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110 Cards in this Set

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Is it true or false that hospitality and tourism leaders must communicate effectively as they interact with their own managers, peers, employees, guests, vendores, and numerous other persons.

It is true they all have to communicate.

Why must employees have excellent speaking, listening, and writing skills>

Because all aspects of employees work involves communication.

The more effectively they --------- the better they can perform their job and lead others.


How much of their time does managers spend of their day in some form of communication.

they spend 80 % of their time.

Communicationa skills are important in every managerial activity, including:

. Recruiting

. Interviewing

. Trianing

. evaluating

. coaching

. counseling

. leading

. interacting with guests.

Managers must not only communicate with others about day to day issuew like scheduling or guests need, but they msut be able to communicate organizational information to employees. True or False?

True they have to communicate both ways.

What kind of skill help managers resolve conflicts and deal with difficult people>

Effective skills help managers resovle conflicts and deal with difficult people.

Manager should not employ communication skills when represinting their business to thers, including members of the media. True or False?

False. they always have to employ communications when representing business to anyone.

How do organizationa function better?

when everyone - owner, managers, and employees works towards the same goals; otherwise, there is bound to be confusion about where theya are going and how they are going to get there.

Forming ---------- ------- or a discription of the organizations reason to exist, can help focus everyone in the same direction.

A mission statement .

What is a broad discription of an organization's reason to exist?

A mission statement.

In times of fast change, growth, or hard times, everyone within the organization cant turn back to what?

In times of fast change, growth or hard times every one can turn back to the organizations mission for clarity and stability.

Depending on the needs of the company, a mission statement can be short and simple or long and complex is this true or false?

this is TRUE.

Mission statement can contain some or all of the following elements:

The nature of the organization ( extended stay hotel, full service restaurant, spa, historic tour company, airport shuttle service.

The organizations purpose ( to provide food, lodging, meeting space recreation and relaxation)

Major markets served (business travelers, families)

Goal or desired image ( to be the hotel of choice, to provide 100 percent guest satisfaction)

We are committed to being the premier source for quality hospitality education, training, and professional certification, serving the needs and advancing the excellence of hospitality school industries worldwide?

What is this statement known as?

it is known as the mission statement.

A ---------- statement identiefies the core values, common convictions, and acknowledgeed priciples that unite an organization's management and staff.

A value statement identifies core values, common convictions, and acknowledge pricipcles that unite an organazations management and staff.

What is a value statement?

A values statement is a discription of the core values that should shape the culture of the organization and guide the behavior of individuals.

what are some examples of company values:

Personalized guest service.

Enviromentally safe practices



Commitment to quality

Individual worth

Delivering share holder values

Ethical business practices

Giving back to the community

Continous improvement.

Bahame hospitality group managers are creating a company statement. Team members brain storm the following ideas: 100%honest in dealing with our guest, treat guest and employee with dignity, and use enviromentally safe practices, What type of statement are the managers creating?

they are creating a value statement.

While the mission and value statement s communicate the purpose of the organziation and what it stands for, a ---------- statement describes where the organization want to be at a specific point in the future/

Vision statement describes where the organization wants to be at a specific point in the future.

A discription of the future of the organization is known as what?

A discription of the future of the organization is known as the vision statement.

The vision statement helps managers focus theri efforts on a long range plan to move the company from where it is to where it wants to be. TRUE OR FALSE.


The first impression of the organization begins with ----------

Orentation where they learn about the company and their specific positions.

what is orientation:

The process of introduncing new employee to the company and their jobs.

How can managers communicate to employees that they are welcom?

By creating a well planned orientation and providing training.

What are the benefits of having employees attend orientation?

Orientation helps

. Reduce trunover

. communicate expectations to employees

. Put new employee at ease

. Show how individual jobs fit intor the overall comapany mission

. Employees feel invested in the company's goal.

What are the two types of orientation?

. General Orientation and Specific Orientation.

What is a general Orientation?

A general orientation is an introduction to the comapny as a whole including its values and philosophy, helps new employees understand the purpose of the organization.

What is the purpose of the manager's role in the general orientation?

The purpose is to provide all employees with a consistent message.

They should understand the overall goals of the organization and see how their specific job fits into the goals. TRUE OR FALSE


What does a general Orientation usually include?

