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27 Cards in this Set

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Who won the Mexican-American War?
The U.S
Why do we remember the Donner-Reed party of 1846
what re started migration to california in 1849
the gold Rush
which section of the country fought against homesteading Acts in the U.S Congress
the south
"Bleeding Kansas"refers to what controversy that caused setllers to resort to violence
The Dred Scott Decision by the Supreme court declared that no law could be mad to ban slavery from any state or territory in the US who was "Dred Scott" in this case
What did John Brown try to do in 1859 in Harper's Ferry, Virginia..
start a slave revolt
The election of which president in 1860 provoked the secession of southen states from the Union
Abraham Lincoln
What crop revitalized slavery in the 1830s and provided material for the new industries of the north?
Who was the first president of the Confederate States of America
Jefferson Davis
Chattel slavery is defined as
Life long
inherited by children of slaves
human beings are property
Ancient forms of Slavery(Roman,biblical) all have what in common..
children of slaves are born free
What book did more to change American minds about slavery than any other printed source/
uncle toms's Cabin
What was the crucial factor in creating a sympathetic response to the condition of slaves in that book?
humanizing slaves
showing the brutality of slavery
Frederick douglass was a prominanty anti-slavery writer and speaker who once was
a slave
"manifest destiny" was the belief in the 1840s that the US should
expand across the continent
the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints started a migration to where in the 1840s
the salt lake Basin
The Wilmot Proviso sought to prohibit slavery from
any territory acquired from Mexico
What congressional action temporarilyu settled the sectional crisis in 1850?
the Compromise of 1850
What U.S. state according to your professor is arguably the best of them all in 1870.
Who won the Mexican-American War?
the U.S.
Why do we remember the Donner-Reed party of 1846?
what advantages did the U.S.A have over the C.S.A in the Civil war
200,000 of the men who served in the U.S.A military during the Civil War were from which group
African Americans
On April 14, 1865, who was assassinated in washington D.C?
Abraham Lincoln
The Emancipation Proclamation did not free all slaves but only those who were in what areas?
in the Confederacy
Who won the American Civil war
The US