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43 Cards in this Set

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What is language
Organized system of spoken words by which people communicate with each other with mutual comprehension
What is a mother tongue
Language learned at birth
What is ideograms
Systems of writing in china and other eastern Asian countries in which each symbols
What is proto-language
Early form of a language
How many languages are in use worldwide
How many proto languages are thought to have formed
Two indo European and sino-tibetan
What is the history of indo European as a language
Largest known proto language, origins in eastern Europe and southern Russia more than 4000 years ago
What is a dead language
Language that no longer exists
What is an official language
Government required formal language of a country
What is multilingualism
Three or more languages sanctioned and use in a society where the native are using their mother tongues as government voices
What is monolingualism
One official language spoken and unofficially sanctioned
What is bilingualism
Two languages sanctioned and used in a society
What does Canada have two official languages and to what parts of the countries do they occur
Political battles causing two different languages, in Montreal French
What is a sign
anything that conveys info
What is a symbol
Sign with an arbitrary meaning all human communication not genetic learned, words are symbols, example- flag, crucifix, swastika
What is a pigeon language
Simplified hybrid language used by peoples who have no common language, never mother language
What is a creole
More complex form of a pigeon language used by peoples who now depend upon it as a common language or mother language
What is a lingua franca
Established language that is a mix various languages usually three or four a big creole
What is an international constructed language
One universal language
What are two examples of international constructed languages
Esperanto and interlinguala
What is Esperanto
Simple phonics, one world one language
What is interlingula
Latin scientific
What is the sapir-wharf hypothesis
Language forces you to perceive the world in terms that are built into that language
What is religion
systems of formal or informal worship and faith in the sacred and divine
How do religions spread
Through proselytizing which is seeking new member recruiting
What are the three categories of religion
universalizing religion, ethnic religion, and tribal religion
What is universalizing religions
Universal applicapility and seek new members three divisions branches, domeninations, and sects
What are ethnic religions
Strong territorial and cultural and group ideninity, born into religion
What are tribal religions
Same qualities as ethnic but are ancient and have close harmony with nature not organized
What are the major world religions
Judaism, Christian. Islam, hindu, buddist, confusionism, Shinto
What are the facts of Judaism
Ethnic, monotheistic, no proselytize, torah and old test, rabbi synagogue
What are the facts of Christian
Most practiced, Bethlehem and Jerusalem, spread by missionaries and roman empire, monotheistic, do proselytize, Jesus Christ, holy bible
What is islam
Saudi arabi mecca and medina, spread by muslim army, monotheistic, allah, do proselytize, belief in mohammed, mullah, mosque
What is Hinduism
Indus river, reincarnation, ethnic, polytheistic, samara, caste system, ahimsa
What is buddism
Universal, polyithestic, semi proselytizing, Buddha,achieve nirvana, four noble truths
What is the caste system
An expression of the eternal transmigration of souls hinduswhat arethree what are the differing sects of Islam? Shia shite, sunni, and whabbism salafis
What are the five pillars of islam
One god andmuhammad is his messenger, praying five times a day facing mecca, giving of alms to the poor, fasting during Ramadan for purification and submission, and if healthy, muslim must take a pilgrimage to mecca
What is zioism
Belief – need to create an autononmous Jewish state in Palestine
What is karma
The total effect of a person's actions and conduct during the successive phases of the person's existence
What is ahimsa
No harm to living things
What is samara
Cycle of life and karma
What is reincarnation
Endless cycle of karma and yoga
What is Brahman
The universal soul