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44 Cards in this Set

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What kind of chromosomes do prokaryotes have?

A singular circular chromosome attatched to the cell membrane.

What kind of chromosomes do eukaryotic cells have?

Eukaryotic cells contain linear chromosomes within a nucleus.

How do prokaryotes reproduce?

Binary fission

What is the process of binary fission?

DNA is replicated, cell elongates and pinches into two daughter cells.

Complementary base paring makes it possible to what?

Produce two identical strands by seperating the parent molecule and using each strand as a template to build a new complementary strand.

Which domain has the most DNA and organize it into linear chromosomes within the nucleus.


What are two types of eukaryotic cells?

Somatic, reproductive

What are somatic cells?

The cells forming the body of the organism.

What are reproductive cells?

Are the sex cells

What is a eukaryotes cell cycle?

1) gap 1, 2) S shape (DNA synthesis), 3) gap 2, 4) mitosis, 5) cytokinesis

What is Gap 1?

The cells primary growth phase. Normal cellular functions take place.

What is S phase (DNA synthesis)?

The cell begins preperations for division. Every chromosome creates an exact duplicate of itself in a process called replication.

What is gap 3?

Second period of growth and preperation for cell division.

What is mitosis?

The parent cells nucleus with its duplicated chromosomes divides.

What is cytokinesis?

The cytoplasm is divided into two daughter cells, each of which has a complete set of the parent cell's DNA and other cellular structures.

What are the three checkpoints that regulate the cell cycle in eukaryotes?

G1/S checkpoint, G2/M checkpoint, and spindle assembly checkpoint

How many cells does mitosis end up with?


What is interphase?

The genetic material is replicated during the DNA synthesis portion of interphase.

What are the 4 steps in mitosis?

1) Chromosomes condense, 2) Chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell, 3) Each chromosome is pulled apart from its duplicate, 4) New nuclear membranes form around each complete set of chromosomes and the cell divides.

What is prophase?

The first step to mitosis, Nuclear membrane breaks down, sister chromatids condense, spindle forms

What is metaphase?

Second step in mitosis, sister chromatids line up at the center of the cell.

What is anaphase?

Third step of mitosis, the sister chromatids pairs are pulled apart by the spindle fibers. One full set of chromosomes goes to one side of the cell and another identicle set goes to another.

What is telophase?

The fourth step to mitosis, the chromosomes begin to uncoil as the nuclear membrane reassembles around them, the cell begins to pinch into two.

Eukaryotic somatic cells alternate in a cycle bt

Between ____ ________ and _____ ____ __________.

Cell dividion, other cell activities

Eukaryotic somatic cells alternate in a cycle bt

Between ____ ________ and _____ ____ __________.

Cell dividion, other cell activities

Wha it the ultimate result of mitosis and cytokinesis?

The production of to genetically identical cells.

What is the definition of cancer?

Unrestrained cell growth and division.

What can cancer do?

Cause damage to adjacent tissues.

Cancer often results from what?

Mutations to genes important in cintrolling the cell cycle, thus reducing the effectiveness of the checkpoints.

What are the two important outcomes in meiosis?

1. It reduces the amount of genetic material in ganetes. 2. It produces gametes that all differ from each other with respect to the combinations of alleles they carry.

What are the steps to meiosis?

Interphase, meiosis 1, meiosis 2

What happens in interphase of Meiosis?

Each chromosome in a homologous pair replicates to form a sister chromatid.

What happens in Meiosis 1?

In the first division of meiosis, the homologous pairs seperate.

What happens in meiosis 2?

In the second division of meiosis, the sister chrimatids seperate. This results in four haploid cells, each containing just one cipy of each chromosome, rather than a homologous pair.

What is the phases in meiosis?

Interphase, prophase I, metaphase I, anaphase I, telophase I and cytokinesis, prophase II, metaphase II , Anaphase II, telophase and cytokinesis.

What does meosis result in?


What does crossing over during the first prophase of meiosis create?

Gametes with combinations of traits that may never have existed before.

How is sex determined in humans?

Individuals have two copies of the sex chromosome in every cell. (X,X) female (X,Y) male

Does the sex determination depend on the father or mother?


What happens if someone has a one gamete and is missing the other?

Turner syndrome, short height, web of skin between neck and shoulders, underdeveloped ovaries; often sterile, some learning difficulties.

What happens if someone gets two X chromosomes and a Y?

Klinefelter syndrome, underdeveloped testes, lower testosterone levels, development of some female features, long limbs and slightly taller than average.

What happens when a person gets one X chromosome and two Y chromosomes?

XYY male, taller than average, moderate to severe acne, intelligence may be slightly lower than average, sometimes called "super males"

What happens if a person gets three X chromosomes?

XXX Female, may be sterile, no obvious physical or mental problems, sometimes called "metafemales. "

How is down syndrome caused?

By having an extra copy of chromosome 21.