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42 Cards in this Set

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Protosomes belong to which two Clades?

Ecdysozoa and Spiralia


-Embryos develop in water (spiral cleavage)

-live in water

-move with cilia or muscle contractions

-Two Clades: Platyzoans and Lophotrochozons


Most prominent group is flat worms

-simple bodies, no circulitory or respiratory systems but complex reproductive system

-includes marine and freshwater planarians (parasitic fluke worms and tapeworms


Two defining characteristics:

Trochophore-free living larva

Lophophore- a horseshoe shaped crown of tentacles surrounds the mouth used for filter feeding.


contains animals that molt


Two large groups


- Nematodes


-flatworms are ciliated

-bodies are soft but solid aside from an incomplete digestive cavity

-many are parasitic

-others free-living-marine, freshwater, moist terrestrial

-only one digestive cavity

-no circulatory system- gas diffusion for transport

-have an excretory and osmoregulatory system

-metabolic wastes are excreted into gut and eliminated through the mouth

-Simple nervous system- eye spot can distinguish light from dark

-Reproduction-most hermaphroditic but also have capacity for asexual regeneration

2 Major groups of Flatworms

Free-living Tubellaria- common planaria in bio labs

Parastic: Trematoda-flukes, attach inside host with suckers or hooks, may have 2 or more hosts in life, Schistosoma

Cestoda(Ceromeromorpha)- tapeworms, adults hold onto inner wall of host intestine using scolex

Lophotrochozoans-Phylum Mollusca

-Second in diversity only to arthropods

-includes snails. slugs, clams, octopi, and others

- some have shells, some not

-evolved in oceans and most still there

-human food

-Economically significant (pearls, mother of pearl)

-Zebra muscles are pests

Mollusk Body Plan

Mantle- thick epidermal sheet, secrete shell if they have one

Foot- primary means of locomotion, in cephalopods the foot is divided into arms or tentacles

Mollusk Internal Organs

-Coelom is very reduced

-Digestive, excretory, and reproductive concentrated in a visceral mass

-Gills in aquatic mollusks

Mollusk Shell

Protects against predators and adverse environments

Secreted by outer surface of mantle


-characteristic of most mollusks

_rasping, tongue-like structure used in feeding

-used to scrape algae

-in predatory gastropods, modified to drill through clam shell

-In Conus snails modified into harpoon with venom glands

Mollusks waste removal


Mollusk Circulatory System

Open circulatory system : Hemolymph sloshes around hemocoel

-3 chambered heart

-cephalopods have closed circulatory system

Mollusk Reproduction

- most are gonochoric (two distinct sexes)

-most engage in external fertilization

-trochophore- free swimming larval stage-

-veliger -free swimming second larval stage only present in bivalves and most marine snails

-both forms drift widely in the ocean

Classes of Mollusks

-Polyplacophora (chitons)

-Gastropoda (limpets, snails and slugs)

-Bivalvia- clams, oysters, scallops

-cephalopodia- squids, octopi, cuttlefish, and chambered nautilus

Class Polyplacophora (chitons)

-marine mollusks that have oval bodies

-8 overlapping dorsal calcareous plates

-most chitons are grazing herbivores

Class Gastropodia

-Limpets, snails, slugs

-Primarily marine group, some freshwater and only terrestrial mollusks

-most have single shell- some have lost it

-heads typically have a pair of tentacles with eyes


-marine snail without a shell

-exposed gills

-many secret distastefull chemicals

-some extract nematocysts from cnidarian prey and transfer them to their body surface

Class Bivalvia

-Includes clams, scallops, muscles, oysters, and others

-most marine some freshwater

-no radula or distinct head

-have 2 shells (valves) hinged together (abductor muscles counter hinge ligament)

-water enters through inhalant siphon and exits through exhalant sipon

Class Cephalopoda

-more than 600 strictly marine species

-active marine predators

-only mollusk with closed circulatory system

-foot has evolved into a series of arms with suctions cips and have beaklike jaws with toxic saliva

-Largest relative brain sizes among invertebrates

-highly developed nervous system

-living cephalopods lack external shell (except chambered nautilus and squid and cuttlefish have internal shells)

