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23 Cards in this Set

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acute stress disorder
new in DSM IV a short lived anxiety reaction to a traumatic event; if it lasts more than a mounth it is diagnosed as post traumatic stress disorder
a clusterof fears centering on being in open spaces and leaving the home- often linked to panic disorder
an unpleasant feeling or fear and apprehension accompanied by increased physiological arousal. in learning theory it is considered a drive that mediates between a threatening situation and avoidance behavior can be assessed by self reporting, by measuring physiological arousal and by observing overt behavior
anxiety disorder
disorders where fear or tension is overriding and the primary disturbance; phobic disorders, panic disorders, generalized anxiety disorder, ovsessive compulsive disorder, acute stress disorder, post traumatic stress disorder= examples; form a major category in DSM IV TR ad cover most of what used to be called neuroses
tranquilizers; drugs that reduce anxiety
autonomic lability
tendency for ANS to be easily aroused
te cooccurenece of 2 disorders, as when a person is both depressed and alcoholic
th irrestiable impulse to repeat an irrational act again and again
dissociated disorder where the individual loses a sense of reality and feels estranged from the self and perhaps separted from the body; may be a temp reaction to stress/fatigue or part of a panic disorder, depersaonlization disorder, or schizophrenia
loss of the sense that the surrounding are real; present in several psychological disorders such as panic disorder, depersonalization disorders, and schizophrenia
a behavior therapy procedure in which a fearful person is exposed to what is frightening in reality or in imagination, for extended periods of time and without opportunity for escape
general anxiety disorder (GAD)
anxiety disorder where anxiety is so chronic and persistent and pervasive that it seems free floating. indiv is jittery and strained distractible and worried that something bad is about to happen. a pounding heart, fast pulse, and breathing sweating flushing muscle aches a lump in the throat and upset gastrointestinal tract are some of the bodily indications of this extreme anxiety
old term for a large group of non psychotic disorders characterized by unrealistic anxiety and other associated probs for example phobic avoidances, obsessions, and compulsions i.e. anxiety disorders
an intrusive and recurring thought that seems irrational and uncontrollable to the person experiencing it
obsessive compuslive disorder (OCD)
anxiety disorder where the mind is flooded with persistent and uncontrollable thoughts or the individual is compelled to repeat certain acts again and again causing significant distress and interference with everyday functioning
panic disorder
an anxiety disorder where the indiv has sudden and inexplicable attacks of jarring symptoms such as difficulty breathing, heart palpitations, dizziness, trembling, terror, and feelings of impending doom. in DSM IV TR said to occur with or without agoraphobia
an anxiety disorder where there is intense fear and avoidance of specific objects and situations recognized as irrational by the indiv
post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
anxiety disorder where a particularly stressful event such as military combat, rape or natural disaster brings in its aftermath intrusive reexperiencings of the trauma and a numbing of repsonsiveness to the outside world, estrangement from others, and a tendency to be easily starled and nightmares, recurrent dreams and otherwise disturbed sleep
school phobia
an acute irrational dread of attending school, usually accompanied by somatic complaints-- most common childhood phobia
selective mutism
a pattern of continuously refusing to speak in almost all social situations including shcool even though child understands spoken language and is able to speak
social phobia
a collection of fears linked to the prescence of other people
specific phobia
unwarranted fear and avoidance of specific object or circumstance for example fear of nonposionous snakes or fear of heights
vicarious learning
learning by observing the reactions of others to stimuli by listening to what they say