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11 Cards in this Set

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Mercantile System (p. 95)
-A nationalistic program that assumed that the total amount of the world's gold and silver remained essentially fixed with only a notion's share of that wealth subject to change.
Patrick Henry (p, 121)
-Inspired the Virginia Resolves, which said that Englishmen could only be taxed by their elected officials.
-Famous words: "Give me Liberty or Give me Death."
-Later became one of the leaders of the anti-federilists.
"enumerated" goods (p.95)
-According to the Navigation Act, these particular goods, like tobacco or cotton, could only be shipped to England or other English colonies.
Navigation Acts (p.96)
-Passed by the English Parliament to control colonial trade and bolster the mercantile system. (1650-1775); enforcement of the acts led to growing resentment by colonists.
Glorious Revolution (p.97)
-1688 the Protestant Queen Mary and William of Orange took the British throne from King James II.
-Parliament greatly increased its power and passed the Bill of Rights and the Act of Toleration which greatly influenced events in the colonies.
Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations (the Board of Trade) (p.98)
-William III created this organization in 1696 to investigate the enforcement of the Navigation Acts.
-Recommended ways to limit colonial manufactures and encourage the harvesting of raw materials needed in England.
New France (p.104)
-Name for small number of French colonies in North America.
-French didn't have a colonies like England so they had to trade with indigenous people where they settled.
Jesuits (p.105)
-Religious order founded in 1540 by Ignatius Loyola.
-Wanted to counter the spread of Protestantism during the reformation and spread the Catholic faith through 3,500 hundred missionaries in New Spain and New France.
French and Indian War (p.107)
-Known in Europe as the 7 Years' War during 1755-1763.
-Was one of the last four wars fought between England and France for control of North America east of the Mississippi River.
Fort Necessity (p.107)
-After attacking French troops George Washington constructed and took shelter in this fort from vengeful French Troops.
-He eventually surrendered to them after a day long battle. This conflict was significant in igniting the French and Indian War.
Pontiac's Rebellion (p.113)
-The Peace Treaty of 1763 gave the British all French land east of the Mississippi River, which included the territory of French's Indian allies who after not being consulted about the transfer of their land to British control captured British forts all around the Great Lakes, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia.