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35 Cards in this Set

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Values (Subjective/Personal Perspective)

guiding principles of thought and behavior which has developed over time

Universal Values

held by every human being

examples: freedom, money

Cultural Values

what a culture values

example: food types

Personal Values

basis of our morals when framed within a religious or spiritual framework


placing value judgements on what is right and wrong

Kohlberg's Sequence of Moral Reasoning


Pre-conventional: obedience and punishment, individualism

Conventional: "good boy/girl", law and order

Post-conventional: social contract, principled conscience

Family Values

used to discuss social and economic concepts pertaining to the family as a social institution


the purposeful selection of mates from a pool that has similar characteristics; visible expression of family value sets (race, religion and social class)

Folbre's Definition of Family Values

love, obligation and reciprocity

Political Platforms and Family Values

no clear definition; allude to a loss or break down of the family system

External Concept of Family Values

value and expectations that the larger social system places on the family have shifted through recent history --> tax systems favoring single adults would imply that society does not encourage or "value" family

Values across the Lifespan

values develop slowly and are resistant to change

Instigators of Change:


-Cognitive development

-Moral maturity


Values across Generations

children look to adult values expressed within their families for guidance


learned predisposition to respond in a consistently favorable or unfavorable manner to any given object

Selective Interpretation

actions carried out made sense when attitudes were right

Selective Memory

information that supports ones attitudes to make it easier to accept than information that contradicts their existing attitudes


choices made and actions taken by individuals and families

Connection between Attitude and Behavior

-ones behavior can be predicted from intention

-intentions can be predicted from one's attitude toward the behavior and one's perception of what others think one should do

-attitude is a function of how one perceives the actions outcome will be received by others

Prediction of Behaviors

attitudes should predict behavior


believed that actions are motivated by needs and values

Kurtines and Gewirtz

added situation to the mix of factors that impact the connection between attitude and behavior

Bem's Self Perception Theory

individuals bring their attitudes into alignment with their behaviors to save face

Dissonance Theory

when someone acts in a way that causes discomfort or is inconsistent with their self-concept; person must bring behavior into alignment with attitudes


set of moral principles that exist in formal and unwritten modes

Brand Preference

-thought of name brand products having good benefits

-conspicious consumption

-greater cost/promotions

-suspectibility decreases with the greater level of internal values

Quality Preference

-currently at high levels

-assuming higher price tags= higher quality

Price Preference

-pricing important in the decision making process

Design Preference

-have moved beyond basic level and can now explore style, size, color, comfort

-reflecting personal/group values

-consumer demand is important

VALS System

buying based on personality; driven to purchase based on preferences and how to best enhance life


basing decisions on criteria such as quality, integrity and tradition


basing decisions based on anticipated acceptance or rejection of behaviors by members of group they belong to (wanting to show status)

Self Expression

make choices on an emotional level; how you aim to look for others

Impact of Culture on Values

-important to learn group values and maintain over time


dynamic environment where one can rise and fall financially in short periods of time

Values (Economic Perspective)

method of exchange and what we receive as a fair return