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26 Cards in this Set

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Declarative memory

knowledge of events, facts, and concepts

aka explicit memory

Nondeclarative memory

skills and conditioned responses

aka procedural memory

Explicit/direct memory test

require the conscious recollection of information

i.e. recall & recognition

Implicit/indirect memory test

require use of information stored into LTM

not conscious recollection

perceptual priming

stem completion

Episodic memory

recollection of events that took place at specific places & times in the past

type of declarative memory

Semantic memory

factual & conceptual knowledge about the world and words used to symbolize such knowledge

type of declarative memory

Mental time travel

capacity for recollecting past events and envisioning future events through reconstructive retrieval process

Prospective memory

intending & remembering to take some action at a specific time in the future

Maintenance rehearsal

recycling information within STM or working memory

covertly verbalizing

Elaborative rehearsal

linking info in STM with info already stored in LTM

Method of loci

mnemonic technique that uses familiar locations as an aid to memory

Levels/depths of processing

a memory superiority for events attentively processed at semantic as opposed to sensory

the more you elaborate, the "deeper" the thought is processed

Self-reference effect

encoding processes that relate an item to be learned to self-concepts produce superior memory

Transfer-appropriate processing

test performance relies on engaging in an encoding process compatible with the demands of the test


how the items to be learned differ from each other and other items stored in LTM

stresses differences

Relational processing

how the items to be learned are related to each other

stresses similarity

Flashbulb memory

vivid recollection of an autobiographical event that carries strong emotional reactions

Subjective organization

the way individuals impose a unique organizational scheme on unrelated items to be remembered

Retrieval mode

effort to retrieve a memory stored in LTM


successful retrieval of an event

Encoding specificity

determines what retrieval cues are effective

Brain activation during encoding

prefrontal activation in left hemisphere

Brain activation during retrieval

prefrontal activation in right hemisphere

Tip of the tongue (TOT) state

feeling of familiarity where some name, word, date, etc cannot be retrieved despite certainty that it is there

Mood congruence effect

events encoded in a particular mood are easiest to retrieve during the same mood

State-dependent learning

recall performance is better when the mood at encoding is the same as retrieval