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23 Cards in this Set

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What happens to the red bone marrow when you get older and where do adults make red bone marrow

Most red bone marrow other child turns to yellow bone marrow

Adult red bone marrow is found in the E flat bone of the skull, vertebra, rib, sternum, hip, proximal end of humerus and femur

Types of tissue in the skeletal system and some functions

Mostly connective tissue but smooth muscle to push blood

Supports weight, produces movement, mineral storage

Two main minerals stored in Bones and what they're used for

90% of minerals of calcium and phosphate are stored in the bone

Calcium is used for muscle contraction, blood clotting, nerve impulse transmission

Phosphate need to atp utilisation

What happens when there is either calcium or phosphate and isolation

Bone formation occurs make a kidney stones

What is in cartilage and what are three functions

Semi rigid with chondroblasts

Three functions are supportsoft issue, gliding surface of articulating joints, provide model for formation for most bones in body AKA rough draft

Difference between chondroblasts and chondrocytes

Chondroblasts produce The Matrix and when they are done that building cartilage they turn into chondrocytes

Aka the chondrocytes are the retired form

Difference between tendon, ligaments, aponeurosis

Tendon is bone

Ligament is bone to bone

Both are chords with dense regular tissue

Aponeurosis is muscle muscle and it's a sheet

Four types of bone description

Cortex vs. Medulla

Cortex is outside manoulas inside

Endosteum versus periosteum

Periosteum is the outside layer of the surface and endosteum is the cellular membrane that covers the internal surface

What's a osteoprogenitor

Is the stem cell of the bone in makes the new osteoblasts when you break bone

Osteoblast vs. Osteoclast

Osteoblast make the new bone and become osteocytes

Osteoclast break down bone and I multi new healer

Description of ostyeclasts

Break down bone, multi nuclear, they secrete HCL to dissolve bone mineral, it's a resorption, lysosomes in osteoclast secrete enzymes to dissolve organic compounds AKA collagen

Not the bad guy

Describe flat bone layers

Haversian canals

Valkmanns canal

What is bone ossification and 2 kinds/ where does it occur

It is the creation of bone


happens within the membrane of flat bone, cranial

Endochondral: cartilage gets replaced by bone.

Two different ways bone grow

Diameter increase called apposition

New bone lamella

Endochondral growth - increase length, within cartilage

Two different modes of opposition

Bone deposited by osteoblasts, bone resorbed by osteoclasts (shape bone)

Six steps of endochondral ossification

Fetal hyaline cartilage model develops

Diaphysis outside becomes bony and more chondrocytes

Blood vessels penetrate diaphysis inform primary ossification site

Blood vessels go to proximal and distal ends two create secondary office acacian sites

Middle cartilage turns to Bone completely but ends are still cartilage AKA growth plates AKA leaves articulating cartilage

Epiphyseal plate forms bone stops growing blood can flow through the hole bone now

What are the irregular bones?

What is sesamoid bone

Flat bones

Long bones

Short bones
