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18 Cards in this Set

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Types of Muscles




Muscle Fibers are..
elongated, rod-shaped cells that form skeletal muscles made of myofibrils
made of sarcomeres

basic unit of muscle contractions

-made of two proteins: Actin(thin filament) and Myosin(thick filament)

Types of muscle contractions

-isotonic concentric: when muscle contracts to shorten

-isotonic eccentric: when muscle generates tension but lengthens

-isometric: muscle exerts force to counteract opposing force

Proprioceptors are..
specialized sensory receptors found in joints, muscles and tendons
Muscle Spindles are...
proprioceptors made of mtpl modified muscle fibers enclosed in a blanket of connective tissue
Factors related to strength:

-neural control

-muscle size

-muscle length

Neural Control:

muscle force is greater when:

-more motor units are involves in a contraction

-motor units are bigger

-motor units fire at a faster rate

*most gains are made in the first few weeks due to neural adaptations

Muscle size
force a muscle can generate is related to its size
Muscle Length
muscles generates its greatest force @ its resting length (bc actin+myosin fibers lie next to each-other+potentioal crossbridges are exposed)
Fast twitch

-ATP is produces @ faster rate

-contract quickly+produce great force

-fatigue quickly

-work anaerobically

Slow twitch

-more mitochondria+capillaries for O2 delivery

-contract slow+smaller force

-resistant to fatigue

-work aerobically

Benefits of Resistance training:

-increased strength

-CNS+PNS systems strengthen

-postural stability

-injury prevention

-c integrity

-muscle memory

Increased strength due to:

-muscle fiber size

-muscle contractile strenght

-coordination among muscle groups

-tendons+ligament contractile strength

-bone strength

Muscular Strength
max amount of force that a muscle/muscle group can exert
Muscular Power
explosiveness of strength (power=force x distance)
Muscular Endurance
ability to repeatedly exert force over a period of time