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21 Cards in this Set

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Client- Centered Therapy

-Humanistic Therapy developed by Carl Rogers

-Accepting, empathizing accurately & conveying genuineness

-Also known as person-centered therapy

Basic Irrational Assumptions

-According to Albert Ellis

-Inaccurate & Inappropriate beliefs held by those w/various psychological problems

Rational-Emotive Therapy

-Cognitive Therapy developed by Albert Ellis

-Helps clients identify & change the irrational assumptions & thinking that adds to their psychological disorder

Family Pedigree Study

-Research Design

-Investigators determine how many & which relatives of a person w/a disorder have the same disorder


-Common group of anti-anxiety drugs

-Ex. Valium & Xanax

Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid


When this neurotransmitter has low activity -

- Leads to generalized anxiety disorder

Sedative-Hypnotic Drugs

- Drug that calms people at lower doses -

- Help them fall asleep at higher doses -

Relaxation Training

-Treatment procedure

-Teaches clients to relax at-will so they can calm themselves in stressful situations


-Client is given information about psychological reactions as they occur

-Learns to control the reactions volunarily

Electromyograph (EMG)

-Device that provides feedback about the level of muscular tension in the body


-Persistent & Unreasonable fear of particular object, activity, or situation

Specific Phobia

-Severe & Persistent fear of specific object or situation


-Anxiety Disorder

-Person is afraid to be in public situations from which escape might be difficult or help unavailable IF panic-like symptoms occured

Classic Conditioning

-Process of learning

-Two events that occur close together become strongly associated in a persons mind

-Person then reacts similarly to both events


-Process of learning

-Person observes & imitates others

-Therapy approach based on same principle

Stimulus Generalization

-Considered 'phenomenon'

-Responses to one stimulus are produced by similar stimuli


-Predisposition to develop certain fears

Exposure Treatments

-Behavioral Treatment

-Persons are exposed to the objects or situations they dread

Systematic Desensitization

-Developed by Joseph Wolpe

-Learn to relax while gradually facing the objects or situations they fear

-New relaxation response is thought to substitute for fear response


-Treatment for phobias

-Clients are exposed repeatedly & intensively to feared object

-Made to see that IT IS actually harmless

Social Anxiety Disorder

- Severe & Persistent fear... -

- Social or Performance situations in which embarrassment may occur -