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211 Cards in this Set

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What are the functions of a cell

Cell metabolism and energy use

Synthesis of molecules


Reproduction and inheritance

What is cell metabolism and energy use

Cell metabolism is all energy reactions in a cell often involving energy transfers meaning energy is released by one reaction and stored for another. During some reactions energy is released as heat helping maintain body temperature

What is meant by synthesis of molecules

Different cells of the body synthesis or produce various types of molecules including proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids. The structural characteristics of cells determine the types of molecules they produce

What is communication among cells

Communication using chemical and electrical signals.

How do we see cells

Light microscope

Electron microscope

What is a light microscope

Allows us to visualize general features of the cell such as nucleus with limited magnification

Types of electron microscopes

Scanning electron microscope- reveals surface of internal structures

Transmission electron microscope- allows us to see through parts of the cell.

What is the plasma membrane

The outermost component of the cell. Also known as lipids bilayer composed of phospholipids and cholesterol. Proteins extend across or are embedded in either surface of the lipid bilayer

What are the functions of the lipid bilayer

The outer boundary of the cell separating the intracellular and extracellular substances. Semipermeable controlling the entry and exit of substances into the cell.

What is membrane potential

An electrical charge difference across the plasma membrane resulting from ion movement in and out of the cell. More positive charged cells outside plasma membrane and more negative charged ions and proteins inside.

Is the outside of the plasma membrane positively or negatively charged



Carbohydrates combined with lipids


Carbohydrates combined with proteins


The collection of glycolipids, glycoproteins, and carbohydrates on the outer layer of the plasma membrane.

Predominant lipids of the plasma membrane

Phospholipids and cholesterol

Phospholipids in the plasma membrane

Form a lipid bilayer with a polar hydrophilic head that are exposed to the fluids of the cell, and a nonpolar hydrophobic tail that face each other in the interior of the plasma membrane

Phospholipid bilayer

Double layer of phospholipid molecules

Fluid mosaic model

Describes the plasma membrane as highly flexible and can change it's shape and composition through time.

Why is the fluid nature of the lipid bilayer important

The lipid bilayer acts as a dense liquid in which other molecules such as proteins are suspended. It provides an important means of distributing molecules within the plasma membrane. Any slight damage can be repaired because phospholipids tend to resemble around damaged sites and enclose them. Also it enables membranes to fuse with one another.

Why is cholesterol important in the plasma membrane

Limits the movement of phospholipids providing stability

What are the types of functions for proteins found in the plasma membrane

Marker molecules

Attachment proteins

Transport proteins

Receptor proteins


Classification of proteins found in the plasma membrane

Integral membrane proteins

Peripheral membrane proteins

Integral membrane proteins

Penetrate deep into the lipid bilayer, in many cases extending from one surface to the other.

Peripheral membrane proteins

Attached to either the inner or outer surfaces of lipid bilayer

Marker molecules

Cell surface molecules that allow cells to identify other cells or molecules. Wither glycoproteins or glycolipids.

Attachment proteins

integral proteins that allow cells to attach to other cells or extracellular molecules and even intracellular molecules. Two examples cadherins or integrins


Attach cells to other cells


Proteins that attach cells to extracellular molecules. Function in pairs which interact with both intracellular and extracellular molecules and also function in cell communication.

Transport proteins

Integral proteins that allow ions or molecules to move from one side of the plasma membrane to the other. 3 characteristics important to their function. Specificity, competition, saturation


Each transport protein binds to and transports only certain type of molecule or ion.


Molecules with similar shape binding to the transport protein. The substance that binds more readily is taken.


Rate of movement of molecules across the membrane is limited to the number of available transport proteins.

3 classes of transport proteins



Atp powered pumps

Channel proteins

One or more integral membrane proteins arranged so that they form a tiny channel through the plasma membrane. Include leak ion channels and lion gated ion channels

Leak ion channels

Nongated channels that are always open and responsible for the plasma membranes permeability to ions when it is at rest.

