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19 Cards in this Set

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How do fluoroquinolone antibiotics work?

a. They interrupt cell wall synthesis

b. They inhibit DNA replication

c. They block the action of folic acid

d. They interrupt protein synthesis


Ciprooxacin (Cipro) is available in all of the following dosage forms except

a. oral.

b. parenteral.

c. topical.

d. inhalation.


Fluoroquinolones such as ciprooxacin (Cipro) are ineffective in the management of

a. gram-negative organisms.

b. aerobic gram-positive organisms.

c. anaerobic organisms.

d. sexually transmitted diseases.


The most common adverse effects to ciprooxacin (Cipro) therapy affect the _____ system.

a. GI

b. central nervous

c. hematopoietic

d. respiratory


Unlike ciprooxacin (Cipro), nalidixic acid (NegGram) is approved for the management of

a. genitourinary infections only.

b. anaerobic infections.

c. meningitis.

d. acne only.


Levooxacin (Levaquin) should be administered

a. once daily.

b. every other day.

c . four times a day.

d. twice a day.


When administered for systemic circulation, polymyxin B may induce

a. cardiotoxicity.

b. immunotoxicity.

c. hepatotoxicity.

d. nephrotoxicity.


Daptomycin (Cubicin) works by

a. displacing protein binding sites.

b. inhibiting protein synthesis.

c. binding to the bacterial membrane and interfering with the integrity of the cell wall.

d. inhibiting cross-banding of the bacterial cell wall.


Your patient brought her 5-year-old son to the clinic today. He has an eye infection and was prescribed ophthalmic ciprooxacin (Cipro). Your patient asks, “My pediatrician says that this drug is not OK for kids. Why did this doctor order it?” What is your best response?

a. “ Just because one doctor does not want to use it doesn’t mean that all of them feel the same way.”

b. “ This is something you should ask the doctor.”

c. “ Your pediatrician is right. Oral preparations of this drug should not be given to chil-dren, but the topical drops are approved.”

d. “No, I think you are wrong.”


Your 25-year-old female patient has been prescribed ciprooxacin (Cipro) for a respiratory infection. Patient teaching should include which of the following instructions?

a. If taking birth control pills, use a backup method while taking the drug.

b. Do not use any bronchodilator inhalers while taking this drug.

c. Wear high-top shoes to avoid tendon rupture.

d. Stop the medication as soon as you feel better.


Your patient has just been prescribed ciproox-acin (Cipro) for a skin infection. After reviewing his medical record, you note that he has a his-tory of gastroesophageal reux disease (GERD). Patient teaching for this patient should include which of the following instructions?

a. “ Do not take any medication for your stom-ach while taking this drug.”

b. “ Take any antacids at least 1 hour before or 2 hours after the Cipro.”

c. “ Be sure to take the Cipro at the same time you take your vitamins.”

d. “ Take Cipro with a full glass of cranberry juice.”


Your patient has an order for IV ciprooxacin (Cipro). To administer this medication safely, you should

a. dilute in 5 mL NS and infuse IV push over 1 to 2 minutes.

b. dilute in 10 mL sterile water and infuse IV push in 30 seconds.

c. infuse IV piggyback over 15 to 20 minutes.

d. infuse IV piggyback over 1 hour.


Your female patient has just completed a 7-day course of ciprooxacin (Cipro). The patient calls the clinic today and reports having a thick white vaginal discharge. You suspect a

a. hypersensitivity reaction.

b. toxic reaction.

c. superinfection.

d. sexually transmitted disease.


Your patient has an order for IV daptomycin (Cubicin). To administer this drug safely, you should administer with a

a. dextrose solution.

b. dextrose/normal saline solution.

c. bacteriostatic water solution.

d. normal saline or lactated Ringer’s solution.


Your patient receiving IV daptomycin (Cubicin) states, “My muscles hurt all over, and I started to have diarrhea today.” Which of the following statements is most appropriate?

a. “ I’ll be sure to write that in my nursing notes.”

b. “I will let your doctor know right away.”

c. “Those are expected effects from the drug.”

d. “ Perhaps you have caught some kind of bug.”


To minimize adverse effects from ciprooxa-cin, the nurse should teach the patient to

a. use a sunscreen.

b. limit uid intake.

c. take a double dose if one is missed.

d. eat three large meals.


You are caring for a patient who takes warfarin post mitral valve replacement. The patient now has peritonitis and is prescribed ciproox-acin. To minimize adverse effects, you should

a. encourage aerobic exercise.

b. monitor for excessive bleeding

c. assess the PT or INR carefully

d. administer the warfarin in the morning and the ciprooxacin in the evening. e. place the patient’s bed in a sunny location


A patient who has been taking oral ciprooxa-cin at home to treat pneumonia from Klebsi-ella pneumoniae calls the advice hotline for her HMO. The patient tells you, the advice nurse, “I must be allergic to this drug because I have terrible nausea and abdominal pain since I started it.” You should advise the patient to

a. stop taking the drug because she is allergic to it.

b. crush the drug and mix in a small amount of yogurt.

c. take the drug after meals.

d. eat small, frequent meals, but continue the drug.


Your 26 year old female patient is an injection drug user who has VRE bacteremia that has caused endocarditis. She has a six month old baby. She has a peripheral IV line that is receiv-ing main line uids of lactated Ringer’s solution. She is due for her 10 AM IV infusion dose of dap-tomycin. What is your best action at this time?

a. Flush the line with dextrose 10% before and after giving the drug

b. Contact the doctor and ask if the drug can be administered by IV push instead of infusion

c. Administer the drug now

d. Do not administer the drug but seek an order for a different antibiotic
