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90 Cards in this Set

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The filtering of water & dissolved materials (salt) out of the glomerular capillary and into the glomerular capsules. (formation of ultrafiltrate)
Glomerular Filtration
This process occurs in the renal corpsude and occurs due to hydrostatic pressure
Glomerular Filtration
The selective return of substances from the glomerular filtrate to the blood of the peritubular capillaries and is done by processes of active and passive transport
Glomerular Reabsorption
Regulation of the extracellular fluid environment in the body
Urine Formation
Urine formation regulates what 4 processes
Regulate volume of blood plasma & blood pressure,
Regulate blood waste concentration,
Regulate electrolyte concentration, such as Na+, K+, & HCO3-,
Regulate pH of plasma
The ability of the kidneys to remove molecules from blood plasma by excreting them through urine
Renal Clearance
__ is required for the regulation of blood volume and ___ is required for the proper functioning of cardiac and skeletal muscle
Na+ and K+
The excretion of H+ in the urine and the reabsorption of bicarbonate is how the ___________ is regulated
Acid Base volumes
These increase urine volume in order to lower blood volume and pressure
This hormone increases the collecting duct’s permeability to water, thus helping to regulate the amount of water the body keeps or releases
ADH (antidiuretic hormone)
An _____ in ADH due to dehydration results in ______ water reabsorption, thus helping to reduce more water loss (less volume and more concentrated urine)
increase, increase
A ____ in ADH results in ____ reabsorption of water, thus getting rid of excess water (greater volume and diluted urine)
decrease, decrease
This hormone promotes Na+ retention and K+ loss (secretion)
_________ secretion is stimulated directly by a rise in blood potassium and indirectly by a fall in blood volume
Inflammation of glomeruli (probably autoimmune)
may lead to renal insufficiency and the prescense of proteins in the urine. This condition is known as what
Renal functions are greatly diminished, usually due to inadequate blood flow to kidneys. Also due to the use of various drugs.
Acute Renal Failure
Used to treat people with renal insufficiency (uremia) and It does the work of the kidneys
Hemodialysis (artificial kidney disease)
In this condition, transport carriers become saturated as a result of hyperglycemia, therefore glucose stays in urine
What ingredient is most commonly found in diuretics?
Rapid weight loss is actually due to ____ and not body fat by the use of diuretics
water loss
Normally, all glucose is _____, because it is used for energy production in the cells
What does BMR stand for
Basal Metabolic rate
_____ is the metabolic rate of an awake, relaxed person 12 – 14 hours after eating & at a comfortable temperature
This is determined by ones age, sex, body surface area, and level of thyroid secretion
Excercising increases your resting BMR, and ____ also increases your BMR because of the buildup of muscle tissue
Defined as the total rate of body metabolism (anabolic & catabolic reactions
Metabolic Rate
This is determined by the Amount of heat generated by the body and Amount of oxygen consumed by the body per minute
Metabolic Rate
The energy stored in the bonds of food (the more bonds the more energy) are called what
one kilocalorie= how many calories
____ _____ = the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one cc of water 1 degree Celsius
one calorie
What is the ratio of carbohydrates to fats?
4:9 (4kcal/gram to 9kcal/gram)
___ have more available energy but required more energy to break down.
The expenditure of calories also means what
The use of calories
How many components are involved with the expenditure of calories?
This is the calories you burn by just sitting around (60%)
This is the calories you burn when you respond to changes in ambient temperature & during the digestion & absorption of food (10%)
Adaptive thermogenesis
the more ____ _____, the more calories used. This is why exercise is vital to maintaining or losing weight. Increasing physical activity raises the metabolic rate & energy expenditure of your skeletal muscles.
Physical activity
What are the 3 main components of calorie expenditure?
BMR, adaptive thermogenesis, and physical activity
Metabolic rate is influenced by what 3 factors?