Gated ion channels

Open and close depending on certain conditions of the cell. Some open and close in response to chemical binding to the ion channel


Generic term for any chemical signal molecule used by cells to communicate with each other

Ligand gated channels

Ion channels that respond to ligand

Voltage gated ion channels

Gated ion channels that open or close based on a change in membrane potential

Cystic fibrosis

Genetic disorder that affects the chloride in channel. Failure of ion channels to function causes the affected cells to produce thick viscous secretions.

What determines a channels specifity

The size and charge within the channel

Carrier proteins

Transporters integral membrane proteins that move ions or molecules from one side of the plasma membrane to the other. Change shape as specific ion is binding then resumes shape and availability when done.

Classification of carrier proteins





Movement of one specific ion or molecule across membrane. Uniporters


Cotransport the movement of two different ions or molecules in the same direction across the plasma membrane. Symporters


Counter transport movement of two different ions or molecules in opposite direction across the plasma membrane

Atp powered pumps

Transport proteins that require cellular energy to move specific ion or molecules from one side of the plasma membrane to the other. Have binding sites to which specific ions can bind and a binding site for atp. The breakdown of atp releases energy changes the shape of the protein which moves it across.

Receptor proteins

Membrane proteins or glycoproteins that have an exposed receptor site on the outer surfaces of cells

Receptors linked to channel proteins

Some membrane bound receptors help form ligand gated ion channels that are composed of proteins that span the plasma membrane. When chemical signals or ligands bind to these receptors the combination alters the three dimensional shape of the protein of the ion channel causing the channel to open or close. The result is a change in permeability of the plasma membrane to the speciffic ion going through.

Receptors linked to g protein complex

The g protein acts as a intermediary between a receptor and other cellular proteins the g protein interacts with the receptor protein when a chemical signal is bound to it. When not interacting the g protein has GDP attached to it.

Three proteins of g protein complex




An activated subunit can stimulate a cells response by

Means of intracellular chemical signals

Opening of ion channels in the plasma membrane

Activation of enzymes associated with the plasma membrane


Catalyze chemical reaction on wither the inner or outer surfaces of the plasma membrane

Passive membrane transport

Cell does not expend metabolic energy. Includes diffusion, osmosis, and facilitated diffusion.

Types of passive membrane transport



Facilitated diffusion


Movement of solutes from an area of higher solutes concentration to an area of lower concentration. Product of constant random motions of all atoms, molecules, or atoms in a solution.

Concentration gradient

The concentration difference between two points divided by the difference between the two points.

Rate of diffusion is influenced by

Magnitude of concentration gradient, the temperature of a solution, the size of diffusing molecules and viscosity of a solvent. Increase as concentration gradient increases.


Measure of how a fluids resistance to flow. A fluid with low viscosity flows more easily.

Importance of diffusion

How substances move between the extracellular and intracellular fluids in the body. Substances that can diffuse through either the lipid bilayer or the membrane channels can pass through the plasma membrane


Diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane. Water diffuses across lipid bilayer.


Water channel proteins that open and close to adjust membrane to permeability to water.

In osmosis why does water diffuse from less concentration solution to more concentrated

Solution concentration is defined in terms of solution concentrations not water.

Facilitated diffusion

Mediated transport in which Carrier proteins combine with substances and move them across the plasma membrane. Substances always moved from higher to lesser concentration. This occurs because some substances are too large to pass through membrane channels and too polar to dissolve in the lipid bilayer are transported


Solutions with the same osmotic pressure


When one solution has a greater concentration of solute particles and therefore a greater osmotic pressure.


More diluted solution with lower osmotic pressure.


A solution that when a cell is placed the cell does not shrink or swell


A cell in isotonic solution when the shape of the cell remains constant maintaining internal tension or tone


A solution that when the cell is placed in water moves out of the cell by osmosis.


If a cell is placed into a solution and water moves into the cell by osmosis


Process of water moving by osmosis from the cell to the solution


When a cell swells to the point of rupture


Concentration of the solution


Tendency of cells to swell or shrink

Mediated transport

A membrane transport process by which membrane transport proteins mediate or assist the movement of large water soluable molecules or electrically charged molecules or ions across the plasma membrane

Active transport

Mediated transport process that requires energy from ATP. ATP powered pumps combine with substances and move them across the plasma membrane. Substance can be moved from lower concentration to higher and exhibit characteristics of specifity, saturation, and competition.

