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23 Cards in this Set

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Body Membrane
function is to cover surfaces , line body cavities , anchor organs , form protective & lubricating sheets
Types of Body Membranes
Epithelial Membranes
Connective Tissue Membranes
Epithelial Membranes
contain epithelium & connective tissue components .
3 types : cutaneous / mucous / serous membrane
-protects body surface
-exposed to school
skin membrane
Mucous Membrane
-lines body cavities open to exterior
-may secrete mucous
Serous Membrane
-closed to exterior
-lines the ventral body cavity
-occur in pairs (parietal & visceral)
Parietal Layer
-furthest from the organ
-fuses with cavity wall
(folds into itself to form Visceral layer)
Visceral Layer
-inner layer clings to organs external wall
-allows organs to slide easily without friction
Connective Tissue Membrane
-composed of soft areolar tissue & no epithelial cells at all
Synovial Membranes
-lines joint cavities
-provides smooth surface & secrete lubricating fluids
The Integumentary System
-consists of the skin, hair, nails & glands
- keeps H2O and other molecules in the body , while keeping H2O (waterproof) and other substances (bacteria,chemicals) out
Structure of the Skin (aka cutaneous membrane)
outer layer = epidermis
inner layer = dermis
-Avascular (no blood supply)
-keratinocytes are part of the epidermis (produce keratin)
-melanocytes are part of the epidermise (produce melanin)
-below the epidermise
-provides nutrients to the epidermise
-vascualr (blood supply)
-has pain and touch receptors
-ridges are formed to make fingerprints
-collagen fibers (responsible for toughness of dermis & attracts and binds H2O)
-elastic fibers (gives elasticity)
Skin Colour
1.Melanin- found in the epidermise (yellow to black colour)
2.Carotene- deposited in epidermise (orange to yellow colour)
3. Hemoglobin- pigment in blood cells that carry oxygen (flushed, hot, appear redder)
-tissue damage and cell death caused by intense heat, electricity, UV radiation & Chemicals
-2 life threatening problems: loss of fluid & infection
Loss of Fluid
-loses fluid containing proteins and electrolytes
-dehydration and electrolyte imbalance follow
-kidneys shut down & circulatory shock (decreased blood volume)
-leading cause of death
-pathogens invade are where skin is destroyed and immune system is low
Classification of Burns
1st Degree- epidermis only. red swollen heals 2 to 3 day
2nd Degree- epidermise and upper layer of dermis. blisters appear, regrowth can occur, usually no scars
3rd Degree- thickness of skin. burn is not painful because nerve endings have been destroyed (regeneration not possible)
Skin Cancer
Basal Cell Carcinoma
-least malignant & most common
-metastasis (spreading) seldom occurs
Skin Cancer
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
-grow fast & metastasize to lymph nodes
-lesions are scaley, reddened, ulcer with raised border
Skin Cancer
Malignant Melanoma
-cancer of melanocytes (melanin producing cells)
-often deadly
-appear from moles or spontaneously
-metastasizes rapidly to lymph nodes & blood vessels
Asymmetry-two sides of mole do not match
Border Irregularity-boarders are not smooth
Colour-contain different colours
Diameter-larger than 6 mm
Elevation-above skin surface