Physical activity
Body temperature
This tissue stores fat & are release sites of energy substrates (mainly fatty acids) during fasting
The longer you go without food, the more ___ acids are released
This type of tissue causes muscle to be more responsive to insulin and
May secrete own hormones which help to regulate hunger and food intake
____ levels of blood glucose levels stimulate insulin secretion & inhibit glucagon secretion
____ levels of blood glucose levels stimulate glucagon secretion & inhibit insulin secretion
In this condition, Islets of Langerhans cells secrete excessive amounts of insulin in response to a rise in blood glucose concentration
Hypoglycemia(low blood sugar levels)
This organ Functions in the storage, concentration, & release of bile (into the duodenum of the small intestine
What are the 3 parts of the small intestine
duodenum, jejenum, ilieum
Name the 3 phases of gastric secretion
Cephalic, Gastric, Intestinal
Name the 5 functions of the digestive system
motility, secretion,digestion, absorption of nutrients, and storage and elimination of wastes
This function of the digestive system refers to the movement of food through the digestive tract
During this process of motility, food is taken into the mouth
During this process of motility, chewing of the food and mixing it with saliva occurs
During this process of motility, swallowing occurs
During this process of motility, rythmic, wavelike contractions move food through the gastrointestinal tract
Secretion of the digestive system includes what 2 types of secretions
exocrine and endocrine
This refers to the breakdown of food molecules into the smaller subunits, which can be absorbed
This refers to the passage of digested end products into the blood or lymph
This refers to the temporary storage and subsequent elimination of indigestible food molecules
storage and elimination
Name the 4 layers of the GI tract
Mucosa, submucosa, muscularis, serosa
The small intestine functions in what two things
digestion and absorption
The small intestine contains ____, which contain microvilli and aid to increase the surface area for increased absorption
the muscular contraction for mixing of chyme
The large intestine is commonly referred to as the ____
The functions of this organ are Absorption of water, electrolytes, & certain vitamins from chyme and Production of vitamin K & folic acid
Large intestine(colon)
The ____ functions in the detoxification of blood, carbohydrate metabolism, lipid metabolism, protein synthesis, and produces and secretes bile
This organ Functions in the storage, concentration, & release of bile (into the duodenum of the small intestine)
The ____ functions in endocrine and exocrine secretions
This function of the pancreas secretes pancreatic juice (acini
This function of the pancreas is where insulin & glucagons from islets of Langerhans (pancreatic islets) are located
____ produces an acidic environment in the stomach by means of Denaturing protein to make more digestable, Activates pepsin from pepsinogen, and Increases activity of pepsin (optimum pH for hydrolysis of protein)
These serve as cofactors and coenzymes, which help enzymes perform their functions and Deficiencies in these can alter enzyme activity and cause metabolic problems.
These are Inactive forms of certain enzymes. They must be stored as in active molecules otherwise they would digest the cells of the pancreas. (ex. trypsinogen (inactive)  trypsin (active)
______ is an enzyme that digests starch
_____ is an enzyme that digests proteins
______is an enzyme that digests triglycerides
_____are the functional unit of the kidney
The digestion of these begins in mouth (salivary amylase breaks down starch)
Digestion of these begins in stomach (pepsin)
Digestion of these begins in the small intestine
This type of cholesterol deliver triglycerides to different organs
Very-low-density lipoproteins (VLDLs
This type of cholesterol is converted VLDL particles which transport cholesterol to various organs and are Referred to as the “bad” cholesterol (collects in arterial walls) and
therefore you want a low number of these.
Low-density lipoproteins (LDLS)
This type of cholesterol returns excess cholesterol from organs to liver and is The “good” cholesterol (you want a high number these)
High-density lipoproteins
After electrolytes and water have been absorbed, the waste material that is left passes to to the rectum, leading to an increase in rectal pressure, and the urge to _____ occurs
In this condition, Islets of Langerhans cells are destroyed by autoimmune attack & results in the inability to produce and release insulin. Glucose then stays in blood and cannot be delivered into cells, therefore cells cannot make energy.
Diabetes Mellitus type 1
Inadequate insulin secretion & low tissue sensitivity to insulin (cells won’t take in the insulin)and is Most common in people who are overweight, develops slowly, and is hereditary
Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
inflammation of mucosa due to gastric barrier breakdown
acute gastritis
Erosions of the mucus membranes of stomach &/or duodenum by action of HCl
and Sufferers are normally infected with bacterium called Heliobacter pylori
Peptic Ulcer
This part of the autonomic system stimulates motility & secretions of GI tract
This part of the autonomic system reduces motility & secretions & stimulates sphincter muscle contraction
increased _____ _____ results in an increase in filtration
hyrostatic pressure