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74 Cards in this Set

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what is skin

a large organ composed of all 4 tissue types

integumentary functions

1. protection

2. Excretion

3. Maintenance of body temperature

4. Syntheis of Vitamiun D


fluid loss, mechanical & or chemical damage


excretion of water, salts & organic wastes

maintenance of body temperature

insulates heat loss & cools down with sweat

synthesis of vit D

UV rays induce synthesis of cholecaliferol (precursor to Calcitirol)

storage of lipids

in dermal layer & hypodermmis

detect enviroment change

recpetors for touch, presue, pain & temperature

2 major layers of skin

epidermis & dermis


epidermis is only epithelial tissue inly


dermis is layer of connective tissue, nerse & muscle

Subcutaneous tissue (subQ or hypoderm)

layer of adispose & aerolar tissue


subcutaneous injection

(4) overview of Epidermis

Stratified sqamous epithelium

contain no blood vessels

4 types of cell

5 distinct strata (layers in thich skin & 4 distinct strata in thin skin

4 cell types of epidermis



lanhern cells

Merkel cells



produces keratin



produces melanin pigment

melanin transferredto other cekks with longer cell processes

Langerhan cells

from bone marrow

provide immunity q

merkel cells

in deepest layer

from touch receptor with sensory neuron

Layers (Strata) of the Epidermis

Stratum corneum

Stratum Lucidum

Stratum Granulosum

Stratum Spinosum

Stratum Basale (or Geminativum

Stratum Germinativum (Basale)

Deepest single layer of cells

Combination of merkel cells, melanocytes, keratinocytes & stem cells that divide repeatedly

Cells attached to each other & to basement memebrane by desmosomes & demidesmosomes, respectively

Intermediate (tonofilaments) filaments strengthen cell & attachments

Stratum Spinosum

8-10 cell layers held together by desmosomes

During slide preperation, cell shrink and look spiny

Melanosomes (containing melanin) is taken in from nearby melanocytes

melanin protects nucleus from UV rays

Stratum Granulosum

3-5 layer of flat dying vells

show nuclear degeneration

contain dark-staining keratohyalin granules that release lipid that repels water

Melanosomes reach this layer in dark skin people

Stratum Lucidum

Seen in thick skin on palms & soles of feet

3-5 layers of clear, flay, dead cells

Contains precursor of kertatine ( keratohyalin converst tonofilament into keratin)

Stratum Corneum

25-30 layers of flay dead cells filled with keratin and surrounded by lipids

continuously shed

Barried to light, heatm waterm chemicals & bacteria

Fiction stimulaes cell formation

Keratinization & Epidermal Growth

stem cells divide to produce keratinocytes

As keratinocytes are pushed up towards the surface they fill with keratin

Cornification is process of keratinization occuring on all body surfaces (except eye ball)

4 week journey unless outer layers removed in abrasion or Psoriasis in which cell reach the surface in 10 days

Cell Last on the surface about 2 weels until slughed off

Homrone EGF (epidermal growth factor) can speed up process by increasing mitosis

Insensible perspiration

is not felt, it is responsibile for removing about 1 pt of water/day through osmosis

Sensible Perspiration-

through active sweat glands to cool the body by evaporation


connective tissue layer composed of collagen & elastic fibers. fibroblasts, macrophages & fat cells

contains hair follicles, glands, nerves & blood vessel

major regions of dermis

papillary region

reticular region

papillary plexus

role in decubitus bed sores & transdermal patches

papillary region

top 20% of dermis

composed of loose CT & elastic fibers

finger like projections called dermal papillae

functions of Papillary Region

anchors epidermis to dermis

contains capillaries that feed epidermis

contains Meissner's corpuscles (touch) & free nerve endings (pain & temperature)

Epidermal ridges

formed in fetus as epidermus confroms to dermal papillae

Fingerprints are left by sweat glands open on ridges

increase grip of hand

Reticular Regions

Dense irregular connective tissue

contains interlacing collagen and elastic fibers

Packws with oil glands, sweat gland ducts, fat & hair follicles

provides stength, extensibility & elasticity to skin

stretch marks are dermal tears from exteme stretching which overcomes the elastic barrier of elastic fibers

