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26 Cards in this Set

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Energy is the form of ____ and is used for both the polymerization and depolymerization of the FtsZ ring

a. ADP

b. GTP




In princilpe, imported molecules and the enzymes produces in the parent cell are divided in half following a binary fission event

True or False


Bacteria which lack the gene that encodes for the MreB protein are ___ shaped.

a. coccoid

b. bacillus

c. spirillum

d. vibrio


To allow cell wall extension with new peptidoglycan during cell devision, preexisting peptioglycan is severed using _____ to cleave the b-1,4 glycosidic bonds.

a. autolysins

b. crescentins

c. transglycosylases

d. both a & c


Bactoprenol. involved in peptidoglycan synthesis during cell division, binds to

a. N-acetylglucosamine

b. N-acetyl muramic acids.

c. pentapeptide peptidoglycan precursors.

d. all of the above

all of the above

Which growth phase has the largest increase in cell number per unit of time?

a. death phase

b. exponential phase

c. lag phase

d. stationary phase

exponential phase

Cryptic growth occurs during which growth phase?

a. death phase

b. exponential phase.

c. lag phase

d. stationairy phase

stationary phase

maintaining a constant cell population in a chemostat requires the monitoring and control of

a. nutrient concentrations

b. the dilution rate of volume pumped in

c. the population's by-products

c. all of the above.

all of the above

in a chemostat, growth rate is controlled by the ____, and the cell yield is controlled by the _____.

a. dilution rate / dilution rate

b. dilution rate / limiting nutrient

c. limiting nutrient / dilution rate

d. limiting nutrient / limiting nutient

dilutin rate / limiting nutrient

when do batch cultures enter into stationary phase?

a. when the culture is transferred to fresh media

b. when the nutrient concentration in the media is diminished.

c. when the temperature of the culture changes

d. all of the above

when the nutrient concentration in de media is diminished

Which of the following is NOT a drawback en the enumeration of cells using a microscope?

a. Debris in the sample may be mistaken for microbial cells

b. Motile cells must be immobilized before counting

c. Cells are difficult to stain

d. Without special staning techniques, dead cells cannot be distinguished from live cells

cells are difficult to stain

The pour- and spread-plate techniques are often favored over traditional microscopy cell counts, because

a. most stains are much more expensive

b. only vaible cells are counted

c. they are a faster approach

d. all of the above

only viable cells are counted

Serial dilutions are ofthen performed before aliquoting a sample of cells onto plates for counting colonies, because

a. the transferred spent media can affect growth and needs to be diluted out.

b. otherwise the colonies could be too numerous to count.

c. this dilution scheme decreases error.

d. both b & c.

otherwise the colonies would be too nomerous to count

Turbidity of a liquid culture used as a proxy for cell number is most powerfull when combined with a carefully constructed

a. diffraction coefficient rate

b. growth cure relating OD to cell number

c. OD versus time graph

d. spectrophotomoeter converter

growth curve relating OD to cell number

For which of the following populations/samples would it be moest inappropriate to use the spread-plate technique to quantiy viable cells?

a. E.coli K12

b. Bacillus anthracis

c. Heamphilus influenzae

d. seawater sample

seawater sample

Which of those listed below is NOT considered a cardinal temperature?

a. lethal temperature

b. maximum temperature

c. minimum temperature

d. optimum temperature

lethal temperature

What happens when a culture is incubated above the organism's maximum tempature for growth?

a. the cells continues to grow at a normal rate

b. the cells grow much faster then normal because the enzymaticreactions are occuring at a much faster rate.

c. the cels membranes collapse, proteins denature and the cell usually dies.

d. the transport of nutrients into the cell is slow; therefore the cell grow more slowly than normal.

The cell membranes collapse, proteins denature, and the cell usually dies.

Culture stocks are often preserved in _____, which prevents ice crystal formation and therefore does not kill the cell.

a. DMSO (Dimethylsulfoxide)


c. glycerol

d. either a or c

either DMSO or glycerol

Hyperthermophilic proteins generally contain ____ than do mesophilic proteins, which allows for the hyperthermopholis to survive such high heat conditions

a. fewer amino acids

b. fewer ionic bonds

c. more amino acids

d. more ionic bonds

more ionic bonds

Protiens from psychrophilic cells generally have ___ than do proteins found in cells that grow optimally at higher temperatures.

a. fewer aklfa-helices

b. fewer hydrogen bonds

c. more alfa-helices

d. more hydrogen bonds

more alfa-helices

______ and superoxide dismutase together detoxify O2-radicals by converting them into O2 and H2O.

a. Catalase

b. Hydroxylase

c. Oxide reductase

d. Peroxide reductse


Which type of micro-organism would NOT be able to grow under anoxic conditions?

a. aerotolerant anaerobe

b. anaerobe

c. facultative anaerobe

d. microaerophile


The cytoplasmic pH limits at which a cell can surviv are primarly based on the stability of which biomolecule(s)?

a. DNA and RNA

b. carbohydrates

c. lipids

d. proteins


___________ organisms hava a particularly difficult time maintaining a proton motive force to synthesize ATP using ATPase.

a. Acidophilic

b. Alkaliphilic

c. Microaerophilic

d. Strict anaerobic


All cells capable of growth in soda lakes are

a. acid-tolerant

b. acidophilic

c. alkali-tolerant

d. alkaliphilic


Importing high concentrations of compatible solutions is a strategy used by cells to counteract the effects of an environment containing a _______ concentration.

a. high salt

b. high dissolvend oxygen

c. high water potential

d. low ionic

high salt