. Discussion of the company's mission and values

. Introduction to various departments

. Review of policies and procedures

.Discussion of guest and employees relation

, Tour of the property.

What is specific job orientation?

Specif job orientation is where managers focus on expalianing the employee's role in his or her department

What is the managers role during Specific Job Orientation?

The managers role is to begin building a relationship with the employee.

During the job specification manager do not establish his or her expectation to let the employee know how to meet the expectations. TRUE OR FALSE?

False, they have to establish his or her expectation to let them know how to meet the expectations.

What happens when each employee knows his or her role in the department?

The department and the company will run smoothly.
The specific job orientation explains what is expected of employees in terms of --------

Job Performance.

How does the job performance help?

Job performance helps employees quiclky become productive team members of the team and creates a more cooperative team enviroment.

Employees are introduced to their?

. Responsiblities

. Safety information and key department policies and procedures.

. The work enviroment and location of necessary equipments.

. The departments relationship with other department.

. People with whom employees will work on a daily basis.

Monteba Cruiseships is holding a specific job orientation for a group of newly-hired security officers. What is the one thing the officers meight do during this orientation?

They will learn the location of on-board security cameras.

What kind of orientation session would companies who hire large numbers of people?

They may hold group orietnation sessions

What kind of orientations session would smaller companies have?

They would have individual orientation session.

What do orientations involve?

They involve watching a video about the company or read a print or online materials.

Other might have one on one sessions with managers.

how does this help employee?

It helps employees to understand the guest expereince and the level of guest service they will be expected to provide.

What is the role of managers during orientation process?

Is to make sure employees feel comfortable and to answer any questions employees may have.

what happens after employees complete their general and specific job orientation sessions?

Managers will then ask the employees to fill out an orietation evaluation form

Why do they fill out and evaluation form?

So that employees can write what they found helpful and what else migh need to be included to help them understand their purpose and withing the company.

Managers and employees should have a clear idea at all times of what they are trying to ---------


Those who do know what they are trying to accomplish goals are more likely to achieve their goals than those who do not. TRUE OR FALSE?


---------- --------- encoruages high level of performance and foster innovation in organizations.

Goal Settings.

What does the manager have to communicate to employee to ensure that the performance meets standards.

The manager has to communicate performance goals to employee to ensure that thier performance meets standards.

Effective goals is different from simply giving simply giving directions or telling employees how to do their jobs. True or False?


Effective goals have the following characteristics?

Clear and specific: Goals such as do your best or improve are not specific. Increase food salse by $1 per guest over the next two months is specific. Specific goal motivate non spedific goals.

Measurable: Goals should be stated in terms that can be measure. For example, decrease the guest complaint by 10 percent ove the 6 months. Provides a way to measure results.

Time Limits: If no deadline is given for a achieving a goal , it might fall by the way side. Phrases such as "as soon as possible" high priority and right a way do not provide a time limit. Goals should include statements such as by 2 pm every friday, in six months, and by june 1st.

What is an example of effective performance goal?

A. update me on projects whenerver you can

B. Keep me on the loop each week

c Submit a project report by 3 pm each friday.

Submit a project update report by 3 pm each friday.

What are the two types of goal managers are involved in setting?

Self improvement goal and performance goals.

What is the difference between self improvement goals and performance goals?

Self emprovement goals focus on gaining new skills or acquiring knowledge, whereas performance goals relate to achieving specific results at work.

Having the right number of performance goals is important. Too many goals crete confusion and stress, but two few goals do not provide enough of a challenge. TRUE OR FALSE?


Setting how many goals has proven effective?

Setting about five to 9 goals has proven effective.

What is the process for stteng performance goals with employees?

.Establis performacne goals that are clear,measurable, and have a deadline

.Specify the tasks to be completed to reach the goal.

. Specify how the employees performance will be mearsrued.

. Set priorities for multiple goals.

. Establish a plan of action.

. Encourage employees to participate in the goal setting process.

when employees help define the goal what are the emplloyees more likely to do?

they are more likely to work hard to attain them.

what happens once perfomance goals have been set and the expecation for meeting them communicated to employee?

managers must support their employee attempts to reach those goals.

how can mangers suppor their employees to rech those goals?

