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51 Cards in this Set

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Human cells ________ considerably in size.
Cytoplasm contains specialized _________ surrounded by a __________ membrane.
organelles, plasma
___________ contains specialized organelles.
Plasma ______ surround each cell.
True or false: Organization of cytoplasmic substances is important for life?
Describe the cell nucleus.
The nucleus is a small, circular body inside the cell.
What forms the outer boundry of the cell?
Plasma membrane
How thick is a cell membrane?
7nm thick
What forms the framework of the plasma membrane?
Thin two-layered membrane of phospholipids containing proteins.
The plasma membrane is selectively _______.
What is the function of the cell membrane?
Controls what enters and leaves the cell.
What is the function of the nucleus?
Contains the genetic information and directs most of the cell's activities.
What is the function of mitochondrion?
Supplies the energy needed by the cell.
What is the function of ribosomes.
To organize the synthesis of proteins.
What is the funtion of rough endoplasmic reticulum?
Prepares proteins for export by the cell.
What is the function of smooth endoplasmic reticulum?
To sythesize steriods, regulate calcium levels, and break down toxic substances.
What is the function fo golgi apparatus?
Prepare proteins for secretion by the cell.
What is the function of lysosomes?
Contain digestive enzymes.
What are the function of microfilaments and microtubules?
To contribute to cell support, movement, and division.
The plasma membrane is _______ permeable.
selectively. (Selective things can pass thru such as water & oxygen)
What is the internal living material of cells?
What are organelles?
Small structures that make up most of the cytoplasm. (little organs)
Ribosomes may ______ to rough ________ reiculum or _____ free in cytoplasm.
attach, endoplasmic, lie
Endoplasmic reticulum
Network of connecting sacs and canals.
What carries substances through cytoplasm?
Endoplasmic reticulum
What is golgi apparatus?
A group of flattened sacs stacked on one another near the nucleus.
What are mitochondria composed of?
Inner and outer membranes.
Each mitochondria containes one ______ molecule.
What are centrioles?
Tubules that lie at right angles to each other near the nucleus.
What are cilia?
Fine hairlike extensions forund on free or exposed surfaces of some cells.
What is the function of cilia?
Cilia attach to things and move them along.
What is a flagellum?
Single projection extending from cell surfaces.
Give an example of a flagellum.
A sperm cell
Flagellum are much _____ than cilia.
What controls every organelle in the cytoplasm, along with cell reproduction?
What are the components of the nucleus?
Nuclear envelope, nucleoplasm, and chromatin granules.
What is the relationship of cell structure and function?
Regulation of life processes, survival of species thru reproduction.
The more cells in an organism the more ________ it is.
What type of process does not require added energy to occur?
Passive transport
What process results in movement down a concentration gradient?
Passive transport
What are two types of passive transport?
Diffusion and filtration
Osmosis and dialysis are specialized examples of what type of transport process?
What is diffusion?
Substances scatter themselves evenly throughout an available space.
In passive transport movement is from _____ to _____ concentration.
high, low
What is filtration?
Movement of water and solutes through a membrane because of a greater pushing force on one side of the membrane than on the other.
What type of passive transport is responsible for urine formation?
Active transport process
The movement of substances "up the concentration gradient". requires energy from ATP.
Give are three types of active transport?
Ion pumps, phagocytosis, and pinocytosis.
What is an ion pump?
An ion pump is protein complex in cell membrane called a carrier. Uses energy from ATP.
What type of process does an ion pump use?
Active transport. Ion pumps use energy from ATP to move substances across cell membranes against their concentration gradient. LOW -->> HIGH
Sodium - potassium pump is how what is created?