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74 Cards in this Set

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light microscope
use to see
animal and plant cells
some structures within cells
electron microscope (EM)
uses a beam of electrons
can resolve biological structures as small as 2 nanometers
magnify up to 100,000 times
Scanning electron microscope (SEM)
studies the detailed architecture of cell surfaces
Transmission electron microscope (TEM)
studies the detail of internal cell stucture
plasma membrane
forms a flexible boundary between the living cell and its surrounding
form a two layer sheet called phosholipid bilayer
in which hydrophilic heads face outward, exposed to water
hydrophobic tails point inward, shielded from water
prokaryotic cells are
bacteria and archaea
eukaryotic cells are
plant, animal, fungi, and protists
prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells both have
a plasma membrane
one or more chromosomes and ribosomes
light microscope used to see
animal and plant cells
some strutures within a cell
cell theory
all living things are composed of cells
all cells come from other cells
electron microscope (EM)
uses a beam of electrons
resolve biological strustures as small as 2 nanometers
magnify up to 100,000 times
scanning electron microscope (SEM)
studies the detailed architecture of cell surfaces
transmission electron microscope(TEM)
studies the details of internal cell srtuctures
plasma membrane
forms a flexible boundary between the living cell and its surroundings
forms a two-layer sheet called a phosholipid bilayer in which
hydropilic heads face outward, exposed to water
hydrophobic tails point inward, shielded from water
prokaryotic cells
bacteria and archaea
eukaryotic cells
plant, animal, fungi, and protists
prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells both have
a plasma membrane
one or more chromosomes and ribosomes
eukaryotic cells have
membrane-bound nucleus
number of other organelles
prokaryotic cells have
a nucleios and no true organelles
the DNA of prokaryotic cells is coiled into a region called the nucleiod, but no membrane surrounds the DNA
prokaryotic cells surface may
be surrounded by a chemically complex cell wall
have a capsule surrounding the cell wall
have short projections that help attach to other cells or the substrate
have longer projections called flagella that may propel the cell through its liquid environment
cellular metabolism
many chemical activities of cells, occurs within organelles
the strutures and organelles eukaryotic cells perform four basic functions
1. the nucleus and ribosomes are involved in the genetic control of the cell
2. the endoplasmic reticulum, golgi apparatus, lysosomes, vaccuoles, and peroxisomes are involved in the manufacture, distribution, and breakdown of molecules
3. mitochondria in all cells and chloroplast in plant cells are involved in energy processing
4. structural support, movement, and communication between cels are functions of the cytoskeleton, plasma membrane, and the cell wall
plant cells dont have
lysosomes and centrioles
animal cells dont have
central vaccuole
cell wall
contains most of the cell's DNA
controls the cell's activities by directing protein synthesis by making messenger RNA (mRNA)
nuclear envelope
a double membrane
has pores that allow material to flow in and out of the nucleus
is attached to a network of cellular membranes called the endoplasmic reticulum
a prominent structure in the nucleus
the site of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) synthesis
are involved in the cell's protein synthesis
synthesized from rRNA produced in the nucleolus
cells that must synthesize large amounts of protein have a large number of ribosomes
free ribosomes
suspended in the cytoplasm
typically involved in making proteins that function within the cytoplasm
bound ribosomes
attached to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) associated with the nuclear envelope
associated with proteins packed in certain organelles or exported from the cell
endomembrane system
many of the membranes within a eukaryotic cell are part of the endomembrane system
some of these membrane are physically connected and some are related by the transferof membrane segments by tiny vesicles
sacs made of membranes
endomembrane system includes
nuclear envelope
endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
golgi apparatus
plasma membrane
Smooth E.R
lacks attached ribosomes
Smooth ER is involved in a variety of diverse metabolic processes which could be
produces enzymes important in the synthesis of lipids, oils, phospolipids, and steriods
some smooth ER helps store calcium ions
rough ER makes
additional membrane for itself
proteins destined for secretion
golgi apparatus serves as
a molecular warehouse and finishing factory for products manufactured by the ER
is a membrane sac containing digestive enzymes
lysosomes help
digest food particles engulfed by a cell
1.a food vacuole binds with a lysosome
2.the enzymes in the lysosome digest the food
3.the nutrient are then released into the cell
lysosomes also help remove damaged parts of a cell
1.the damaged organelleis first in a membrane vesicle
2. then a lysosome
-fuses with the vesicle
-dismantles its contents
-breaks down the damaged organelle
are large vesicles that have a variety of functions
in plants a vacuole may
-have digestive function
-contain pigments
-contain poisons that protect the plant
are organelles that carry out cellular repiration in nearly all eukarotic cells
-cellular repiration converts the chemical energy in foods to chemical energy to ATP
mitochondria have two internal compartments
1.the intermembrane space is the narrow region between the inner and outer membranes
the mitochondrial matrix
-the mitochondrial DNA
-many enzymes that catalyze some of the reactions of cellular respiration
are the photosynthesizing organelles of all photosynthesizing eukaryotes
is the conversion of light energy from the sun to the chemical energy of sugar molecules
chloroplasts are partioned into compartments which are
-between the outer and inner membrane is a thin intermembrane space
-inside the inner membrane is
-a thick fluid called STROMA that contains the chloroplast DNA,ribosomes,and many enzymes
-a network of interconnected sacs called THYLAKOIDS
-in some regions,thylakoids are stacked like poker chips. each stack is called a GRANUM,where green chlorophyll molecules trap solar energy
mitochondria and chloroplast have
endosymbiont theory
-mitochondria and chloroplast were formerly small prokaryotes
-they began living within larger cells
cells containing a network of protein fiber
which functions in structural support and mitility
cytoskeleton is composed of three kinds of fibers
1.microfilaments(actin filaments) support the cell's shape and are involved in motility
2.intermediate filaments reinforce cell shape and anchor organelles
3.microtubules (made of tubulin) give the cell rigidity and act as tracks for organelle movement
longer than cilia,propels a cell by an undulating,whiplike motion
work more like the oars of a crew boat
cilia and flagellum both are made of
microtubules wrapped in an extension of the plasma membrane
cilia and flagellum move by
bending motor proteins called dynein feet
-these feet attach to and exert a sliding force on an adjacent doublet
-the arms then release and reattach a little further along and repeat this time after time
-this "walking" causes the microtubules to bend
animal cells synthesize and secrete an elaborate extracellular matrix (ECM) that
-helps hold cells together in tissues
-protects and supports the plasma membrane
span the plasma membrane and connect to microfilaments of the cytoskeleton
tight junction
prevent leakage of extracelluar fluid across a layer of epithelial cells
anchoring junction
fasten cells together into sheets
gap junctions
are channels that allow molecules to flow between cells
cell wall
-protects and provides skeletal support that helps keep the plant upright against gravity
-is primarily composed of cellulose
in plant cells that serve in communication between cells
DNA replication, RNA synthesis;assembly of ribosomal subunits (in nuleoli)
polypeptide (protein) synthesis
Rough ER
synthesis of membrane lipids and proteins,secretory proteins,and hydrolytic enzymes; formation of transport vesicles
smooth ER
lipid synthesis; detoxifiction in liver cells; calcium ion storage
golgi apparatus
modification and sorting of macromolecules; formation of lysosomes and transoprt vesicles
lyosomes (in animal cells and some protists)
digestion of ingested food,bacteria, and a cell's damaged organelles and macromolecules for reycling
digestion (food vacuole); storage of chemicals and cell enlargement (central vacuole); water balance (contractile vacuole)
peroxisomes (not part of endomembrane system)
diverse metabolic processes, with breakdown of toxic hydrogen peroxide by-product