By providing the neccassary equipment, supplies, coaching and other resources sends messages that managers want employees to succeed.

--------- can help both employees and managers on how well employees are meeting performance standards.

Performace evaluation can help both employees and managers on how employees are meeting performance standards.

What is a performance Evaluation?

A performance evaluation is a periodic review that employees are meeting performance standards.

When does evaluation take place?

It can take place on monthly, quarterly, or annual basis.

What should happen during the evaluation performance?

Employees should be informed about the progress they are making towards attaining their goals.

One difficult person can impact the morale and productivity of the entire team. True or False?


Sometimes managers become over focused on trying to fix the behavior problem employee. What is the secret?

The secret is to be able to identify the reason behind the difficlt behavior in order to manage its impact on the workplace.

what are the several kinds of difficult people

Dominator: Act like they know it all, ahve done it all, and are experts at everything.

Try to tell others what to do.

Do not care about other's feelings or opinions.

Tips: Know your facts and ask for concrete information to back up their opinions.

Tactfully explain that you have already given team members their assignments.



Oppose every ideas or ipinion

Rarely contribute ideas of their own.


Introduce organization changes slowly

Ask them how they would solve the problem


Sarcastic and negative about every idea or opinion.

want feel important by making others feel ineffuctual.


Ask solution-orietated questions.

Work to recognize instance when the complaints are legitimate.



Explode withour warming

Throw temper tantrums or hurt others feelings.

Stay calm dont sink to their level by yelling back or arguing

Do not tolerate hurtful remarks

Hold them accountable for their actions.


Act unhappy and put out most of the time

Never complain or offer suggestions.

Ask questions that can't be ansered with a yes or no

Push for ansers when they answer with silence.

Wheeler Dealer:


Only interes in what's in for them

Manipulate and gossip in order to cause tension between employees.

Hols back good ideas in meeting in the hope of being able to offer them individually to a manager.

Tips: Encourage a team atmosphere and reward good teamwork

Set parameters for appropriate behavior and use corrective feedback when necessary.

What are the ways to limit their effects on your department or organization?

1. Provide orientation and training that sets well defined expectations for job performance, and be clear about what is acceptable and which behaviors will not be tolerated.

2. Show your value and respect for diversity by modeling appropriate behavior. Be aware of how you present yourself. remain calm and firm during confrontations.

3. Avoid using the workd attitude instead focus on specific behaviors or the quality of the work.

4. Documetn inappropraite behavior or incidents, as well as any training adn cosching that took place.

5. seperate the person from the problem stay focused on the issue instead of your feeling about the employee. Get to the roof of what is causing the employee to be difficult.

6. Provide corrective feedback immediately after the behaviro occurs.

7. Use positive feedback to encourage to encourage or reward positive behaviors you wish to see repeated by your employees.

8. Schedule follow up discussions with the employee to review whether results have been achieved.

Conflicts in organization occur for many reasons. These include:

Communication problems: Lack of information abut the organizations resources, goals, roles, performances expectations, and work relationships is the most commin source of conflict.

Limited resources: No hospitlaity and tourism operation has all the resources it needs. Limited resources such as time, Money, People, or equipment, can cause conflict between people in the same or in differents departments.

Different goals: The main goal of any hospitlaity and tourism operation is to provide excellent guest service that will make the company finincially successful.

Poor cooperation: Team work is based on cooperation

Individual diviersty: when employees fail to value and respect each other as individua. conflict will occur.

Organizational problems: Potential sources of organizational conflict are overlapping job responsiblities, change , vague job discriptions, our unclear company policies.

There are two essentail skills that managers develop in order to effectively resolve conflicts:

Assertiveness: is addressing a problem head on and encouraging employess to talk about the conflict openly and honestly.

Negotiation: the process used to reach a solution, which may involve compromise or the use of persuasive tactics to reach the best outcome.

The managers goal in conflict management is to reach a win-win outcome, or a compromise that everyone can live with. There are four steps to conflict resolution:

1. Recognize and define the conflict: define the who, what, why, where, when and how of the proble.

2. confront the indiviuals in conflicts: approach the individual and make them aware that your are here to help.

3.Develop a solution: negotiate a compromise that both parties can live with.

4. Follow up on the conflict: check back to see if the solution is working.

What is another important part of the manager's job?

