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62 Cards in this Set

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_____ _______ are arguments in which the validity depends centrally on the relationships among classes, sets or categories
Categorical arguments
A _____ ______ is a statement that relates two classes or categories.
Categorical statement
For a statement to be in standard form the elements must have what four elements?
Quantifier (ex. All or Some...)
Subject Term
Copula (ex. are or are not...)
A term may be an ________ but not a ____ _____, or an ________.
long expression; proper name or adjective
Every cateforical statement has a quality, _____ or _____.
Explain each
affirmative or negative
Affirmative affirms that a class is wholly or partially included in another
Negative is if the statement denies that one class is wholly or partially included
Every categorical statement also has a quantity, ______ or _________.
Explain each
Universal refers to all memebers of the class denoted by the suject term
Particular referes to only some memebers of the class denoted by the subject term
All S are P is an _____ statement, which is also a _____ _____ ______
Universal Affirmative statement
No S are P is an ____ statement which is also a ______ ______ ______.
Universal Negative Statement
Some S are P is an ____ statement. It is also a _____ _____ ______.
Particular affirmative statement
Some S are not P is an ____ statement. It is also a ______ _____ ______.
Particular negative statement
A stylistic variant of a categorical statement is just.....
another way of saying the same thing. (Each, Every, All)
Only P are S also means All ____ are ___ but cannot mean All ___ are ____.
All S are P; All P are S
An inferece is said to be immediate when ......
A conclusion is drawn from only one premise
Categorical statements that have the same subject and predicate for A, E, I, and O are called _____ ______,
Corresponding statements
Staements A and O are ________. What does this mean?
contradictories. This means they both cannot be true and they both cannot be false. If one is true, the other must be false and if one is falso the other must be true
E and I statements are __________. Meaning?
Given one statement we can infer the other
Statements A and E are _______. Meaning?
Two statements are contraries if they cannot both be true but they can both be false. However, if one is true the other will be false
What is the exception to the A and E rule?
If the statement is a neccessary truth such as "All triangels are 3-sided figures"
I and O statements are ___________. Meaning?
Two statements are subcontraries if they cannot both be false but they both can be true
What is the exception to the I and O rule?
If the statement is a neccessary false such as "Some circles are triangles"
A statements logically imply their corresponding ___ statements.
E statements logically imply their corresponding ____ statements.
The logical relationship bertween a universal statement and its corresponding particular statement is called ______.
The universal statement is called the _____. The particular statement is called the ______.
Superaltern; Subaltern
According to the Square of Opposition if an A statement is true what can we say about the other statements?
Its corresponding E statement or contrary is false. Its corresponding I statement or subaltern is true. Its corresponding O statement or contradictory is false.
Suppose an E statement is true, according to the Square of Opposition what can be said for the other statements?
Its corresponding A statement or contrary is false. Its corresponding O statement or subaltern is true. Its corresponding I statement or contradictory is false.
Suppose an I statement is true; then...
Its corresponding E statement or contradictory is false. The truth value of corresponding A statement is not guaranteed. The truth value of the corresponding O statement is not guaranteed.
Suppose an O statement is true; then...
Its corresponding A statement or contradictory is false. The truth value of the corresponding E statement is not guaranteed. The truth value of the corresponding I statement is not guaranteed.
All roses are red flowers/ No roses are red flowers are...
All sould are immortal substances/Some souls are immortal substances is an _______.
Some people are jerks/ Some people are not jerks are
No Apaches are Shawnees/ Some Apaches are Shawanees are
The __________ of a standard form categorical statement is formed simply by interchanging its subject and predicate terms.
What is a converse of A statement "All dogs are animals"
All animals are dogs
What is the converse of E statement "No plants are animals"
No animals are plants
What is the converse of I statement "Some plants are trees"
Some trees are plants
What is the converse of O statement "Some plants are not trees"
Some trees are not plants.
_______________ is the inference from a categorical statement to its converse. For example, No plants are animals. So, no animals are plants.
Every E and I statement is logically equivalent to its converse. Two statements are logically equivalent if ......
each validly implies the other
Is the conversion logically equivalent in A or O statements?
No, For example
"All dogs are animals. So, all animals are dogs."
"Some plants are not trees. So, some trees are not plants."
We can use _______ by _______ to switch the subject and predicate terms of an A statement and change the quantity from universal to particular.
Conversion by limitation
Ex. All seaweeds are plants
So, some plants are seaweeds
In discussing obversion we must first note that each class has a __________.
The complement of class X is....
all things that are not a member of class X
For example, for the class of trees the complement is everything that is a nontree
When discussing obversion, each term has a _____-________ which is the word or phrase that denotes the class complement. What would it be for dogs?
What is the term complement of a phrase such as wild dogs
"things that are not wild dogs"
The Obverse is formed by doing what two things?
a) changing its quality(affirmative to negative, or vice versa)
b) replacing the predicate term with its term complement
What is the obverse of "All trees are plants"
No trees are nonplants
What is the Obverse of "No cats are trees"
All cats are nontrees
What is the Obverse of "Some trees are oaks"
Some trees are not nonoaks
What is the obverse of "Some trees are not oaks"
Some trees are nonoaks
Obversion is always _____.
Using S and P give the standard form and Obverse for A,E,I,O
A-All S are P...No S are non-P
E-No S are P...All S are non-P
I-Some S are P...Some S are non-P
O-Some S are not P...Some S are non-P
The Contrapositive of a statement is formed by doing what two things?
a) replacing its subject term with the term-complement of its predicate term and
b) replacing the predicate term with the term-complement of its subject term.
What is the contrapositive of A statement "All cats are mammals.
All nonmammals are nonccats.
What is the contrapositive of E statement "No bats are elephants"
No nonelephants are nonbats.
What is the contrapositive of I statement "Some plants are weeds"
Some nonweeds are nonplants
What is the contrapositive of O statement "Some plants are not weeds"
Some nonweeds are not nonplants
_______________ is the inference from a statement to its contrapositive.
Contraposition is valid for both ___ and ____ statements and invalid for ___ and ____.
A and O
E and I
Remember Obversion works on ......
All four standard forms
With E statements we can change to the contrapositive by ______. This would change No flags are rags. So, ....
limitation; So, some nonrags are not nonflags. So from No S are P we go to Some non-P are not non-S.
Give the contrapostions for A, E, I , O
A-All non-P are non-S
E-No non-P are non-S (limitation is some non-P are not non-S)
I-Some non-P are non-S
O-Some non-P are not non-S