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9 Cards in this Set

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Alexander Hamilton
* was the first u.s secretary of the treasury
* a founding father
* economist
* he was a political philosopher
* he was a leader of the nationalist forces calling for new constitutional
The Found Fathers
* George washington\
*john adams
* james madison
* thomas jefferxson
*alexander hamilton
* benjamin franklin
* john hancock
The Virginia Plan
* it was signied in 1787
* it was for the notable for its role in setting the overall agenda for the debate in the convention
* the idea was to expand the population weighted representation.
The Great Compromise
* it was an agreement between the large and small states reached during the consitutional convention in 1787
* it defined that in the part the legislative structure and repesentation that each state would have under the united states consitution.
* in the end it proposed a bicmeral legislature resulting in the current united states senate and house of representatives.
James Madison
* he was an american politician and political philosopher
* he was the fourth presidant in the united states
* he was consiterd one of the founding fathers.
* he was the pricipal authors of the u.s constitution
* he was often called the father of the constitution,
* in 1788 he wrote over a third of the federalist papers
*its the equality of having supreme, independance authority over a geograpthic area
* like a territory
* it could be found in a power to rule and make law tjay rests on a political fact for which no purely legal expansion can be provided.
Separtation of Powers
* its a model for the governance of bothe democratic and federative states.
* describes several political belefs around
* it might refer to the concept of government call federalist
*theres also a type of government called a federation.
Anti Federalist