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23 Cards in this Set

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Who was Alexander Hamilton?
- Secratary of Treasury under Washington & adams
- established federal bank
- gathered all debt to make national debt
- added alcohol tax for gov revenue
WHo were The Founding Fathers?
- writers of the Constitution
- delegates for constitution from each state
What was The Virginia Plan?
- plan presented by virginia delegates Edmund Randolph & James Madison
- suggested gov have executive, judicial, and Legislative (w/ 2 houses) branches
what was The Great Compromise?
- compromise b/tween big & little states:
- Congress made of House of Reps (according to pop.) upperhouse = Senate (fixed number of reps)
- slaves = 3/5s of a person
Who was James Madison?
- 5th pres
- writer of Constitution
- came up w/ Virginia Plan
What was Sovereignty?
- amount of power given to any one governmental body in comparison to the other bodies
- wanted people to have the real power
What was Separation of Powers?
- based on Rochambeau's idea
- separated power between 3 branches
- Judicial, Executive, Legislative
- make sure they keep eachother in check
WHo were the Federalists?
pro- central government
 Members: Ben Franklin, George Washington, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay
 Madison+Hamilton+Jay published under name “Publius” and wrote The Federalist Papers
• Meant as an effort to counter powerful arguments of those opposed to Constitution (especially those in New York)
Who were Anti Federalists?
: name given to them by Federalists implying that they could only offer chaos and opposition
 Actually had very legitimate arguments
• Claimed new big central government would raise taxes, favor rich, be tyrannical
• Wanted a bill of rights to ensure this wouldn’t happen
• Believed that any government could put end to individual liberty
What were The Federalist Papers?
Madison+Hamilton+Jay published under name “Publius” and wrote The Federalist Papers
• Meant as an effort to counter powerful arguments of those opposed to Constitution (especially those in New York)
- said that ANti federalists could only offer chaos w/ small gov :P
What was The Bill of Rights?
- list of rights assured to people by the constitution, 1st ten amendments
WHat was The Cabinet?
- - Created 3 departments for executive branch
o The Cabinet – Secretary of State (Thomas Jefferson), Treasury(Alexander Hamilton), War (General Henry Knox), Attorney General (Edmund Randolph), Postmaster General
- under Washington's pres
What is the Bank of the United States 1790’s
- tax purposes, bonds, loans, currency for businesses
- established by Alexander Hamilton (Sec. of Treasury)
- issued bonds and stuff
What was the Whiskey Rebellion?
- rebellion of farmers & small business men who didnt want to pay the alcohol tax
- washington came in with a force of 15000 and put the down the rebellion b4 anyone even started fighting
Who was Citizen Genet?
-during French & Brit war Washington declared US as neutral
- Genet didn't observe that and he came to US with intentions to hire American ship-owners as French privateers, ignoring the act, Washington (federalist) got pissed but before he could do anything Genet was long gone w/ his supporters (the republicans, no less)
What was Jay’s Treaty?
- treaty w/ british negotiated by John Jay
- was ratified with much opposition, produced okay-ish commercial relationship w/ Britain, but didn’t really get everything they wanted done
- kept all out war form happenin b/c brits kept seizing Amer trading ships b/c they were trading w/ france during frenchy/brit war
What was Pinckney’s Treaty?
- treaty between Spain & US
- said that US merchants could use Mississippi & New Orleans port for trade
- spainish gov had to stop indian raids accross the border
- florica boundery & 31 parrellel
What was The Quasi War?
- undeclared war w/ france where US expanded navy & coorporated w/ brits to capture 85 french ships, agreed to a treaty W/ napoleon b4 things excalated too far
What was The XYZ Affair?
- 3 delegates sent to France to negotiate treaty b/c france was grumpy that US & spain were chummy b/c Pickney's treaty, but French officers demandeda bribe which the delegates refused
WHat were the Alien and Sedition Acts?
- Alien Act – placed new obstacles in the way of those wishing to become American citizens, gave pres bigger hand in dealing w/ aliens
- Sedition Act – allowed government to prosecute those involved in treason
- made foreigners want to come less
What were the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions?
- said that Alien & Sedition acts were unconstitutional they had no power and were null and void
Who was Aaron Burr?
- vice pres of Jefferson
- radical federalist of Essex Junto group
- ran, but lost as New York Governor
- part of effort of New England (taking NY & NJersy w/ it) to secede, failed
- charged as traitor when accused of attempting to attack New Orleans
WHat was The Judiciary Act of 1801?
- judiciary branch left Federalist aft. Adams left office b/c right before Adams left he finished appointing a bunch of Federalist judges, which he and the Congress Federalists had been working on for so long to change the system to their advantage
- midnight appointments