-jet propulsion using siphon

-ink can be ejected from siphon

-chromatophores allow for changing color in skin for camoflouge or communication


Lophotrochozoans-Nmertea (ribbonworms)

-about 900 species of cylindrical to flattened very long worms

-most are marine: a few species live in fresh water and humid terrestrial habitats

-body plan resembles a flat worm

- has complete gut

-Rhynochocoel- fluid filled coloemic cavity


Phylum Annelida

-segmented worms

-body built of repeated units

-allows for specialization

- may not be monophyletic

-roughly 12000 species occurring in many environments

2 classes- Polychaeta and Clitella

Phylum Annelida Body plan

- head has well-developed cerebral aglion

-sensory organs in ringlike segments

-many species have eyes

-segments divided internally by septa ( each segment has excretory organs, a ganglion and locomotry structure

-closed circulatory system

-ventral nerve cord

-each part of digestive tract specialized for different function

Annelida Locomotion

-coelmic cluid creates a hydrostatic skeleton

- alternating muscle contractions allows complex movements

- chateae- bristles of chitin found in most groups

Annelida Circulatory system

closed circulatory system- gas exchange by diffusion across body surfaces

Annelida Excretory system

nephrida similar to mollusks

Class Polychaeta (Polychaetes)

-Monophyly not well established

-includes clamworms, sclaeworms, lugworms, sea mice, tubeworms,

-Have paired parapodia on most segments (used in locomotion or gas exchange) *Chataetae on Parapodia

-Most gonochoric

-external fertilization

-trochophore larva

-Deep sea Tube worms- adults gutless, sulfur-oxidizing bacteria synthesize organic compounds used by worm

-Found near hydrothermal vents

Class Clitella



-Clitellums found in all members

Earth worms (class Clitella)

-head not well differentiated,

-no parapodia,

-few chaetae project from body wall,

-hermaphroditic but cross fertilize,

-Clitellum secretes mucus cocoon

Leeches (Hirudinea)

-occur mostly in fresh water

-usually flattened dorsoventrally

-hermaphroditic and cross-fertilization

-suckers at both ends of body

-no chaetae

-some eat detritud, others suck blood


-include two phyla of mostly marine animals (bryozoa and Brachiopodia)

-Both characterized by lophophore

-circular or U-shaped ridge around the mouth with 1-2 rows of ciliated tentacles

-functions in gas exchange and feeding

- may be convergent evolution

-Phylogeny a puzzle

Phylum Bryozoa

-also called Ectoprocta or "moss animals"

-Bryozoans are small and live in colonies

-individuals secrete a tuiny chtiinous chamber

-asexual reproduction occurs frequently by budding

Phylum Brachiopodia

-Brachiopods or lamp shells

- have two calcified shells

-Dorsal and ventral ( not lateral as in bivalves)

- Lophophore lies on the body, between the shells


Phylum Nematoda

-vinegar eels, eelworms, and other roundworms

-member are found everywhere, abundant and diverse

-marine, freshwater, parasites, free-living

-bilateral symmetry, covered by flexible, thick cuticle that molts as they grow

Nematoda life

-sexual reprodcution (most gonochoric)

-sexual dimophrism-male smaller with hooked end

-Eutely adults consist of fixed number of cells (Caenorhabditis elegans have 959 cells)

-important to genetic developmental studies as it's the only animal whose complete develpomental cellular anatomy is known

-Many are active hunters while other live inside bodies of other animals

Nematoda as Pathogens

-about 50 species cause human deisease

-trichinella causes trichinosis

----Forms cucts in human muscle

----Infection from eating undercooked meat (notice cysts in the picture below

Pinworms, ENterobius vermicularis

-infects 30% of children in US

-causes itchinf of the anus

AScaris Lumbricoides -intestinal roundworm

infects 1 in 6 worldwide

-adult female can be 30 cm long

-rare in areas with modern plumbing

Serious tropical nematode diseases




-by far the most successful animals (well over 1,000,000 species, 2/3 of all named species)

-affect all aspects of humans life

-diveded into 4 extant classes



