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23 Cards in this Set

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3.1.1 background

-two widely established classification systems, DSM and ICD (APA and WHO)

-other systems can be used more locally but have some limited use of those alternating theoretical persuasions like the psychodynamic diagnostic manual

3.1.1 Evidence

DSM, diagnostic statistical manual and looks at psychological illnesses

-Axis I, clinical syndromes

-Axis II, development and personality disorder

-Axis III, Physical conditions

-Axis IV, severity of psychological stressors

-Axis V, Highest level of functioning

3.1.1 continued

ICD, Internal classification of diseases, looks at psychological and physiological diseases

-child disorders, psychological disorders and behavioural and emotional disorders

-Mental retardation, rudimentary and expected to become more comphrensive in subsequent editions

-suggests when certain behaviours should be recorded and like the DSM it is hierarchical but it less rigid allowing for the procedure of clinical judgement

3.1.2 background

Defining Abnormality

-statistical infrequencies, Deviation from social norms, Deviations from ideal mental health and Failure to function adequately

-all these definitions have a weakness in the fact that abnormality changes across time and culture and so there is no consistent definition

3.1.2 Evidence

Rosenhan and Seligemen

-created the 7 criteria for defining abnormality

-Suffering, Maladaptiveness, Unconventionality and vividness, Irrationality, Unpredictability, Observer Discomfort and Violation of moral and ideal standards

-first four are about how a person behaves

- the fifth is about a social judgement (conventional or not)

3.1.3 background

Biases in diagnosing

-Racial, blacks Schizophrenic

-Gender, females HPD

-Class, higher Neurosis, lower Schizophrenia

-Kaplan found 89% of popular diagnostic manuals are written by males, 1 in 9 of writers are female. This explains the possibility of some biases in some illnesses

3.1.3 Evidence

Ford and Widiger

-354 clinical psychologists randomly selected from national register, 266 responded to case histories (out of 9) and had to give a lifetime DSM diagnosis rating their confidence on a 7 point scale.

-unspecified sex cases diagnosed with borderline personality disorder

- ASPD correct in males 42% and 15% in females

-HPD misdiagnosed in females 46% and males only 15%

-HPD, Female typical disorder

3.2.1 background

Biological explanation of DB

-neurotransmitters allow brain cells to communicate

-Genetics, DB genes can be heredity and passed through generations. Can be triggered when mixed with stress, abuse or traumatic event

-brain defects like prenatal damage can cause autism and long substance abuse can cause paranoia, depression and anxiety

3.2.1 Evidence


-32 mz and 53 dz same sex twins from Norway all been diagnosed with some form of borderline psychotic disorder before 1977

-hospital records and interviews done to gather entire life story and give diagnosis

-no twins were concordant in the same disorder

-when group had panic, social, agoraphobia and OCD, mz twins were 45% concordant and dz twins were 15% concordant

3.2.2 background

Behavioural explanation of DB

-psychologists believe all behaviour is learnt in the same way

-DB is explained through phobias and these are learnt in 3 ways

-Operant conditioning (Skinner, Reinforcement), Classical conditioning (Pavlov, Association) and Social Learning theory (bandura, observation and imitation/vicarious reinforcement)

3.2.2 Evidence

Watson and Raynor

-case study on 11 month yr old Little Albert and wanted to classically condition him to fear white rat

-pre tested and no fear

-during conditioning when Albert would try to touch the white rat a steel bar would be hit making Albert cry. This was continued

-by the end of conditioning Albert would cry at the sight of the rat before the steel bar

3.2.3 background

Cognitive explanation of DB

-believes DB originates from irrational thoughts

- Ellis and Beck, ABC model of depression. A, activating an event, B, irrational belief (schema to judge event), C, consequence of belief (whether this makes us feel happy or sad)

3.2.3 Evidence

Amir, Foa and Coles

-32 social phobia, 13 ocd and 15 non patients presented with ambiguous social and non social tasks along with 3 interpretations

-interpretations would show negative or positive beliefs and the p would have to choose the interpretation they would choose first in the situation

-social phobia patients chose the most negative interpretation for ambiguous social events with relatable situations

-no different in non social

3.3.1 background

Biological treatment for DB

-directly alters bodily processes. Medication most common, tranquillisers, anti depressants and sedatives used

-six major drugs

-Electro Conclusive treatment (electric charge to brain, depression), Psychosurgery (severing nerve centres) and Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (stimulating brain activity with external application of energy, severe depression)

-ECT, memory damage

3.3.1 Evidence

Pine et al

-128 m and f children aged 6-17yrs with social phobia, SAD and GAD who have received treatment for 3 weeks with no improvement randomly assigned to receive fluvoxamine or placebo for 8 weeks and record improvement

-fluvox decrease in symptoms of 9.7, placebo only 3.1

-fluvox had a 76% response rate, placebo only 29%

3.3.2 background

Behavioural treatment for DB

-believes in unlearning phobias

-Flooding (exposed to fear rapidly and vividly, prevented from escaping), Systematic desensitisation (pictures to live fear and taught relaxation), Aversion therapy (pairing of an undesirable stimulus with an aversive stimulus) and Token economies (tokens can be exchanged for rewards and privileges)

3.3.2 Evidence


-case study 9yr old Lucy with phobia of sudden loud noises

-tested and found nothing wrong but slightly lower than average IQ

-systematic desensitisation used, taught to relax by imagining being on her bed with toys. Also had hypothetical fear thermometer

3.3.2 continued

-1st cried, 4th allowed, 10th popped herself

-balloons 7-3, party 9-3 and cap gun 8-5

-important to give Lucy control over when and where the loud noises occurred

3.3.3 background

Cognitive treatment for DB

-believes in restructuring irrational thinking

-cognitive behavioural therapy is a tool that curtails depressed thinking that creates depressed moods. Looks at problem solving. Can take 12-20 weeks. Sometimes involves a diary and homework

-important to understand illogical things and then stop them

3.3.3 Evidence

Clark et al

-62 social phobia patients randomly assigned to receive Cognitive treatment, EXP+AR or put on wait list

-CT produced improvement in no of symptoms by 84%, Exp+ar only 42% and wait 0%

-1 yr follow up differences in outcomes persisted those who received exp+ar went to get other treatment as CT was best

3.1 Evaluation

Diagnosing DB

-Reliability, lower due to SR

-Validity, construct no evidence to prove an illness is an illness. Empirical validity, case history driven

-Ad, good inter rator, standardised clinical interviews, no diagnosis no treatment

-dis, symptom driven, people shoehorned, faking, subjective

-comparison, DSM (american, psychological, priced, members) ICD (uk, both, free access)

-Ethnocentric, homo, race, gender

3.2 Evaluation

Explanations of DB

-Reliab, self report, subjectivity

-Valid, con Torgersen, pop Watson, all lack EV

-Nature bio, Nurture beh

-all Reductionist

- bio hard det, beh enviro det and cog soft det

-Ethno bio least, cog most

-all 3 believe in exp but lack agreed paradigm

-cognitive beh therapy useful and bio useful for medicine

-Ethical issue in Watson

3.3 Evaluation

Treatments of DB

-Reliab, too sub, rating scales

-Valid, pop Lucy, Internal IMD good rep but ID, control groups lack blinds

- Nature bio, Nurture beh

-all Reductionist

- bio hard det, beh enviro det and cog soft det

-Ethno bio least, cog most

-all 3 believe in exp but lack agreed paradigm

-all 3 studies show improvements

-Bio has possible side effects