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66 Cards in this Set

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The stomach secretes: _____________, ______________, ______________, _____________, __________, and _____________.

1. Hydrochloric acid (HCL): digestion

2. Bicarbonate: mucus that coats & lubricates the gastric surface of the stomach

3. Pepsinogen: enzyme that degrades protein into peptides

4. Intrinsic factor: mediates absorption of VB12

5. Prostaglandins: lipid compounds

There are three stomach glands: ____________, ___________, ______________.

1. Cardiac: where content of the esophagus empty into the stomach

2. Pyloric: lower section of the organ and facilitate

3. Gastric: The cells of the gastric gland are the largest in number

The cells of the gastric gland: ____________, _____________, _______________, ____________, and ___________.

1. Parietal

2. Chief

3. Mucous

4. Endocrine

5. Enterochromaffin

The ___________ cells produce and secrete HCL. This is the primary site of action for many of the drugs used to treat acid- related disorders.


The ______ cells secrete pepsinogen, which is a proenzyme. Pepsinogen becomes ________ when activated by exposure to acid. Pepsin breaks down __________ (proteolytic).

1. Chief

2. Pepsin

3. Proteins

The ________ cells are mucus-secreting cells, that provide a __________ mucus coat, and protect against self-digestion by HCL and digestive enzymes.

1. Mucous

2. Protective

_____________ acid is secreted by __________ cells when stimulated by ________, _________, ___________, and _______________. Acidity aids in the ________ digestion of food and _________ against microbial infection via GI tract, so maintain the stomach at pH of ____ to ____.

1. Hydrochloric

2. Parietal

3. Food

4. Caffeine

5. Chocolate

6. Alcohol 7. Proper 8. Defense 9. 1 - 4

The ph of the system is _______ to ______.

7.25 - 7.35

_________ _______ disease are gastric or duodenal ulcers that involve digestion of the GI mucosa by the enzyme pepsin.

Peptic Ulcer

_____________ _________ is a bacteria found in the GI tract. First line therapy includes 10 to 14 day course of ______________ and __________.

1. Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori)

2. Proton Pump Inhibitor

3. Antibiotics

_________________ mucosal damage are common finding in ICU patients, which are influenced by _____________, _____________, _____________, and _______________. _______________ and __________ predispose patients to GI bleeding. A _______ drug or ____________ are given for prevention.

1. Stress-related

2. Decreased blood flow

3. Mucosal ischemia

4. Hypoperfusion

5. Reperfusion Injury

6. Nasogastric tubes (NG) 7. Ventilators

8. H2- receptor blocking 9.Proton Pump Inhibitor

Types of Acid-Controlling Drugs are: _________, ______________, __________________.

1. Antacids

2. H2 blocking

3. Proton Pump Inhibitors

________ is a basic compound used to neutralize stomach acid, such as salts of _____________, ______________, __________ and/or ___________. Many antacid preparation also contain the antiflatulent (antigas) drug ________________.

1. Antacids

2. Aluminum

3. Magnesium

4. Calcium

5. Sodium bicarbonate

6. Simethicone

_________ do not prevent the ______________ of acid, but instead help to _________ acid secretions. Antacids promote gastric mucosal ________ mechanisms, and stimulate secretion of _________, ____________, and ____________.

1. Antacids

2. Overproduction

3. Neutralize

4. Defense

5. Mucus: protective barrier against HCL

6. Bicarbonate: helps buffer acidic properties of HCL

7. Prostaglandins: prevent activation of proton pump

________ reduce pain associated with acid-related disorders. They raise the gastric pH _____ point (1.3-2.3).

1. Antacids

2. 1

Reducing acidity reduces pain as a result of: ____________ inhibition of the protein- digesting ability of pepsin, _______ in the resistance of the stomach lining to irritation, _________ in the tone of the cardiac sphincter.

1. Base-mediated

2. Increase

3. Increase

Antacids are available in the following OTC forms:

1. Capsules and tablets

2. Powders

3. Chewable tablets

4. Suspensions

5. Effervescent granules and tablets

________________ salts have a constipating effect, which is why they are often use with _____________ to counteract constipation. Also recommended for patients with _________ disease (more easily excreted).

