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71 Cards in this Set

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Leaving a patient after care has been initiated and before the patient has been transferred to someone with equal or greater medical training.

Advanced Directive

instruction written in advanced of an event

Example: a DNR order


Placing a person in fear of bodily harm.


The obligation not to reveal info obtained about a patient, except to other health care providers involved in the patients care, or under subpoena, in a court of law or when the patient has signed a release of confidentiality.


Permission from the patient for care or other action by the E.M.T.

Crime scene

Location where a crime has been committed or any place that evidence relating to a crime me be found.


A legal document, usually signed by the patient and his physician. Which states that the patient has a terminal illness and dose not wish to prolong life through resuscitative efforts.

Duty to act

An obligation to provide care to a patient.


Regarding a social system or social/ professional expectations for applying principles of right and wrong.

Expressed consent

Adult, legal age, mentally competent to make a rational decision for their medical well being.

Good Samaritan Laws

A series of laws varying in Each state, designed to provide limited legal protection for citizens and some health care personnel when they are administering emergency care.


Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.

Federal law protecting the privacy of patient specific health care info and providing patient with control over how that information is used and distributed.

Implied consent

Consent is presumed if patient or patient guardian would give if they could give it.

Example: unconscious patient = implied consent.

In loco parentis

A person who may give consent for care of a child when parents are not present or able to give consent.


Being held legally responsible.


False or injurious info in written form.


Regarding personal standards or principles of right and wrong.


A finding of failure to act properly in a situation where there was a duty to act, that needed care as would reasonable expected of the EMT was not provided, and that harm was done to the patient as a result.

Organ Donar

A person who has completed a legal document that allows donation of organs and tissues in the event of death.

Res ipsa loquitur

Latin for "the thing speaks for it self"

Safe haven law

Law that permits a person to drop off a child at a police, fire or E.M.S. Station or to deliver the infant or child to protect kids who would otherwise be abandoned or harmed.

Scope of practice

A set of regulations and ethical considerations that define the scope, or extend the limits of the E.m.ts job.

Scope of practice

A set of regulations and ethical considerations that define the scope, or extend the limits of the E.m.ts job.


False or injurious information stated verbally.

Standard of care

For an e.m.t. Providing care for a specific patient in a specific situation.

The care that would be provided by e.m. T. In a similar situation.


A civil, not criminal offense and action or injury caused by negligence from which a lawsuit would arise.

The actions and care that are legally allowed for the EMT are called the:

Scope of practice

Laws that have been developed by states to minimize the risk of individuals being held liable for providing emergency care to victims of illness or injury are called:

Good Samaritan laws

What is the term for placing a person in fear of bodily harm?


Which term means "in place of the parents"?

In loco parentis

The best defense for lawsuits relating to the care that has been provided to a patient is to:

Keep your patient's best interest in mind when rendering care.

You have been under a lot of family stress lately, and you have not been sleeping well. When you go to work this morning, you realize that you have forgotten to place your badge on your uniform shirt. You tell your partner you cannot seem to think clearly. Your partner tells you that he is concerned about your well-being. After hearing this you know that your duty as an EMT is to:

Take off work until you can straighten out your family problem and make sure that you are mentally prepared to work.

An EMT who demonstrates ideal conduct when treating patients is displaying good:


A legal document allowing the healthcare provider to withhold resuscitation from a chronically or terminally ill patient is known as the:

Advance directive.

While providing patient care at a secured crime scene, you should:

Not cut through holes in clothing that might have been caused by bullets or stabbing. Cut at least 6 inches from these holes.

If an EMT were to release information about how intoxicated a patient was onto a social networking site, this could be considered:

Libel. A k a false or injurious information in written form

You and your partner have arrived on the scene of a person injured as a result of a gunshot wound during the burglary. It is unclear whether the shooter is still on the scene. You should:

Request law-enforcement immediately.

Documents signed by a patient that communicates his or her wishes regarding medical care are called:

Advance directives.

If they discovered that a seriously injured patient is an organ donor, the emergency care providers should:

Treat the patient the same as a non-donor.

What may interfere with an ENT's ability to care for a patient at a crime scene?

The police want to interview the patient.

You are transporting a victim from a motor vehicle collision, and the patient's current condition is deteriorating rapidly, from your experience you do not think this patient will survive transport. You notice on the patient's a drivers license the patient is in Organ donor. You can help to facilitate the patient's wishes by:

Notify medical direction of the patient's organ donor status.

If a patient feels that he received harmful care bye EMT, he would need to prove that:

The EMT had a duty to act.

negligence is a TORT in which there is no intent to do harm to the patient but in which a breach in the duty to act occurs.

