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23 Cards in this Set

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olive branch petition
was a adopted by the continental congress in July 1775 in an attempt to avoid a war with Great Britain the petition was rejected
prohibitory act
the Prohibitory act 1775 was passed as a measure of retaliation by Great Britain against the general rebellion, it declared and provided for a naval blockade against American ports
common sense
is a pamphlet written by Thomas Paine publish during the American revolution, this pamphlet presented a powerful argument for independence from British
declaration of independence
this document is a statement adopted by the continental congress on july 4, 1776
Thomas Jefferson
the third president of the united state of American, the Principal author of the declaration of independence, most influence of founding fathers.
George Mason
was an American patriot, statement, and delegate form Virginia to the U.S. constitutional convention, also know as the father of the bill of rights. he is consider on of the founding fathers
continental congress
the continental congress was a convention of delegates from from the thirteen that became the governing body of the united states
Articles of confederation
the first constitution of the united states and specified how the national government was going to operate
George Washington
was the dominant military and political leader of the new united states of America. lead Americans to victory over Britain
Bunker hill
it took place in June 17, 1775 it was a during the siege of Boston early in the American revolution
general Thomas Gage
was a British general best know for his role in the early days in the American war of independence, firs was with the patriots but then after losing a battle he switch to the other side which would be Britain
soldiers, were eigthing century German regiments hire to through theor rule by British empier
Lord Cornwallis
Nathanael Greene
John Adams
John Jay
treaty of Paris 1783
Women during war time
Abigail Adams
Civic virtue
Ordinance of 1784
North west ordinance
Shay's Rebellion