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25 Cards in this Set

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What is the name of the conflict lasting from 1701-1713 in which number of European states fought to prevent the Bourbon from controlling Spain in addition to France and was one of Louis XIV's disastrous wars fought over the succession to the Spanish throne?

Peace of Westphalia

Who is considered to be Russia's greatest reformer? He introduced things like potatoes, Western fashion, and European military tactics to Russia?

Peter the Great

What is the term used to describe land-owning nobles in Russia?


Who is the first person to use the title of Czar in Russia?

Ivan the Terrible

3 Reforms of Peter the Great:

Introduced potatoes

Made first Russian Newspaper

Made Russian military better.

"Bloodless War"

Glorious Revolution

What is the name of a military based upon militaristic ability rather than of social status?

New Model Army

Prime example of absolutism?


Prime Exception?


the period between the death of Ivan the Terrible until the beginning of the Romanov dynasty? (Ivan's wife dies, he kills his son)

Time of Trouble's

Russian Czar that paved the way for Peter the Great by restoring order to Russia after the time of trouble's and stengthening the government by passing a law code?

Michael Romanov

Who is considered the prime example of an absolute ruler and why?

Louis XIV. He saw himself as the light of his people.

Why did Louis XIV construct the palace of Versailles?

Keep Nobles occupied.

What is a French government official appointed by the monarch to collect taxes and administer justice?


Who was the chief financial advisor to Louis XIV?

Jean Bapiste Colbert

What economic system did Jean Bapiste Colbert propose to France?


Who was the chief advisor for Louis XIII after he came to power at only age 9?

Cardinal Richilieu

War lasted to 1756-1763?

7 Years War.

The theory coined by James I that stated monarchs have a legal right to rule because they received their power directly from God himself?

Divine Right Theory.

The chief administer to Louis XIV after he came to power at only 4 years old?

Cardinal Mazenne.


" L'etat C'est Moi"

I am the state.

~Louis XIV~

The term used to describe the using of Western Europe as a model for change coined by Peter the Great?


Who coined the idea of the New Model Army?

Oliver Cromwell.

Supporters to Parliment?


Supporter for the king.
