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23 Cards in this Set

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Alexander Hamilton?
He played a key role in the early formation of the American Government.
The Founding Fathers?
They were the delegates of the Constitutional Convention of Philadelphia in 1787.
The Virginia Plan?
It was a plan for new national government that would enforce and make laws and collect taxes.
The Great Compromise?
It was an idea that each state would bring an equal representative to the senate.
James Madison?
He was the most influential contributor of the United States Constitution.
Citizen Genet?
He was an ambassador from the french republic sent to our government.
Jay's Treaty?
It stopped a lot of controversy from America and Great Britain.
It is the ultimate authority or rulership over someone or something.
Seperation of Powers?
It's the power of the three branches in the government.
They were the people that supported George Washington and the constitution. they believed in a strong central government.
People who opposed the adotion of the United States constitution.
The Federalists Powers?
It was comprised documents and letters from men who thought that federalism would have been the best system for the US.
The Bill of Rights?
It was a document of ten ammendments that gave freedom to people of many things. It was written in 1215 in England.
The Cabinet?
It is an advisory group selected by the president and confirmed by the senate to aid making decisions.
Bank of the United States of 1970's??
It was the first bank of the Untied States and is now a historic landmark located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Whiskey Rebellion?
It was a rebellion by farmers because of the raise in taxes of whiskey.
Pinckney's treaty?
It was a treaty by San Lorenzo on October 27th, 1795 that created intentions of friendships between United States and Spain.
The Quasi war?
The United States took formal steps of military penetration which led to fighting on the high seas.
The XYZ Affair?
The three French spies were nicknamed X, Y, and Z. They were sent to speak to US delegates.
Alien and Sedition acts?
Congress passed these acts while under the threat of war with France. It was to quell political opposition.
Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions?
They were political statements drafted in 1798 and 1799.
Aaron Burr?
He fought in the war for American Independence and then took up law and politics at New York.
The Judiciary act of 1801?
It was also known as the Circuit court act passed at the verty end of John Adam's administration.