Lines of Cleavage- direction of fibers

Blood & Lymph coming up from subcutaneous

Melanin produced in epidermis by____

melanin produced in epidermis by melanoctyes

same number of melanocytes in everyone, but differing amounts of pigment produced

results vary from yellow to tan to black color

melanocytes convert tyrosine to melanin

UV in sunlight increases melanin production

freckles or liver spots=

melanicyes in a patch


inherited lack of tyrosinase; no pigmet


may be autoimmune loss of melanocytes in areas of the skin which then produces white patches

carotene in dermis

yellow-organe pigment (precursor of vitamin A)

found in stratum corneum & fatty areas of dermis


red, oxygen-carrying pigment in blood cells

if other pigments are not present, epidermis is translucent so pinkness wil be evident


yellowish color to skin and whies of eyes

buildup of yellow bilirubin in blood from liver diseasw


bluish color to nail beds and skin

hemoglobin depleted of oxygen looks purple-blue


redness of skin due to enlargement of capillaries in dermis

dring inflammation, infection, allergy or burns


paleness due to anemia or shock

Subcutanous (Hypodermis) Layer

Blood Resevoir

Subcutanous fat as an every source

stores Carotene pigment as precursor to Vitamin A

cells sink inward during development to form


oil glands

sweat glands



visible: internal organizatoin is complete is complete

medulla, cortex, & cuticle


belows the surface

follicle surrounds ___

follicle surrounds root

external root sheath

internal root sheath

base of follicle is bulb

blood vessels

germinal cell layer

hair matrix is

hair matirx is portion of hair bulb for growth


incomplete layer of cells wit soft keratin


cells with stiff keratin

Hair Cuticle

this single layer of heavily kerantinized cells

Arrector pili

smooth muscle in dermis contracts with cold or fear

forms goodebumps as hair is pulled vertically

hair root plexus

detect hair movment

Growth cycle=

growth stage & resting stage

growth stage

lasts for 2-5(or6) years

matrix cells at base of hair root producing length

terminal hair (thich vs course) vs Vellus (fine)

Resting stage (club hair)

lasts for 3 month

matrix cells inative & follicle atrophies

Old hair _____ as growth stage begins again

old hair falls out as growth stage begins again

normal hair loss is 50-100 hairs per day

Hair color is a result of

hair color is result of melanin produces in melanocytes in hair bulb

____ contains true melanin with iron and sulfur added

Dark hair contains true melanin

blonde & red hair contain_____ with ___ and ____ added

Blond and red hair contain melanin with iron and sulfur added

____ is a result of decline in melanin production

Graying hair is result of decline in melanin production

white hair has ___

white hair has air bubbles in the medullary shaft

functions of hair

prevent heat loss

Decreases sunburn

Eyelashes help protcted eyes

Touch receptors (hair root plexus) sense light touch

Prevents invasion of debris or insects into nose, eyes & ears

Glands of the Skin

Specialized exocrine glands found in dermis

Sebaceous (oil) glands

Sudiferous (sweat) glands

Ceruminous (wax) glands

Mammary (milk) glands

Sebaceous glands

oil glands

secretory potion in the dermis (holocrine)

most open onto hair shafts- keeps hair from drying out


combination of cholesterol, proteins, fats& salts

keeps hair and skin soft & pliable

inhibits growth of bacteria & fungi (ringworm)


bacterial inflammation of glands

sevretions by horemones at puberty

Vernix Caseosa

Seum & epithelium cells coat newborn skin

Eccrine or Merocrin (sweat) glands

most areas of skin

secretory portion in dermis with duct to surface

regulate body temperature with perspiration

Dilute surface & antibiotic properties

Aporcrine (sweat) glands

in part they are also merocrine secretions

armpit and public region

secretion paortion od dermis with duct that opens onto hair follicle

secretions more viscous & odiferous 9due to bacterial decomposition)

Release w/ sexual arousal or stress

ceruminous glands

modified sweat glands produce waxy secretioh in ear canal when mixed w/ secretions from sebaceous glands

cerumin contains secretions of oil and eax glands

helps from barried for entrance of foreign bodies

impacted cerumen may reduce hearing