1. Aluminum

2. Magnesium

3. Renal

Antacids Aluminum Salts examples:

1. Aluminum carbonate: Basaljel

2. Hydroxide salt: AlternaGEL

3. (Aluminum+Magnesium): Gavison, Maalox, Mylanta, Di-Gel

With renal disease you want to avoid the following antacids:

1. Sodium salts

2. Magnesium salts

3. Calcium salts

_____________ commonly causes diarrhea, and is dangerous when used with __________ disease, because the failing kidney cannot excrete extra magnesium, resulting in accumulation.

1. Magnesium Salts

2. Renal

Antacids Magnesium Salts examples:

1. Hydroxide salt: magnesium hydroxide (Milk of Magnesia)

2.Carbonate salt: Gavison

3. (Al+Mg): Maalox Mylanta

______________ come in many forms, but _____________ is the most common. May cause constipation, and kidney stones, not recommended for pts with _______ disease. Long duration of acid action, may cause ___________ gastric acid secretion. Often advertised as an ________ source of dietary calcium.

1. Calcium Salts

2. Carbonate

3. Renal

4. Increase

5. Extra

Antacid Calcium Salts example:

Tums (calcium carbonate)

_______________ are highly ________ and buffer the acidic properties of _____. Sodium Bicarbonate has a quick _____, but ______ duration, and may cause metabolic ___________. Sodium content may cause problems in patients with ____________, ________, or __________ insufficiency.

1. Sodium Bicarbonate

2. Soluble

3. HCL

4. Onset

5. Short

6. Alkalosis 7. HF 8. HTN 9. Renal

A patient who has chronic renal failure wants to self-treat with an antacid for occasional heartburn. Which medication is the best choice for this patient?

An aluminum- containing antacid

*Aluminum & sodium based antacids are recommended for patients with renal compromise bc they are more easily excreted.

__________ are used to relieve the painful symptoms associated with gas.


__________ is used to relieve to gas.


Adverse effects of ___________ and __________ is constipation.

1. Aluminum

2. Calcium

Adverse effects of __________ is diarrhea.


Adverse effects of _______________ is gas and belching, so the antacids is often combined with _____________.

1. Calcium carbonate

2. Simethicone

Antacids interact with other drugs by __________ other drugs to antacids, which ______ the ability of the other drugs to be absorbed into the body.

1. Absorbing

2. Reduces

_________ is chemical binding of another drug and produces insoluble complexes, which results in reduced drug absorption.

Chelation (binding)

Antacids ________ stomach pH, ________ absorption of basic drugs, ___________ absorption acidic drugs. Also it _________ urinary pH, increase excretion of _____ drugs, and decreased excretion of ______ drugs.

1. Increase

2. Increase

3. Decrease

4. Increase

5. Acidic

6. Basic

_____________ reduce acid secretion, and are available OTC in lower dosage forms.

Histamine 2 Receptor Blockers

H2 Receptor Blocker drugs

1. Tagamet

2. Axid

3. Pepcid

4. Zantac

_____________ competitively block the H2 receptor of acid producing parietal cells, ________ Hydrogen ion secretion from parietal cells, ______ the pH of the stomach, and is relief of many symptoms associated with hyperacidity-related conditions.

1. H2 receptor blockers

2. Reduce

3. Increase

_________ suppresses acid secretion in the stomach.

H2 receptor blockers

Use H2 receptor blockers for:


2. PUD

3. Erosive esophagitis

4. Adjunct therapy to control upper GI bleeding

5. Zollinger-Ellison sydrom (tumors in stomach)

Adverse effects of _______________ are confusion and disorientation in elderly patients, impotence and gynecomastia induced by Tagamet, and thrombocytopenia (platelet level drops) with Zantac and Pepcid.

H2 Antagonists

_______ binds with P-459 microsomal oxidase system in the liver, resulting in inhibited oxidation of many drugs and increased drug levels.


