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24 Cards in this Set

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Average weight at Birth

7 pounds

Average length=

20 inches

Infants triple their weight by=

1st birthday


By 24 months weight is about 28 lbs.,height is about 32"-36"

*girls are slighty shorter and lighter than boys.

Brain development

*brain at birth is 25 percent of the adult brain.

*by age 2, the brain is almost 75 percent of the adult brain.

*synaptic connections(dendrite growth)

*more connections formed than needed.

*brain circumference increases from 14 to 19 inches.


Sleep patterns of infants

*sleep about 15-17 hrs a day. In 1 to 3 hr segments.

*Have a high proportion of REM sleep.

*by 3-4 months slow wave deep sleep increases.

*sleep declines to about 12 hrs a day by age 2.

*more americans are Co-sleeping.

*first 2 months the norm for total sleep is 14 1/4 hrs.

*next 3 months = 13 1/4 hrs

*next 12 months =12 3/4 hrs.

Sensory/Motor development of infants

*newborn sense of hearing

*can hear a wide variety of sounds at birth

*most sensitive to voices

Newborn sense of vision

* least developed of Senses at Birth

*Newborns focus between 4&30 inches away

*experience&maturation of visual cotrex improve recognition and visual scanning.

First emotional expressions to emerge at birth:

Crying and contentment

Smell & taste

* smell and taste function at Birth and rapidly adapt to the social world.

* like sweet taste and certain smells.

* can identify mother by smell from birth.

Newborn sense of touch

* sense of touch is acute in infants

* pain uncertain


The response of a sensory system( eyes, ears, skin, tongue, nose.) when it detects a stimulus


The mental processing of sensory information when the brain interprets a sensation.

Motor skills (movement of muscles)

* the Learned abilities to move some part of the body.

* first movements are not skills but reflexes , involuntary response to a stimulus.

Gross motor skills

Large body movements. Like walking and jumping.

Fine motor skills

Small body movements.

* using the hands and fingers

Ex. Drawing, picking up a coin.

Surviving in good health

*Immunization successes

* prior to school age many American children lack full set.

Sudden infant death syndrome(SIDs)

*no apparent cause of death.

*low birth, exposure to cigarette smoke, bed sharing.

Good nutrition starts with

Breast milk

breastfed infants are less likely to develop

Asthma, allergies, and ear infections, upset stomach.

The first two years:Cognitive development.

Cognition=Study of mental processes.

*includes language, learning, memory, intelligence.

Piagets sensorimotor stage

*Piaget described this stage from birth to 2 yrs as a period of rapid cognitive growth.

*building schemas through motor skills, senses exploration.

In an infant sadness appears as withdrawal and is accompanied by an increase in the body's production of cortisol a a stress hormone.


Surviving in good health

As the infant gets older the composition of breast-milk adjust to the babys changing age.