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75 Cards in this Set

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What do Islam, Judaism, and Christianity all have in common?
They were the third greatest monotheistic religions
Describe the state of the Arabian Peninsula during the 6th century.
Barren desert, sparcely populated by Bedouin tribes.
What was the Kaaba?
large black stone in Mecca. focal point in Muslim prayers.
What were the sources that came together to form the religion of Islam?
Jewish, Christian, and pagan traditions
According to Muslim teaching, the Koran (which is arabic for _____) was dictated to ___ by ___.
recitation. Muhammed. archangel Gabriel.
Even though translations of the Koran are available, why are Muslims encouraged to lern Arabic?
Arabic was the language of the revelation.
Who do Muslims claim as their Father in Faith, and how do they trace their roots back to him?
Ishmael. (Genesis 21:10-14)
What does the Arabic word Islam mean?
submission to God's will
How does Islam see Jesus and Mary?
respected as a prophet and his holy mother
What does it mean that Islam refers to Jews and Christians as "People of the Book"
They sahre with Muslims the great monotheistic tradition and a common religious history
What was the jizya and what effects did it have on Jews and Christians?
Special tax jews and christians had to pay in order to have the right of practicing their own religion.
List 5 cornerstones of Muhammed's preaching.
Monotheism, immortality of the sould, resurrection of the body, justice to the poor, sensual paradise in the next life
What is the significance of the hejira?
1st year in islamic calender when Muhammed fled to Medina. (Friday July 16, 622)
What characterizes Islam regarding civil and religious authority?
There is no difference between religious and civil authority.
What was the fate of the 500 or so Jews living in Medina when Muhammed arrived
slaughtered men and sold women and children because they would not recognize him as a prophet.
What change did Muhammed introduce to Muslim prayer in 624?
direction changed from Jeruselem to Mecca.
What is jihad and what is the significance to Muslims of the jihad that Muhammed led against Mecca?
"holy war" Battle of Badr is Muslim's exodus story.
What are the 5 pillars of Islam?
Shahada: Creedal statement of Islam, Prayer, Hajj: pilgramage to Mecca, Ramadan: Holy month (9th month), Zakah :alms for purification
What is the Muslim day of worship?
What does the word mosque mean?
place of prostration
What is the text of Shahada?
contains beleifs of Islam
When and how do Muslims observe Ramadan?
holy month celebrated in 9th lunar month. fast from sunrise to sunset from food, drink, smoking, sexual relations
What are the significant historical events of Islam that are commemorated during Ramadan?
Koran given to Muhammed, Ali dies, Battle of Badr, Khadeejan died, Mecca occupied
Why might Jews and Muslims both shop for meat in the same place?
To make sure all meat is able to be consumed with religious orders followed.
Why is most of Islamic art ornate and intricate geometric shapes and patterns?
Idolotry is forbidden
While technically permitted, why is polygamy practically impossibe under islamic law?
apostacy and adultery is forbidden. generally impossible to show complete impatiality and meet necessary conditions for maintenance of multiple wives
Why is jihad sometimes referred to as a 6th pillar of islam?
intricately linked to Muhammed and Islam's expansion.
What characteristics identify Shiite Muslims?
They claimed Ali was Muhammed's only rightful successor. They beleived he was the 4th caliph
What characteristics identify Sunni Muslims?
They accept the order of succession of the 1st 4 Caliphs and oppose political succession based on bloodline. They adhere to doctrines and practices based on the traditions of Muhammed.
Which branch of Islam follows the leadership of an Imam?
Why did the spread of Islamic territory and the Islamic faith go hand-in-hand?
Beleivers were obligated by their religion to seek convents and wrage a holy war to destroy unbeleivers
What was the purpose behind the crusades?
trying to takeover the holy land
Who defeated the Muslim armies after they invaded Spain and crossed the Pyrenees Mountains?
the franks
After 700 years, who finally defeated the last Muslim stronghold in Spain?
Reconquisia under the reign of Queen Isabella
What was constructed on the site of the previous Jewish temples in AD 684?
The dome of the rock
What are the 3 holiest cities in Islam?
Mecca, Medina, Jeruselem
What are some of the differences between Islam and Christianity that Pople John Paul II noted in his book Crossing the Threshold of Hope?
Islam is not a religion of redemption, Jesus is only a prophet preparing for Muhammed, There is no room for the cross and resurrection.
"There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet."
The pope's personal ambassador
Someone who withdraws from the world to live in a life of prayer and asceticism
motto of the benedictine monks: "prayer and work"
Ora et Labora
Where the ancient writings of the Greco- Roman world were preserved.
The title that Pope St. Gregory the Great took for himself.
Servus servorum dei
A tax that Jews and christians had to pay muslim oppressors in order to practice their faith
They smelled bad
The prayerful, reflective reading of cripture
Lectio Divina
The 4 hours a day that benedictine monks spent in prayer
Laus Dei
a solemn promise made by a person to practice virtue or a good deed
Muslim holy month
The style of monastic life that is lived in community
cenobitical life
The large black stone that is the focus of the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca
This marks the beginning of the muslim calendar
The territorial division of the Catholic church that was adapted from the roman empire
A way of life apart from the world characterized by asceticism, self-denial,prayer,and a fixed rule
Arabic word for god
the pilgrimage to mecca required of all muslims to be made at least once in their life
holy war waged by muslims in the name of religion
The title adopted by the patriarch of constantinople
ecumenical patriarch
Describe conditions in the Roman Empire during the 5th century when the empire collapsed.
The Germanic invasions brought foreign and violent character to the culture. Supersition replaced learning. Literacy and learning declined with the economies of nations
How did Ulphilas influence the Germanis tribes and Christianiy?
Uphilas translated the bible into gothis and the goths, burgundians, lombards, and vandals converted to arian christianity.
What was the key for the church in converting the Germanic tribes
How did the germanic invasions change the christian attitude in the 5th century?
many christians beleived the 2nd coming was about to take place. many turned to monasticism to make reperations for sin in the world
How is christian monasticism unique
men and women enter this life in response to a vocational call and make a commitment to model themselves after christ and dedicate themselves to a life of prayer and penance
What were the 3 major effects of the monasteries on Europe?
1.monks and nuns spread into farming areas to meet spiritual needs of people 2. establishment of primary centers of learning in wester culture 3. civilizing of germanic people by teaching them farming, trades, spirituality
What were 3 vows accepted by the benedictine?
poverty, chastity, obedience
Who was St. Scholastica and what was her chief accomplishment?
twin sister of St. Benedict. established convent in italy that followed benedictine rule
In what way was pope st. gregory the great an historical marker?
last of the traditional latin doctors. he marks the beginning of the medievel ageq
what was Pope St. Gregory the Great I's background?
He was the son of a senator and nobleman and worker as prefect for the police as well as a criminal judge. After the death of his father, he sold his extensixe properties and gave away his wealth in order to found 7 monestaries
What is unique about Arabic's use as the original language in the Koran?
Because arabic was the language of islamic revelation, it is considered the only true language in which to read the Koran
Who is the common ancestor for Judaism, Christianity, and Islam? To whom do Muslims trace the origin of their people?
Abraham is the coAbraham- trace origin to Ishmael
At the famous battle of Tours in France in 732, who defeated the muslim forces from spain?
Charles Martel "the hammer"
What religious significance does Jeruselem hold in Islam?
Jeruselem is the 3rd holiset city in Islam. St. Gabriel brought Muhammed here.
How did Pope John Paul II analyze Islam?
He helf that Islam is not a religion of redemption and as such is very distant from Christianity. The religiosity of Muslims deserves respect.