All ______ antagonists may inhibit the absorption of drugs that require an acidic GI environment for absorption.


_________ is an anti-fungal that can inhibit absorption, but requires acidic GI environment for gastric absorption.


__________ has been shown to decrease the effectiveness of H2 blockers. Also, for optimal results H2 antagonists are taken ____ to ____ hours before antacids.

1. Smoking

2. 1

3. 2

When working with an elderly patient who has been admitted for a possible GI bleed, the nurse identifies which drug as having the potential to cause confusion and disorientation?

An H2 antagonist

*Adverse effect of H2 antagonists

____________________ decrease build up of acid. _______ blockers and ______ do not stop the action of this pump.

1. Proton Pump Inhibitors

2. H2

3. Antihistamines

The _________ cells release positive hydrogen ions(protons) during HCL production, which increase acidity.


Proton Pump Inhibitors drugs:

1. Prevacid

2. Prilosec

3. Nexium

4. Protonix

5. AcipHex

________________ irreversibly bind to H+/K+ ATPase enzyme. This bond prevents the movement of _______ ions from the parietal cell into the _________, which results in _______________.

1. Proton Pump Inhibitors

2. Hydrogen

3. Stomach

4. Achlorhydria

Indications for Proton Pump Inhibitor use:


2. Erosive esophagitis

3. Short-term treatment of active duodenal and benign gastric ulcers

4. Zollinger-Ellison syndrome

5. NSAID induced ulcers

6. Stress ulcer prophylaxis

7. Treatment of H. Pylori (induced ulcers/ given w/ antibiotic)

Adverse effects of _________________ are possible predisposition to _______ infections (C.difficile), osteoporosis, pneumonia, and depletion of magnesium.

1. PPI

2. GI tract

Miscellaneous Acid-controlling drugs:

1. Sucralfate

2. Misoprostol

3. Simethicone

___________ is a cytoprotective drug, used for stress ulcers, peptic ulcer disease. May cause constipation, nausea, and dry mouth. Do not administer with other medications. Binds with phosphate, may be used in chronic renal failure to reduce phosphate levels.


________________ is a prostaglandin E analog that have cytoprotective activity, used for prevention of NSAID-induced gastric ulcers. Doses that are therapeutic enough to treat duodenal ulcers often produce abdominal cramps and diarrhea.


_____________ is an antiflatulent drug, which reduces the discomforts of gastric or intestinal gas, results in decreased gas pain and increase expulsion via mouth or rectum.


Simethicone is often combined with calcium carbonate antacids because:

Simethicone helps to reduce the gas that is caused by the calcium antacids.

*Calcium carbonate neutralization will produce gas and possibly belching, so simethicone will reduce that.

Before giving Antacids assess for prexisting conditions such as:

1. Fluid imbalances

2. Renal disease

3. GI obstruction

4. HF

5. Pregnancy

Patients with ______ or _____ should not use antacids with high sodium content.

1. HF

2. HTN

Pt need to make sure that chewable tab are ______ thoroughly, and liquid forms are _______ well before giving. Administer with at least ____ of water to enhance absorption.

1. Chewed

2. Shaken

3. 8 ounces

Long term self medication with antacids may ______ symptoms of serious underlying disease.


Monitor constipation and acid rebound with ___________________.

Calcium containing products

When using ____________ assess for impaired renal or liver function, and take ____ to ____ hours before antacids.

1. H2 antagonist

2. 1 - 2

When using _____ assess for history of liver disease, and they may increase the serum levels of ________ and ______, may increase chance for bleeding with warfarin.

1. PPI

2. Diazepam

3. Phenytoin

_______ may be given via NG tube, but it must be at least a 16 gauge, capsule contents may be opened and mixed with apple juice, but do not chew or crush delayed released granules.


__________ capsules must be taken whole, and this medication can hide symptoms of other disease.


When providing education regarding the use of PPI, which statement will the nurse include?

Take the medication on an empty stomach, 30 to 60 minutes before eating.

*Food may decrease absorption of the proton pump inhibitors, and it is recommended that they be taken on an empty stomach