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32 Cards in this Set

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is a psychological tendency that is expressed by evaluating a particular entity with some degree of favor or disfavor
ABC Model of A Attitude
Affect - emotional component
ABC Model Of a Attitude
Affect, Behavioral Intentions,
and Cognition
the emotional component
Behavioral Intentions
behave a certain way toward a object or person
a persons perceptions and beliefs
Two Major Influences of A attitude
Direct Experience and Social Learning
Attitude Behavior Correspondence
the degree to which a attitude predicts behavior
5 things that deal with the ABC Model
Attitude Speciticity
Attidtude Relevance
Timing of Measurement
Personality Factors
Social Constraints
Cognitive Dissonance
a state of tension that is produced when individual experiences conflict between attitudes and behavior
are typically regarded as feeling states that are more enduring than emotions but have no clear cause and are made up of a variety of emotions one is experienced
short lived intense reactions to an event that affect work behaviors
Emotional contagion
is a dynamic process through which the emotions of one person are transferred to another either consciously or unconsciously through nonverbal channels
Ethical Behavior
attract new talent through ethical behavior
- low sales growth for at least 5 years after of corporate illegality
Two Categories of Ethical Behavior
individual and organizational influences
3 Qualities for Ethical Decision Making
1. identify ethical issue and evaluate consequences
2. Self Confidence to seek out different opinions

3. Tough Mindedness the willingness to make decisions when all the needs to be known cannot be known
enduring beliefs that a specific mode of conduct or end state of existence is personally or socially preferable to an opposite or converse mode of conduct or end state of existence
proposed two values
terminal and instrumental
Terminal Values
values that represent the goals to be achieved or the end states of existence
Instrumental Values
values that represent the acceptable behaviors to be used in achieving some end state
4 Work Values
Achievement, concern for others, honesty, and fairness
Work Values Info
have a profound affect on jobs
have more satisfied job

achievement, concern and fairness have more implications on job choice
Cultural and Values
individual societys - personal contribution

collect societies - personal contribution to the team

- rank authority - French
-group authority -everybody has a say
Locus of Control
-ethical behavior
Internals have more ethics than externals
Machiavellian ism
using whatever it takes to get your way
-created by Nicol
-managers learn to work in a team and publicily announce agreements to combat Machs
Cognitive Moral Development
the process of moving through stages of maturity in terms of making ethical decisions
3 Levels of Cognitive Moral Devlop.
Premoral Level
Conventional Level
Principle Level
Pre-moral Level
ethical Decisions based on
rewards, punishments, and self interest

Stage 1- obeys rules to avoid punish.

Stage 2 - obeys rules in there self interest
Conventional Level
the focus is on the expectations of others in society

Stage 3 - live up to expectations of people around them

Stage 4- include the laws of society
Principled Level
right is determined by universal values

Stage 5 - aware of people with diverse value system, and upheld values besides what others think

Stage 6 - conflict between law and self ethical principle they choose
Facts of Cognitive
most adults have never reached Level 3
- higher more ethical
Critics of Cognitive Theory Development
-gender differences/all boys study
women seem to percieve more items to be unethical than do men

-people look to others for ethical guidance