The plaintiff has to prove four elements: the EMT had a duty to act, he breached that duty, there was an injury, and there was probably proximate cause.

negligence is a TORT in which there is no intent to do harm to the patient but in which a breach in the duty to act occurs.

The plaintiff has to prove four elements: the EMT had a duty to act, he breached that duty, there was an injury, and there was probably proximate cause

What is an EMT's primary ethical consideration?

Making patient care and the patient's well-being a priority.

You document on your run sheet that your patient with altered mental status is "just another drunk" this would likely be considered:


You proceed to treat a patient who has consented to care, but you have not explained the risks and benefits of what you're going to do. This is most likely a violation of:

Informed consent.

Who is responsible for overseeing HIPAA issues at an EMS agency?

The privacy officer

Wheeling a nonemergency patient into the hospital emergency department, placing him in a bed, and leaving him without transferring care directly to emergency department staff constitute:

As abandonment

You have just arrived at the station to start your shift, and you notice that your partner is asleep in a chair. You proceed to check out your ambulance. Your partner comes in drinking a cup of coffee, and you notice that she has a strong alcohol smell on her breath. Your duty as an EMT is to:

Notify dispatch that you're out of service and have your supervisor come to meet you.

A patient is injured but refuses to be transported by ambulance. He is competent to make decisions, and you have exhausted all avenues to convince him to be transported, so you have him sign a refusal of treatment form. You're demonstrating the ethical principle of:

A patient's right of self determination.

The health insurance portability and accountability act a.k.a. HIPAA:

Allows you to discuss patient specific information only with individuals with whom it is medically necessary to do so.

When you unexpectedly find yourself at a crime scene you should :

Request law enforcement

You're on the scene of a motor vehicle collision or a patient's car struck a utility pole. Witnesses reported to you that the patient was unconscious after the impact. However, the patient is not conscious, alert and oriented, and refusing care and transport. You should:

Inform the patient of your concern and try to persuade her to go to the emergency department and receive treatment.

If you stop providing care to a patient without ensuring that equivalent or better care will be provided. You will be legally liable for:


If you stop treatment of a patient without transferring the care to another competent professional of an equal or higher level of training and certification or licensure, it will be considered abandonment

Your partners telling others that you are having sexual relations with another person of the same sex. You are not. You could bring your partner up on charges of:

Slander, because he is spreading false or injurious verbal statement.

Designated to make healthcare decisions for the patient if the patient is unable to do so is called:

A Health care Proxy.

You suspect That a pediatric patient is being abused. You decide not to report this to the appropriate authorities because the parent is very upset and remorseful. This is:

A violation of Professional ethics and possibly a crime.

You are on the scene Of a cardiac arrest. You have begun resuscitation as family members arrive and present you with a valid DNR order. You should:

Follow your local protocols and contact medical direction if unsure on how to proceed.

As you enter a hectic possible crime scene, you find that a coffee table is blocking your axis to the patient. What is the best way to manage the situation?

Move the table as little as possible, wear gloves; notify the police on the scene; and document your actions precisely in your patient care report.

When a patient is unable to make a rational decision about consenting to emergency care, that EMT may care for the patient on the basis of:

Implied consent.

The scope of practice is governed by

The state in which the EMT is providing care.

Applying the principles of right and wrong to your role as EMT is known as:

Professional ethics

You have just returned to the station after completing a call in which you transported in elderly female patient to the hospital for nausea and vomiting. Upon exiting the ambulance, you are approached by an adult male who indicates that the patient you just transported was his mother and he wants to know the details of the run. You should:

Advise him that you can take his information and pass it along to the Privacy Officer at your department, who will contact him with instructions for accessing the information he requests.

You were on the scene of a patient with obvious signs of traumatic death Your duty as an EMT is to notify:


When an EMT takes the time to ask permission from a conscious adult to do an assessment and procedures, this is respecting the legal principle of:

Expressed consent

How's your quality improvement be practice?

By maintaining the standards you wish to have provided for your family.

What is likely to be inscribed on a medical alert bracelet?

It may indicate a number of conditions, for example: allergies.

Good Samaritan laws were enacted to do what?

Protect individuals who try to help people in emergencies

At a crime scene, what is the EMTs first priority?

Patient care and transport

Why does the EMTs scope of practice vary from state to state?

Local legislation

Good Samaritan laws are based on:

Providing care in good faith.

You're caring for a patient who was stabbed. During your assessment, you find a small knife in paled in one of the standards. You should:

Treat the world as usual, but notify the police that you was transport the weapon with the patient.