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42 Cards in this Set

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A physical or psychological dependence on a substance,usually involving a pattern of behavior that includes obsessive or compulsivepreoccupation with the substance and the security of its supply, as well as ahigh rate of relapse after withdrawal.


A bile pigment formed by the breakdown of hemoglobinin the liver.


A symptom that renders use of a remedy or procedureinadvisable, usually because of risk.

Bed wetting

The soft spot in an infant’s skull that consists oftough membranes that connect to incompletely developed bone.


The administration of a vaccine or toxoid to protectsusceptible individuals from communicable diseases.


A condition characterized by yellowness of the skin,eyes, mucous membranes, and excretions; occurs during the second stage ofhepatitis infection.


The first menstrual period.


The period of adolescence when a person begins todevelop secondary sexual traits and reproductive functions.

Substance abuse

The use of a substance in a way that is not medicallyapproved, such as using diet pills to stay awake or consuming large quantitiesof cough syrup that contains codeine. Substance abusers are not necessarilyaddicts.

WhenChris was a neonate, he had a high level of bilirubin in his blood. As amedical assistant, you know that he had ___________ and needed ___________.

Jaundice;a bili-blanket

Whichof the following statements indicates that the parents of a 12-month-old, namedIan, understand the importance of safety for their child?

We put locks on allthe cabinets to keep Ian from opening them.

Whichof the following would be the most important information to point out to aphysician about a pediatric patient?

A 7-year-old does nothave any friends at school

Ifan infant is crying while the physician is listening to breathe sounds, whichof the following would be the best course of action?

Providethe infant with a pacifier if he uses one


Vaccines or toxoidsthat protect susceptible individuals from infectious diseases

Whichmethod of temperature should not beused on a 2-year-old patient?


Which of thefollowing vital signs would be taken last for an infant?


Youare to collect a urine specimen on an infant in diapers. Which of the followingquestions would you least likely askthe infant’s parents?

Hasyour baby experienced enuresis?

Aparent calls in stating that her 5-year-old son has a fever of 102 degrees andwill not eat. What should you do?

Schedulethe child for the first available appointment that day

Whichof the following is an incorrect or untrue statement regarding child abuseand/or neglect?

Reportonly cases of child abuse and/or neglect that you are sure occurred

Mostcases are transmitted mother-to-child during pregnancy, labor, delivery, orbreastfeeding. All babies born toHIV-positive mothers, test positive for HIV antibodies, but not all remainpermanently infected.


Autoimmunedisease of the joints; occurs in children 16 years or younger. Severityof the disease ranges from mild to severe and may affect the eyes and internalorgans. The disease has periods of remission and flare-up.

Juvenilerheumatoid arthritis

all conditions identified as hyperactivity, hyperkinesis, and attentiondeficit.

awide rand of conditions that interfere with learning

ADHDand Learning Disabilities

Birth-related disorder of nerves andmuscles; caused by brain damage occurring before, during, or after birth or inearly childhood

Cerebral palsy

Cardiovascularmalformations in the fetus before birth; causes include genetic mutations,maternal infections, maternal alcoholism, or maternal insulin-dependentdiabetes

Congenitalheart disease

Geneticdisorder due to one extra chromosome in all cells formed during fetaldevelopment; characteristic facial features


Infectionof liver; virus can be transmitted from the mother before or during birth;immunization available


Majorcause of lower respiratory infections; highly contagious; difficult to treat;antibiotics only treat any secondary infections

RespiratorySyncytial Virus (RSV)

Unexplainedsudden death of an infant during sleep; usually occurs between 2 and 4monthsold; “back to sleep”

SuddenInfant Death Syndrome

Defectof spinal development occurring during the first trimester of pregnancy; thespinal cord is not fully protected


Virusthat causes cold sore blisters

Herpessimplex virus

Highlycontagious dermatologic


Autoimmune disease of the


Birth-relateddisorder of nerves and


Geneticdisorder from one extra


Causeof lower respiratory disease
in infants and young children


Whatare the four developmental milestones that are part of each life stage frombirth through the teen years?

•Physical development

•Intellectual-cognitive development

•Psycho-emotional development

•Social development

Physical development
Actual bodily changes that occur
Intellectual-cognitive development
Refers to the thinking skills the child is developing
Psycho-emotional development
refers to the changes in feelings experienced during a particular period
Social development
The way a person relates to others
An infant is called a ___________from birth to one month of age