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35 Cards in this Set

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part of the cell cycle that is in between two consecutive cell divisions

Parts of interphase

G1, S, and G2

What happens during interphase

cell caries out normal cell functions and prepares for division

G1 phase

normal functions, typically longest part of cell life

S phase

synthetic phase: DNA is replicated (linear sequences of thousands of genes), DNA forms into chromatin. Chromatins form into chromatids,

How does DNA replicate?

DNA unwinds and unzips, replication fork/bubble, each strand acts as a template, and then 2 identical "daughter" DNA strands are formed.

What are chromatin?

chromatin are the structures of DNA that are thin, linear and wirey. (Before S phase)

What are chromosomes?

After chromatin duplicate, they coil up into >< shaped figures called chromosomes.

What are chromatids?

Each half of a chromosome > and <, when separate, are called chromatids.

G2 phase

cell prepares for division, enzymes and proteins prepare too by being synthesized

Two parts of the cell division phases

1. karyokinesis

2. cytokinesis


Division of nucleus, and processes of mitosis or meiosis


division of cytoplasm

Mitosis is______ cell reproduction

asexual: all cells do it

Meiosis is _______ cell reproduction

sexual: ONLY SEX CELLS, therefore, no two sex cells have the same DNA

Mitosis phases

Karyokinesis (prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase)



Mitosis: prophase

DNA condenses into sister chromatids )( to become thick and unbreakable

-nucleoli disapperas

-nuc. envelope dissipates

-spindal microtubules attach 2 kinetochore


Center region of sister chromatids )( the little area where they connect

Mitosis: metaphase

chromosomes line up along the metaphase plate, and enzymes are triggered to start breaking the connection of the sister chromatids at the kinetochore

Mitosis: anaphase

centromeres split, chromatids split, spindle microtubules push halves of cell apart


Centromere are protein fibers located in the cytoplasm of a cell. They become spindle fibers during meiosis to help the cell divide. When this spindle fibers locate to each pole of the cell, they then connect to the kinetochore (center region of chromosome) and pull apart the chromosomes in Anaphase.

Mitosis: Telophase

1. New nuclear envelopes form

2. chromosomes back into chromatin form

3. nucleoli reappear

4. reversal of prophase


aggregates of microtubules identify planes of division (polar sides of cell wall),

and along there a phragmoplast forms, traps vesicles which eventually form into 2 new cell walls, glued by a middle lamella


sex cells


the product of two fused gametes

Main differences between mitosis and meiosis

1. meiosis has 2 rounds of division to reduce DNA by half (purpose is for reproduction)

2. meiosis has the crossing of genetic material, and mitosis has consistently identical genetic material through its reproduction processes

Meiosis: prophase 1

DNA condenses into sister chromatids )(

-nucleoli disapperas

-nuc. envelope dissipates

-special interaction of "crossing" dna link (chiasmata)

Meiosis: Metaphase 1

chromosomes line up along the metaphase plate

Meiosis: Anaphase 1

)( chromosomes part, but sister chromatids DO NOT split. Nuclei formed from this are haploid

Meiosis: telophase 1

reverse prophase, but never interphase

Meiosis: Prophase 2

(chromosomes already in thick >< shape)

-nucleoli disapperas

-nuc. envelope dissipates

-spindal microtubules attach 2 kinetochore

Meiosis: Metaphase 2

chromosomes line up along the metaphase plate

Meiosis: Anaphase 2

sister chromatids are pulled apart by spindle fibers and microtubules push halves of the cell away from one another

Meiosis: Telophase 2

1. New nuclear envelopes form2. chromosomes back into chromatin form3. nucleoli reappear 4. reversal of prophase

What phases of Meiosis are sometimes skipped, depending on the type of cell?

telophase 1 and prophase 2