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94 Cards in this Set

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Microbial growth


Increase in cell size



Increase in cell number

2 types of requirements for growth

Physical factors

Chemical factors

Cardinal temperatures

Minimum growth temp

Optimum growth temp

Maximum growth temp

Minimum growth temp

Lowest temp that a specific organism can grow

Optimum growth temp

Ideal temp for FASTEST growth of a specific organism

Maximum growth temp

Max temp that a specific organism can grow

Physical requirement for growth



Osmotic pressure


Cold loving

0 degrees Celsius --> 20 - 30 degrees Celsius


Moderate loving

20 degrees Celsius ---> 40 - 45 degrees celcius


Specific for those that prefer human body temp


-Heat loving

-40 degrees Celsius ---> under 80 degrees Celsius

-Anything over 65 degrees Celsius is an extreme thermophile

- above 110 degrees Celsius is protein denature


Most bacteria grow between 6.5 and 7.5


Do well in alkaline environment

Few are higher than pH8

Molds and yeasts pH

Fungi kingdom

pH 5 &6

Only slightly acidic

What maintains pH homeostasis?


Work with hydrogen ions


Below 4 pH

Very few can grow at this environment


Concentrations of solutes




More solutes


Less solutes

In a hypertonic solution, microbes undergo?



Shrinkage of the cell's cytoplasm.

Separates cell membrane from cell wall

Most kill the organs


Salt loving

Can survive in hypertonic solutiin

Availability vs presence of water?

Just because something is there doesn't mean it's available

All organisms need what chemical requirements?



Phosphorus + sulfur

Carbon makes up how much if dey weight?

Makes up 50% of dey weight of a bacteria cell

What is carbon needed for?

Needed for all the organic compounds that a cell has to be able to make to survive.

Obtained from one or two sources: organic materials.

CO2 and organic compounds

Niteogen makes up bow much of dry weight?

Makes uo 14% of dey weight of a bacteria cell

What is nitrogen us needed for?

Needed for synthesis of proteins, nucleic acids & ATP.

Obtained from soil, protein catabolism and nitrogen fixation

Nitrogen fixation

Taking nitrogen from gas and use into a usable source

Rhizobium is a genus that does what?

Uses nitrogen fixation

Phosphorus + Sulfur makes up how much of dry weight?

4% of dry weight of bacterial cell

Phosphorus + Sulfur needed for what?

Needed for nucleic acid synthesis, production of phospholipids (cell membrane)

On the basis of oxygen requirements, organisms are classified as?

Obligate aerobes

Obligate anaerobes

Facultative anaerobes

Aerotolerant anaerobes


Obligate aerobes

Require oxygen to live

Growth is at top, as close as they can get to oxygen

Obligate anaerobes

No oxygen

As far as they can get from oxygen

Facultative anaerobes

Grow better with oxygen.

But can reproduce with limiting amounts.

Do better with oxygen.


A little bit of oxygen to reproduce

Aerotolerant anaerobes

Does not grow in presence of oxygen, but oxygen doesn't kill them

Using oxygen for aerobic respiration produces what?

Toxic byproduct


Free radicals (O2) are by products of aerobic respiration.

Superoxide dismutase (SOD)

Type of enzyme.

Helps aerobes break down superoxide free radicals.

Free radicals produce what after being broken down by superoxide dismutase?

Produces H2O2 after broken down

Peroxide anions O2 2-

Catalase and peroxidase.

Breaks down the toxic anions (H2O2) in order to survive with oxygen

Hydroxyl radicals (OH-)

Very strong oxidizing agents, cause damage in cells

Free radicals

Atoms or molecules with unpaired electrons. Highly reactive.

What are free radicals symbolized by?

By a dot.

Culture media

Any material prepared for the growth of bacteria in a lab


Microbes that grow and multiply in or on a culture medium


A solidifying agent for a culture medium that comes from seaweed


Picky, difficult to grow

Chemically defined culture media

Exact amount of each chemical component is known

Reducing media

Used for growing an aerobic media (decreases amount of oxygen)

Complex media

The exact amount of chemical composition is not known.

Most bacteria and fungi are grown with this tyoe of medium

Selective media

Inhibit growth if certain organisms and encourage growth of others

Example: EMB

Eosin Methylene Blue

Inhibit gram positive bacteria

Selects for gram negative bacteria

Rose media

Inhibits gram negative

Selective for gram positive bacteria

Differential media

Differentiates between different organisms growing on the same plate

Differential media allows growth of what?

Growth of certain organisms based on biochemical reaction

Enriched media

Indicates additional ingredients in media used primarily used for fastidious organisms

Example: blood agar plates

Alpha hemolytic

Incomplete lysis of RBC's.

Greenish halo.

More noticeable from bottom

Beta hemolytic

Complete lysis of RBC's

Clear zone around growth

Gamma hemolytic

No lysis of RBC's

No results

Mannitol salt agar

Used to identify halophiles.

7.5% salt concentration, inhibits most bacteria.

PH indicator: phenol red turns yellow when acid is produced


Groups of cells from single species

Pure cultures

One strain of a species

Usually obtained by streak plates

Microbes can be preserved for long periods of time by?

Deep- freezing 50 degrees celcius to 94 degrees Celsius.



Deep frozen then dehydrated then stored in sealed container.

End product is powder substance

Bacterial division

Growth of bacterial cultures such as binary fission.

Some bacteria reproduce by budding, aerial spore formation or fragmentatiin

Population growth

Increase of # of cells of a group of organisms of same species in same location

Cell growth

Hypertrophy of cell (increase in size)

Growth rate

Increase in cell number (hyperplasia) per unit time (min, hours, days)

Generation time

Time required for population to double in number.

Average time for population to double is 20 minutes

Logarithmic representation of bacterial populations

Bacterial division occurs according to a logarithmic progression

4 phases of growth

Lag phase

Log phase

Stationary phase

Death phase

Lag phase

Little to no hypoplasia.

A lot of metabolic activity cells start to reproduce, hypertrophy does occur

Log (exponential growth) phase

Every cell (population) has completed their generation time doubled in number

Stationary phase

Hyperplasia (new cell rate = death rate)

Death phase

Number of deaths are for greater than that of new cells

Direct measurement of microbial growth

Plate count



Serial dilution

Plate count

Reflects number of viable organisms

Pour plate

Organism is put into Petri plate, warm broth media is put into plate.

Warmth can kill bacteria.

Organism are on bottom.

Don't know if alive or dead

Spread plate method

Media already solidified.

Occulation in surface


Mixed culture.

Determine if one od these organism will be reproducing.

Depends on what type of organism depends on the filtration


Direct microscopic count.

Count every single organism.

Dead or alive.

Human error can occur.

Recounts can occur.

Serial dilutions

Systematic dilutions


Used to determine turbidity.

Pass light through tubs, measure light

Metabolic activity of the population

Eyeballing how many organisms are there by thw metabolism it has undergone

Dry weight

Filamentous bacteria and molds.

Dehydrate organism and weigh it


Relationship between 2 organisms


( + + )

Both benefit


( + 0 )

One benefits, other one doesn't either way


( + - )

One benefits, other is harmed