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68 Cards in this Set

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the number of individuals in the population
describes the location of the population geographically.
describes the population in terms of age, income, education, and occupation.
the technical term for change of residence.
How does mobility impact consumer behavior?
~it shifts market locations for retail purchases on local levels
~it creates regions of relative growth and regions of relative decline
~ for consumers who move, it creates demand for certain purchases and for new patterns of patronage.
What is probably the most widely applied single cue we use to initially evaluate and define individuals we meet?
Occupation provides?
Status and Income
A household's income level combined with its accumulated wealth =
Its purchasing power
What enables purchases but does not generally cause of explain them?
Occupation and education directly influence
preferences for products, media and activities
Subjective discretionary income(SDI)
is how much money consumers feel they have for nonessentials.
What does our age shape?
It shapes the media we use, where we shop, how we use products, and how we think and feel about marketing activities.
A generation or age cohort
is a group of persons who have experienced a common social, political, historical, and economic environment.
Cohort analysis
the process of describing and explaining as well as prediction attitudes, values and behaviors of an age group.
Pre- Depression Generaion (<1930)
Have lived through the Depression, WWII & witnessed radical social, econmic, & technological changes.
Conservative & concerned w/ finacial & personal security.
Depression Generation
Small children during Depression or WWII & matured during the prosperous years of the 1950s and early 1960s.
Baby Boom Generation
Born during dramatice increase of births b/w the end of WWII &1964.
What was influeced by the Kennedy assasination, the Vietnam War, recreational drugs, the sexual revolution, the energy crisis, the rapid growth of divorce and the Cold war, as well as rock & roll & the Beatles?
Baby Boomer Generation
What generations "Invented" rock & roll and grew up with music & television as important parts of their lives.
Depresion Generation
What generations is Conservative & concerned w/ finacial & personal security.
Pre- Depression Generation
Compared to prior generations, this generation has higher income, higher education, more tech savvy, and defining retirement differently.
Baby Boom Generation
This generations is a strong market for "anti-aging" products, travel, and financial services.
Baby Boom Generation
What generation is often aliented by overly "youth oriented" appeals in ads?
Baby Boom Generation
What generation matured during difficult econcomic conditions?
Generation X
What was the first generation to be raised by mainly dual-career households?
Generation X
What was the first geneartion to face "reduced expectations".
Generation X
This generation is more highly educated than previous generations
Generation X
What generation has women more highly educated than men?
Generation X
To reach this generations it requires special attention to media, particularly online.
Generation X
This generation has a strong sense of independence & autonomy. Assertive, self-reliant, emotionally and intellectually expressive, innovative, and curious.
Generation Y (the echo boom)
What generation is multiracial?
Generation Y(the echo boom)
This generation has two sub-marktes: Twenty-somethings & Teens
Generation Y(the echo boom)
This generation is expected to have higher education and is very tech savvy with media options.
Generation Y(the echo boom)
It is too early to characterize this generations, but they will likely continue trends in increase education diversity, and technology usuage.
Social Stratification
refers to groups (or strata) of people who are arranged in some sor ot ranked order.
Social rank, Social Class, or Social Standing
is one's position relative to others on one or more dimensions valued by society.
Inherited Status
Automatically assigned at birth
What generation is multiracial?
Generation Y(the echo boom)
Earned Status
based on a person's actions and performance.
This generation has two sub-marktes: Twenty-somethings & Teens
Generation Y(the echo boom)
Status crystallization
Moderat in U.S., reflects the consistency of these status dimensions.
This generation is expected to have higher education and is very tech savvy with media options.
Generation Y(the echo boom)
It is too early to characterize this generations, but they will likely continue trends in increase education diversity, and technology usuage.
Social Stratification
refers to groups (or strata) of people who are arranged in some sor ot ranked order.
Social rank, Social Class, or Social Standing
is one's position relative to others on one or more dimensions valued by society.
Inherited Status
Automatically assigned at birth
Earned Status
based on a person's actions and performance.
Status crystallization
Moderat in U.S., reflects the consistency of these status dimensions.
What social class stays out of public spotlight unless they enter politics or support a charity event?
Upper-Upper Class
What social class lives in excellent homes, drive luxury automobiles, own original art & travel extensively.
Upper-Upper Class
This social class is the current generation's new successful elite.
Lower-Upper Class
This social class is not accepted by the upper crust of the community.
Lower-Upper Class
Many people of this social class engage in conspicious consumption to show off their great wealth
Lower-Upper Class
In this social class edcuation and occupation are key. Consisting of successful professionals, businesspeople and corporate managers.
Upper-Middle Class
A sound education for their kids are very important.
Upper-Middle Class
This social class is involved in the ars and charities.
Upper-Middle Class
This social class consists of white-collar workers and high paid blue collar workers.
Middle Class
This social class typcially has some college education but not a degree.
Middle Class
Many members of this social class feels insecure due to recent trend of workforce reductions.
Middle Class
People in this social class are concerned about respectability and care what their neighbors think.
Middle Class
This social class consist of skilled and semiskilled factory, service and sales workers.
Working Class
Some people this this social class seek advancement, however are more likely to seek security for & protection of what they have.
Working Class
Many people in this social class dislike the upper middle class. They are proud to be able to do "real work" and see themselves as the often unappreciated backbone of America.
Working Class
This social class consits of individuals who are poorly educated, have very low incomes, and work as unskilled laborers.
Upper-Lower Class
People in this social class live in marginal housing, often located in depressed & decayed neighborhoods.
Upper-Lower Class
This social class is often close at hand and represent very real threats with crime, drugs and gangs.
Upper-Lower Class
This social class has very low incomes & minimal education.
Lower-Lower Class
This segment of society is often unemployed for long periods of time & is the major recipient of government support & services provided by nonprofit organizations.
Lower-Lower Class