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37 Cards in this Set

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The Liebig Law of Minimum

under stable conditions, the essential constituent available in amounts most closely approaching the minimum need tends to be the limiting one

Limiting Factor / Condition

factor substitutions / modifications can offset minor deficiencies

Shelford Law of Tolerance

not only too little, but too much of a limiting factor may be harmful

more tolerant organisms more widely distributed

unfavorable effects from one factor may reduce other factors tolerance

a factors net effect may be a combination of factors

life stage changes can change factor tolerances


genetically different subspecies populations adapted to specific environment

Organisms have two options for coping with environmental variation

1.) Tolerance

2.) Avoidance

Physical environment influences an organism’s success

Availability of energy and resources - impacts growth and reproduction

Extreme conditions can exceed tolerance limits & impact survival

Energy supply

Geographic distribution of a species - disturbance and competition

Why are plants good indicators of the physical environment?

Do Not move

Climate envelope

range of conditions over which it occurs

useful tool for predicting its response to climate change

Consequences of ranging outside optimum envelope

Stress (environmental change)

results in decreased rates of physiological processes, lowering survival potential, growth, or reproduction


adjusting to stress through behavior or physiology

usually a short-term, reversible process


weathered layered of earth’s crust with living organisms intermingled with products of their decay

depends on climate

Benefits of soil

site of decomposition

liberated chemicals become available to primary producers


aggregations of microbes around pellets, patches of organic matter, & mucus secretions

account for 90% of metabolic activity in soil

account for 10% soil volume

Soil structure

A Horizon - top soil, organic rich layer

A0 - detrital layer

A1 - humus layer

A2 - leached layer

B Horizon - fine particle size mineral rich layer

C Horizon - unweathered parent rock material

Factors that influence soil structure


Topographic features (forest vs. grassland)

Texture - grain size distribution (sand, slit, clay)

Organic content - proportion of organic matter

Exchange capacity - amount of exchangeable nutrients (availability)

2 groups of soils

mature soil - flat land soil controlled by climate & vegetation

immature soil - topographically, water, or source rock controlled

Soil erosion

loose soil faster than it is formed

from natural and anthropogenic means

movement of material from one area to another by the action of water or wind

Consequences of soil erosion

decrease in soil productivity

increase in pollution

decrease in crop production

Temperature variation

temp. of organisms is determined by exchanges of energy with external environment

Organism must tolerate temp. change or modify their physiological, morphological, or behavioral tactics

Enzymes/proteins denature & become nonfunctioning - inhibits cellular processes, leading to stress in organism

3 ways energy exchange btw organism & environment occur

1.) Conduction - transfer energy from warmer to cooler molecules

2.) Convection - heat energy is carried by moving water or air

3.) Radiation - transfer of energy associated with electromagnetic energy

Factors of temperature change in plants

Control transpiration rates - varying degree of opening & # of stomates

Shed leaves during dry seasons

Pubescence hairs - leaf surfaces structures that reflect solar energy

Heat lost by convection so plants hug the ground


regulate body temp. via energy exchange with external environment

can move to adjust temp. (+ temp. regulation, - exposure to predators)


maintain constant body temp. independent of external environment

high demand for energy (food) to support metabolic heat production

insulation - feathers, fur, and fat; limits conductive and convective heat loss

Surface area to volume ratio ectotherms

important energy exchange potential

as body size increases, surface area to volume ratio decreases (large ectotherms improbable)

Surface area to volume ratio endotherms

small endotherms with large surface area to volume ratio = higher metabolic rates, & require more energy, and higher feeding rates than large endotherms


Short hibernation period; dormant state

allows small mammals that have thin fur & little fat for energy storage survive in cold climates


more saline than an organism’s cells

terrestrial organisms - lose water to dry atmosphere


same salinity as an organism’s cells

marine organisms (water balance not a problem)


less saline as an organism’s cells

freshwater organisms - lose solutes to & gain water from environment

3 factors that compromise water potential

1.) Pressure - from area of high pressure to lower; associated energy is pressure potential (turgor)

2.) Osmotic potential - water flows from region of high concentration to a region of low concentration (low solute concentration to high solute concentration)

3.) Matric potential - energy associated w/ attractive forces on surfaces of large molecules inside cells or on surface of soil particles


Terrestrial plants strategies of coping with water variation

barriers impede water loss (waxy,thicker cuticle)

take up water from soil to replace water lost to atmosphere

some form resistant spores to tolerate low water / dry habitats

Water loss regulation in plants

Shed leaves in dry seasons to reduce transpirational water loss

Hormonal signals to signal stromates to close

Acclimatize by altering root growth to match soil moisture & nutrients

Water balance in animals

specialized organs for gas exchange, excretion, solute retention (lessens water loss)

move to environments to maintain water balance

Marine plants strategies for coping with water variation

take up water from sources with higher water potentials

Freshwater plants strategies for coping with water variation

solutes in cells create the water potential gradient

Water variation marine animals

tend to be isoosmotic to seawater

some exchange solutes with the environment to retain osmotic balance (marine bony fishes have blood that is hypo osmotic to seawater so tend to loose water and gain solutes)

Water variation freshwater animals

hyperosmotic to the water so tend to gain water and lose salts

Water variation terrestrial animals

exchange gases with a dry environment

evaporative water loss is minimized by skin resistance and/or by living in moist environments

amphibians - moist habitats; gas exchange through skin

reptiles - thick skin with layers of dead cells, fatty coatings, and plates/scales to minimize water loss

Fur/feathers minimize water loss