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19 Cards in this Set

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What is hemolytic jaundice?

- Caused by blood transfusion reactions, sick cell crisis, hemolytic anemia

- RBCs break down, producing large amount of unconjugated bilirubin in the blood

- Liver unable to handle increased load

What is hepatocellular jaundice?

- Caused by hepatitis, cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma

- Results from liver's altered ability to take up bilirubin from the blood or to conjugate or excrete it

- In hepatocellular disease, damaged hepatocytes leak bilirubin

What is obstructive jaundice?

- Causes are hepatitis, cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma, common bile duct obstruction from stones, biliary strictures, sclerosing cholangitis, pancreatic cancer

- Results from decreased or obstructed flow of bile through liver or biliary duct system

- Obstruction may occur in intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile ducts

- Intrahepatic obstructions are due to swelling or fibrosis of the liver's canaliculi and bile ducts

What are cautions for acetaminophen?

- Patients tend to be unaware of its prevalence in pain relievers, fever reducers, cough medicines

- Common cause of acute liver failure

- Combining acetaminophen with alcohol increases risk of liver damage

A patient presents with decreased serum colloidal oncotic pressure. What does this indicate?

- The vessels are more permeable to leakages due to deficient albumin, leading to ascites

What are the effects of hyperaldosteronism?

- Increased sodium and water retention, but potassium loss

What factors cause ammonia to increase, resulting in hepatic encephalopathy?

- GI hemorrhaging allow ammonia to leak with blood into GI tract

- With hypokalemia, there is no longer any potassium present to metabolize ammonia

- Ammonia increases with hypovolemia

- Infection increases cerebral sensitivity to toxins, allowing ammonia to do more damage after crossing blood brain barrier

- CNS depressants cause decreased liver metabolism -> Ammonia runs free

- Metabolic alkalosis facilitates ammonia transport across blood brain barrier

- Paracentesis causes loss of sodium and potassium

- Dehydration potentiates ammonia toxicity

How do vasopressin and octreotide treat cirrhosis?

- Controls bleeding in esophageal and gastric varices

- Vasoconstriction of splanchnic arterial bed

How do beta blockers like propranolol and nadolol treat Cirrhosis?

- Reduce portal hypertension
- Reduce esophageal varices and bleeding

How do lactulose infusions treat Cirrhosis?

- Acidify feces in bowel and trap ammonia inside the feces so it can't cause hepatic encephalopathy

How do rifaximin, neomycin sulfate, and magnesium sulfate treat Cirrhosis?

- Decrease bacterial flora to decrease ammonia formation
- Replace magnesium lost in bleeding

How does vitamin K treat Cirrhosis?

- correct clotting abnormalities

How do proton pump inhibitors like pantoprazole treat Cirrhosis?

- Decrease gastric acidity

How do diuretics like spironolactone and furosemide treat Cirrhosis?

- Blocks action of aldosterone in sodium and water retention; causes water excretion to alleviate hyponatremia

- Act on distal tubule and loop of henle to decrease reabsorption of sodium and water

How does morphine treat pancreatitis?

- Relieves pain

How do antispasmodics treat pancreatitis?

- Dicyclomine

- Decrease vagal stimulation, motility, pancreatic outflow, leading to decreased volume and concentration of bicarbonate and pancreatic enzyme secretion IE trypsin

- Contraindicate in paralytic ileus because it further slows GI motility

How do carbonic anhydrase inhibitors treat pancreatitis?

- Acetazolamide

- Decrease volume and bicarbonate concentration of pancreatic sections IE trypsin

How do antacids treat pancreatitis?

- Neutralize gastric acid secretion, which stimulates pancreatic enzyme activity

- Decreases production and secretion of pancreatic enzymes and bicarbonate

How do proton pump inhibitors treat pancreatitis?

- Omeprazole

- Decrease gastric acid secretion, which stimulates pancreatic enzyme activity