua lou pi
c. gua lou ren
d. all of the above
all of the above
Which herb is more effective for treating pain in the chest and abscess due to phlegm heat?
a. quan gua lou
b. gua lou pi
c. gua lou ren
quan gua lou
Which herb is more effective for stifling or distended sensation in the chest due to the phlegm heat blocking the qi?
a. quan gua lou
b. gua lou pi
c. gua lou ren
gua lou pi
Which herb is more effective for dry cough w sputum that is difficult to expectorate and constipation?
a. quan gua lou
b. gua lou pi
c. gua lou ren
gua lou ren
Which herb clears and transforms phlegm heat, clears the heart and arrests convulsion?
a. tian zhu huang
b. zhu ru
c. Fu Hai shi
d. qing meng shi
tian zhu huang
Which herb is for spasms and convulsion due to phlegm heat, for wind stroke caused by phlegm heat with phlegm obstruction?
a. tian zhu huang
b. zhu ru
c. Fu Hai shi
d. qing meng shi
tian zhu huang
Which herb clears and transforms phlegm heat and clears heat and stops vomiting?
a. tian zhu huang
b. zhu ru
c. Fu Hai shi
d. qing meng shi
zhu ru
Which herb for cough w sticky sputm due to lung heat, for insomnia, and vomiting due to stomach heat?
a. tian zhu huang
b. zhu ru
c. Fu Hai shi
d. qing meng shi
zhu ru
Which herb clears heat and transforms phlegm heat, soften hardness and dissipates phlegm nodules, promote urination?
a. tian zhu huang
b. zhu ru
c. Fu Hai shi
d. qing meng shi
fu hai shi
Which herb is for cough w sticky sputum due to lung heat, for nodules and scrofula due to phlegm heat, for stone lin syndrome?
a. tian zhu huang
b. zhu ru
c. Fu Hai shi
d. qing meng shi
fu hai shi
Which herb direct qi downward and reduce phlegm, calms liver and supresses jitterness and convulsion?
a. tian zhu huang
b. zhu ru
c. Fu Hai shi
d. qing meng shi
qing meng shi
Which herb is for chronic wheezing and cough due to old and stubborn phlegm, for withdrawl mania, chronic convulsion, or severe palpitations due to clogging and disruption of phlegm heat?
a. tian zhu huang
b. zhu ru
c. Fu Hai shi
d. qing meng shi
qing meng shi
Which herb clears heat and transforms phlegm, soften hardness and dissipates nodules, controls acidity and stops pain?
a. ge ke
b. hai zao
c. kun bu
d. pang da hai
ge ke
Which herb is for cough and wheezing due to phlegm heat, nodules and scrofula due to phlegm heat, acid regurgitation, for superficial edema and lin syndrome?
a. ge ke
b. hai zao
c. kun bu
d. pang da hai
ge ki
Which 2 herbs reduce phlegm, soften areas of hardness and promote urination, for varies kinds of nodules such as goiter and scrofula, and pain associated w hernial disorder, hyperthyroidism?
a. ge ke
b. hai zao
c. kun bu
d. pang da hai
hai zao
kun bu
Which herb is stronger kun bu or hai zao?
kun bu
Which herb clears and disseminates lung qi, clears the intestines and unblocks the bowels?
a. ge ke
b. hai zao
c. kun bu
d. pang da hai
pang dai hai
Which herb is for sore throat, hoarseness, phlegm heat cough and constrained lung qi, for headache, red eyes and toothache due to constipation caused by heat accumulation?
a. ge ke
b. hai zao
c. kun bu
d. pang da hai
pang da hai
Which herb dries dampness, transforms phlegm, and causes rebellious qi to descend, harmonizes the ST and stops vomiting, dissipates nodules and reduces distention?
a. ban xia
b. tian nan xing
c. bai fu zi
d. bai jie zi
ban xia
Which herb is for cough w copious sputum, as in conditions of phlegm cold in Lungs, especially effective in transforming phlegm due to dampness of SP, for lingering phlegm dampness in the ST that rebels upward, causing nausea and vomiting, for nodules, pressure, distention, or pain d/t phlegm lingering in the chest, phlegm nodules in the neck, or obstructions caused by phlegm anywhere in the body, also focal distention in the chest and epigastrium?
a. ban xia
b. tian nan xing
c. bai fu zi
d. bai jie zi
ban xia
Which herb dries dampness and expels phlegm, disperses wind phlegm in the channels and stops spasms, reduces swelling and alleviates pain?
a. ban xia
b. tian nan xing
c. bai fu zi
d. bai jie zi
tian nan xing
Which herb is for cough and a stifling and distended sensation in the chest due to stubborn phlegm, this herb is extremely drying in nature, for disorders in which wind and phlegm obstruct the channels causing dizziness, numbness in the limbs, facial paralysis, spasms in hands or feet, opisthotonos, stroke, seizures, or lockjaw, used topically for such problems as deep rooted sores, ulcers and carbuncles for swelling due to traumatic injury?
a. ban xia
b. tian nan xing
c. bai fu zi
d. bai jie zi
tian nan xing
Which herb dries dampness, transforms phlegm, expels wind, stops spasms, resolves toxicity and disspates nodules?
