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32 Cards in this Set

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Adjustive demands that require coping behavior on the part of an individual or group.
Effects created within an organisim by the application of a stressor. it is a byproduct of poor or inadequate coping.
Coping Strategies
Efforts to deal with stress
Types of stress
Eustress- Positive stress
Distress- Negative stress
both types of stress tax a person's coping skills and resources, althought distress has more potential to do damage.
Categories of Stress
Frustrations, conflicts, pressures, Crisis,
A wide range of obstacles, both external and internal that often leads to self-devaluation making the person feel that he or she has failed in some way or is incompetent.
Stress results from the simultanious occurence of two or more incomptable needs or motives
Forces us to speed up, redouble our efforts or change the direction of goal oriented behavior which can seriously tax our coping resoursces.
Refers to the times when a stressful situation approaches or exceeds the adaptive capabilities of a person or group. it overwhelms a person's ability to cope.
Stress tolerance
Refers to a person's ability to withstand stress without becoming seriously impared.
Coping with stress on a biological level
There are imunioligical defenses and damage repair mechansims.
Coping with stress on a psychological and interpersonal level
There are learnt coping patterns, self ddefenses and support from family and friends
Coping with stress on a sociocultural level
there are group resources
Task-oriented response
Making changes in one's self, sorrundings or both, depending on the situation.
Defense-oriented response
Behavior is directed primarily at protecting the individual from hurt and disorganization, rather than resolving the situation.
Personality or psychological decompensation
Inability to adapt to sustained or severe stressors
The process of adaptation or achievieving stability through change.
General adaptation syndrome
The body's reaction to sustained and excesive stress. ussually occurs in 3 diffrent phases: alarm reaction, resistance and exhaustion
Alarm reaction Phase
In which the body's defensive forces are called to arms by the activation of the autonomic nervous system
Resistance Phase
In which a biological adaptation is at its maximal level in terms of bodily resources used
Exhaustion Phase
In which bodily resources are depleated and the organism losses the ability to to resist . at this point, further exposure to stress can lead to illness and death.
Focuses on the effects of stressors on the immune system.
Adjustment Disorder
A disorder in which a person's response to a common stressor is maladaptive and occurs within 3 months of the stressor.
Post trraumatic stress disorer
Severe psychological and physical symptoms from sudden unexpected enviromental crisis.
SX of PTSD Include:
Event is reexpirenced by the person throught intrusive, recurring nightmares or thoughts.
the person avoids stimuli associated with the trauma
Chronic tension and irritability
impared concentrationa and memory.
avoidance of social situations or enviroments where he or she would be exposed to excitable stimuli.
Acute Stress disorder
Occurrs within 4 weeks of traumatic event and last for a minium of 2 days and max of 4 weeks.
Disaster Syndrome
Reactions of many victims of a major cathastrophe during the traumatic expirience and the initial and long lasting reactions after it. it includes 3 stages
Shock stage of Disaster Syndrome
In which the victim is stunned, dazed and apathetic.
Subjectible stage of Disaster Syndrome
in which the victim tends to be subjectible,passive and willing to take directions from rescue workers.
Recovery stage of Disaster Syndrome
in which victims may be tense and aprehensive and show generalized anxiety but gradually regains psychological equilibrium.
Stress-innoculation Trainning
Preventive strategy that prepares people to tolerate an anticipated threat by chnging the things they say to themselves before a crisis.
Debriefing Sessions
A brief, direct treatment method that is used in helping people who have undergone a traumatic situation, this approach is often a good 1st step in helping people process their reactions to a traumatic event. they are usually conducted with small groups of trauam victims shortly after the incident with the pourpose of helping them deal with emotional residuals of the event.