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28 Cards in this Set

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Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
:Most common metal disorder in the US
:any given year --> 18% of population
:29% develop in their lifetime
:only 20% seek trx
:Most suffer from another disorder as well
Specific Phobias
def: Persistent fears of specific objects or situations
-9% of population any given year
-12% develop at some point in life
-women:men = 2:1
-prevalence differs across racial/ethnic groups
-most don't seek trx
Social Phobias
def: Severe, persistent, & unreasonable fears of social or performance situations in which embarrassment may occur
-"narrow": talking, eating, writing in public
-"broad": general fear of functioning in front of others
-7% of pop. in a given year
-women:men = 3:2
Treatments for GAD
Psychodynamic: free association
Humanistic: client-centered therapy where therapist tries to give unconditional positive regard
Cognitive: rational-emotive therapy
Biological: benzodiazepines, antianxiety meds, relaxation training, biofeedback
Treatments for Phobias
-Specific Phobias: Behavioral Therapy
1. systematic desensitization
2. flooding
3. modeling
-Social Phobia: Combination Therapy (meds and psychotherapy)
Panic Disorder
def: The experience of panic repeatedly and unexpectedly attacks in the absence of a real threat
-~3% of US pop. affected each year
-~5% US pop. affected at some point in life
-Develops late adolescence/early adulthood
-women:men = 2:1
-35% in Trx
Panic Disorder Treatment
-Biological: meds that alter neurotr.
1. Antidepressants
2. Benzodiazepines

-Cognitive: panic rxns are experienced only by those who misinterpret bodily events
: Trx corrects misinterpretations
Obsessions vs. Compulsions
-Obsessions: Thoughts that feel intrusive and foreign

-Compulsions: "Voluntary" behaviors or mental acts that reduce anxiety caused by thoughts
OCD and Major Theories
Psychodynamic: disorder develops when kids fear their Id impulses (thoughts) and use Ego defense mech. to lessen anxiety (compulsions)

Behavioral: people learn their compulsions by chance after repeated associations

Cognitive: everyone has repetitive, unwanted thoughts, OCD people overreact and use compulsions
OCD Treatments
Biological: serotonin-based antidepressants

Combination therapy (meds with cog-behav approach) is best
Fear vs. Anxiety
Fear is a response to a serious threat to one's well-being while Anxiety is a response to a vague sense of threat or danger
Acute Stress Disorder
Following trauma, feelings of anxiousness and depression begin within 4 weeks and last for less than 1 month

Trx type varies depending on trauma
Following trauma, feelings of anxiousness and depression begin at any time and last for longer than 1 month; May develop from Acute Stress Dx

Trx varies
Psychophysiological Disorders
def: Group of physical illnesses that seem to result from an interaction of psychosocial and physical factors; bring about ACTUAL physical change

Ex: ulcers, insomnia, HBP, asthma

Trx: combination of psychological and medical trx
Somatoform Disorders
def: Problems that apear to be physical or medical but are due to psychosocial causes

1. Conversion
2. Somatization Disorder
3. Pain Disorder associated with psychological factors
Conversion Disorders
Psychosocial conflict or need is converted into dramatic symptoms that affect voluntary or sensory functioning
-Symptoms: neurological
-women:men = 2:1
-begin b/t childhood & young adult
-appear suddenly, and rare
Somatization Disorder
Numerous long lasting physical ailments that have little or no organic basis
-symptoms described in exaggerated terms
-must have multiple symptoms (gastrointestinal, sexual, neuro)
-often runs in families
Pain Disorder associated with Psychological Factors
When Psychosocial factors play a role in onset or severity of pain
-often develops after accident/illness
-more women than men
-begins at any age
Criteria for diagnosing a Factitious Disorder
-People go to extreme lengths to create appearance of illness
-Patients research their "ailments"
-Had extensive medical trx as child
-Carries a grudge against medical profession
Psychodynamic view of Somatoform Disorders
-Hysterical disorders are a conversion of emotional conflicts into physical symptoms
-Focused on the Phallic Stage
-Freud: women hide their sexual feelings as adults by converting them to symptoms
Modern Psychodynamic view of Somatoform Disorders
-Still believe that we carry unconscious conflicts from childhood
-Two mechanisms for hysterical Dx:
1.Primary gain: symptoms keep internal conflicts out of conscious
2.Secondary gain: symptoms let us avoid things we don't want to do and get sympathy from others
Behavioral view of Somatoform Disorders
Physical symptoms of hysterical disorders bring rewards to sufferers (similar to modern pycho.) These gains are the main cause of the development of the disorder but childhood conflicts are the cause in psycho.
Cognitive view of Somatoform Disorders
Hysterical disorders are a form of communication, allowing people to express difficult emotions.
Like psycho in a sense that emotions are converted into symptoms. However, it is not to defend against anxiety but to communicate feelings.
4 kinds of Dissociative Amnesia
1.Localized: most common; loss of all memory of events occurring within a a limited period.
2.Selective: loss of memory for some but not all events in a given period
3.Generalized: loss of memory triggered by an event but goes back in time; may lose identity; fail to recognize family/friends
4.Continuous: forget both old and new info; rare
Psychodynamic explanation of Dissociative Disorders
Caused by repression: people fight off anxiety by unconsciously preventing memories from reaching awareness
Amnesia and Fugue=single episodes
DID results from a lifetime of excessive repression due to childhood trauma
Behavioral explanation of Dissociative Disorders
Dissociation grows from normal memory processes and is a response learned thru operant conditioning

See dissociation as escape behavior
Treatments for Dissociative Disorders
Amnesia/Fugue: recover on own
DID: need Trx to regain lost memories and integrate personalities
1.Psychodynamic (free association)
2.Hypnotic Therapy (guided recall)
3.Drug Therapy (barbiturates)
Depersonalization Disorder
-People feel as though they have become separated from their body and feel as though the world is not real
-Symptoms are recurrent and caused distress
-Most often seen in young adults, adolescents
-Comes on suddenly and tends to be chronic