a. ban xia
b. tian nan xing
c. bai fu zi
d. bai jie zi
bai fu zi
Which herb is for wind phlegm affecting the head resulting in wind strokes, facial paralysis or migraine headache, for scrofula, or other nodules due to phlegm and toxicity?
a. ban xia
b. tian nan xing
c. bai fu zi
d. bai jie zi
bai fu zi
Which herb warms the lungs, regulates the qi, and expels phlegm, dissipates nodules, reduces swelling and alleviates pain?
a. ban xia
b. tian nan xing
c. bai fu zi
d. bai jie zi
bai jie zi
Which herb is for coughing copious and thin sputum, chest distention, and pain due to the accumulation of phlegm cold, for phlegm cold accumulating in the channels w such symptoms as joint pain, body aches, yin type boils, bedsores, or watery, oozing sores?
a. ban xia
b. tian nan xing
c. bai fu zi
d. bai jie zi
bai jie zi
Which herb opens up and disseminates the lung qi and expels phlegm, promotes the discharge of pus, benefits the throat, directs the effect of the herbs to the pper regions of the body?
a. jie geng
b. xuan fu hua
c. bai qian
d.xing ren
jie geng
Which herb is for cough, lung abscess or throat abscess, for sore throat or loss of voice?
a. jie geng
b. xuan fu hua
c. xing ren
d. bai qian
jie geng
Which herb redirects the qi downward and expels phlegm, stops vomiting and calms rebellion?
a. jie geng
b. xuan fu hua
c. xing ren
d. bai qian
xuan fu hua
Which herb is especially useful when phlem accumulates and the qi rebels upward, as in congested fluid disorder w wheezing and copious sputum, for vomiting due cold from deficiency of the ST or SP, or damp SP disorders with vomiting and hiccups?
a. jie geng
b. xuan fu hua
c. xing ren
d. bai qian
xuan fu hua
Which herb redirects the qi downward and expels phlegm, for cough w copious sputum and gurgling in the throat, this is a very important herb for lung qi blockage and stagnation, its used for excessive disorders as well as wheezing, although its slightly warming its not drying?
a. jie geng
b. xuan fu hua
c. xing ren
d. bai qian
bai qian
Which herb stops coughing and calms wheezing, moistens the intestines and unblocks the bowels?
a. jie geng
b. xuan fu hua
c. xing ren
d. bai qian
xing ren
Which herb is for many kinds of cough and for constipation?
a. jie geng
b. xuan fu hua
c. xing ren
d. bai qian
xing ren
Which 2 herbs relieve cough and expel phlegm, for cough of various etiology?
a. zi wan
b. kuan dong hua
c. zi su zi
d. pi ba ye
zi wan
kuan dong hua
Which herb is similar to xing ren stops coughing only from damp cold, and wheezing, redirects the qi downward, and dissolves phlegm, moistens the intestines?
a. zi wan
b. kuan dong hua
c. zi su zi
d. pi ba ye
zi su zi
Which coughing and wheezing w copious sputum and constipation?
a. zi wan
b. kuan dong hua
c. zi su zi
d. pi ba ye
zi su zi
Which herb transforms phlegm, clears heat, and redirects lung qi downward, stops cough, harmonizes the stomach, clears stomach qi and redirects stomach qi downward?
a. zi wan
b. kuan dong hua
c. zi su zi
d. pi ba ye
pi ba ye
Which herb is for cough due to lung heat, for nausea, vomiting, hiccough and belching due to stomach heat?
a. zi wan
b. kuan dong hua
c. zi su zi
d. pi ba ye
pi ba ye
Which herb moistens the lung and stops coughing, expels parasites and kills lice?
a. bai bu
b. sang bai pi
c. ting li zi
d. li lu
bai bu
Which herb is for cough due to yin deficiency, for head or body lice?
a. bai bu
b. sang bai pi
c. ting li zi
d. li lu
bai bu
Which herb stops coughing and wheezing and drains heat from the lung, promotes urination and reduces edema?
a. bai bu
b. sang bai pi
c. ting li zi
d. li lu
sang bai pi
Whichh herb is for coughing and wheezing and due to lung heat, for edema, facial edema due to lung heat obstructs the downward movement of lung qi, hypertension?
a. bai bu
b. sang bai pi
c. ting li zi
d. li lu
sang bai pi
Which herb drains the lungs, reduces phlegm and calms wheezing, moves water and reduces edema?
a. bai bu
b. sang bai pi
c. ting li zi
d. li lu
ting li zi
Which herb is for wheezing or coughing with copious sputum and gurgling sound in the throat due to phlegm accumulation or lung heat, for facial edema or fluid accumulation in the chest and abdomen?
a. bai bu
b. sang bai pi
c. ting li zi
d. li lu
ting li zi
Which herb induces vomiting to treat wind phlegm, kills parasites and stops itching?
a. bai bu
b. sang bai pi
c. ting li zi
d. li lu
li lu
Which herb for wind stroke, seizures and sore throat due to swelling of phlegm, for ingestion of poisons, for scabies, tinea, and lice?
a. bai bu
b. sang bai pi
c. ting li zi
d. li lu
li lu