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13 Cards in this Set

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A tumor-like mass of inflammatory tissue consisting of a central collection of macrophages, often including multinucleated giant cells, surrounded by lymphocytes

Granulomatous Disease

A disease characterized by the formulation of granulomas.

Herpetic Whitlow

An infection caused by herpes simplex virus infection that involves the distal phalanx of a finger

Incubation Period

The period between the infection of an individual by a pathogen and the manifestation of the disease it causes


A vague, indefinite feeling of discomfort, debilitation, or lack of health

Opportunistic Infection

A disease caused by a microorganism that does not ordinarily cause disease but becomes pathogenic under certain circumstances


An abnormal sensation such as burning, prickling, or tingling

Pathogenic Microorganism

A microorganism that causes disease



Subclinical Infection

An infectious disease not detectable by the usual clinical signs.

The most specific of the body's defense mechanisms against infection is...

The immune response

All of the following are true except...

A) the primary lesion of syphilis is called a chancre.

B) the secondary lesion of syphilis ocurs at the site of inoculation with the organism (false)

C) the tertiary lesion of syphilis is called a gumma.

D) syphilis is caused by the spirochete Treponema pallidum.

Perioral lesions of impetigo resemble...

Recurrent herpes simplex infection