Another part of the managers job is falicitating guest communication.

What are the several aspects to guest communication:

How the hospitality and tourism organization communicat with guests.

How employees communicate with guests.

What communication tools guests expect to have during their occupancy.

what is one of the main ways companies communicate to their customers today?

they communicate to their customers through thier websites and through socail media like facebook, twitter, or Youtube.

These platforms are an opportunity for companies to engage with customers and to show who they are and what they offer. True or False.


Although some companies see social media only as a marketing vehicle, it should actually be used as part of a larger ------------- ------------stratergy .

Brand Execution.

What is a brand exectuion?

Fulfilling a promise an organization makes to its customers.

Is it true or false that organizations cannot incorproate effective use of social media into their guest service stratergy.

False organization can incorporate effectice use of social media into their guest service stratergy.

What are the few tips for companies to better use social media as a customer service tool:

Intergrate social media into your service stratergy.

Create a voice the audinec can relate to

Monitor social media outlers to spot issure and solve problems before they become a crises. About 55% of customers epxpect a response the same day to an online complaint.

Customer service through social media involves dealing with criticis, and complaints in public, often in front of an auidence of millions. Always post a public response because it shows that the company is listenting and responds to everyone.

Create consistent process for dealing with social media requests. This ensures that the resolutions is seamless on the customer side and that nothing falls through the cracks.

While guest are staying at a hotel, eating at a restaurant, or visiting a park, That organization's employees are using a?

Are using a variety of technolodies and equipments to communicate with guests and make their visit more seamless and enjoyable.

Employees communicate with guests through telephone, and fax. What else do they use in hotels?

In hotels, they use private branch exchange (pbx) systems are used to process calls.

What is a Private Branch Exchange?

A private Branch Exchange is a telephone exchange that serves a particular office or business.

A PBX inculdes such fucntions as call waiting, call transfer, conference calls, vice mail and ---------

Call accounting.

what is call accounting:

An application that captures records, and costs out telephone usage.

Why do guests expect wifi to be available where they are:

so that they can be able to make reservations, by tickets online, and be able to interact with companies through social media.

How many percent of people prefer to prearrange their trips using the internet?

50 to 90%

How many percent use mobile or tablets?


How many percent of booking is done online?


What kind of devices are used in restaurant to pay for dinner, order food, send food order to staff, and in hotels help guests check in the curb or a lobby of a hotel and order room service.

Mobile devices are used.

how can mobile divices be used by managers?

they are used to track inventory, monitor wiat times, view guestroom status and acces the schedule from everywhere. managers can spend most of thier time interacting with employees and guest and less time behind the desk.

One aspect of a managers job may be handling --------

Public Relations.

what is publice relations:

The process of communicating favorable inforamtion about an organization to the public.

Depending on the size of the organization and its available resources. how wil pr be handled?

it can be handled internally by managers or externally by a PR firm.

Public relations is part of an overall marketing stratergy, and its main goal is to?

Public relations main goal is to build brand recongnition and attract new customers.

Hospitlaity and tourism organizations relate with numerous public, or groups of people icluding:


.Community leaders and residents.

.Media outlets

. Supplier and vendors

.Other segments of the travel industry


. Shareholders and franchisee.

----------- is often confused with Public Relations?


----------- is the media gratuitous mention of an organization.


publicity is having your business's name mentioned in?

Newspapers, an industry blog, on the radio or on television.

Is it True or False that publicity can be planned, such as getting the work out about planned expansions or special programs.

Various occasions that present good public relation opportunities include?

Anniversary dates, grand opening or expansions, accomplishments of employees or the company, spescial guest or events, recieving awards or certificates, new ownership/managenent, special displays, and community involvement.

Dealing with the media is one of the difficult tasks managers undertake because the media is very powerful. TRUE OR FALSE?


What are the guidelines for managers or other spokesperson who have direct contact with media:

Schedule appropriately

Tell the truth

Provide the facts and follow up

Be concise

Maintain good media relations.

Why is it important to develop a public realation stratergy for dealing with emergancies or other situations?

Becasue this can integrate negative coverage such as labor disputes, inappropraite behavior of staff or managers, injuries or deaths on properties.

What is one of the most important stratergy to handle emergancies?

Is to degnate one spokes person and prepare a mess.