Types of active transport mechanisms

Active transport

Secondary transport

When is active transport uses

Substances too large to pass through channels and too polar to dissolve in the lipid bilayer. Substances that are accumulated in concentrations higher on one side of the membrane than on the other transported

Secondary active transport

Involves the active transport of an ion out of the cell establishing a concentration gradient with a higher concentration outside of the cell. The tendency for ions to move back into the cell (down concentration gradient) provides energy necessary to move a different ion into the cell

Vesicular transport

Movement of larger volumes of substances across the plasma membrane through the formation or release of vesicles. Membrane bound sacs in the cytoplasm

Types of vesicular transport




The plasma membrane forms a vesicle around the substance to be transported and the vesicle is taken into the cell. Requires atp. In receptor mediated endocytosis specific substances are ingested.

2 types of endocytosis




Cell eating. Eliminate harmful substances in the body. Solid particles.


Cell drinking contain molecules dissolved in liquid rather than particles. Molecules that dissolve in liquid

Receptor mediated endocytosis

Receptor sites combine only with certain molecules. Increases rate at which the cells take up a specific substance


Common genetic disorder characterized by the reduction in or absence of low density lipoprotein receptors on cell surfaves. Cells not regulated too much cholesterol produced


Cells release material. Materials manufactured by the cell are packaged in secretory vesicles that fused with the plasma membrane and release their contacts to the outside of the cell. Proteins and other water soluable molecules are transported out of cells.


The cellular material outside the nucleus but inside the plasma membrane. Made half of cytosol and half organelles.


Fluid portion of cytoplasm. Is a collid. Many of these proteins are enzymes that catalyze the breakdown of molecules for energy or synthesis of sugars, fatty acids, nucleotides, amino acids, and other molecules.


Supports the cell and holds the nucleus and other organelles in place. Also responsible for changes in cell shape and movement of organelles

Three groups of cytoskeleton


Actin filaments



Hollow tubes composed primarily of protein units called tubulin. Help provide support and structure in the cytoplasm of the cell, much like internal scaffolding. Involved in cell division and in the transport of intracellular materials.

Actin filaments

Microfilaments. They form bundles, sheets, or networks in the cytoplasm. Provide structure to cytoplasm and mechanical support for microvilli. Support plasma membrane and define the shape of the cell. Changes of in cell shape involves the breakdown of reconstruction of actin filaments

Intermediate filaments

Protein fibers that provide mechanical strength to cells.

Cytoplasmic inclusions

Aggregates of chemicals either produced or taken in by the cell.


Pigment that increase with age


Structures within the cell that are specialized for specific function. Individual work stations within the cells


Large membrane bound structure usually located in center of cell. Consists of nucleoplasm

Nuclear envelope

Nuclear pores.

Nuclear envelope

Two membranes separated by space. Inner and outer membranes fuse to form the nuclear pores.

Nuclear pores

What molecules use to move in and out of nucleus.


Found in nucleus large molecule that doesn't leave


Structures containing dna and proteins like histones


Important for structural organization of dna


Delicate filaments of chromosomes that are in nucleus. During cell division they become densley coiled forming compact chromosomes.

Dna determines the structural and functional characteristics of a cell by

Specifying structure of proteins through specifying their amino acid sequence.


Leaves the nucleus through the nuclear pores. Rrna, mrna,trna.


Region of a DNA molecule that specifies RNA molecule.


Dense region within nucleus with no surrounding membrane. Usually one per nucleus. Where subunits for ribosomes are manufactured so contains portions of chromosomes that contain DANA from which rRNA is produced.


Sites of proteins synthesis. Each composed of large and small subunit. rRNA and proteins. Some attached to the endoplasmic reticulum where others are distributed freely throughout the cytoplasm. Serves as site of protein synthesis

Free ribosomes

Synthesize proteins used inside the cell

Endoplasmic reticulum

Continuous with the nuclear envelope a series of membranes distributed throughout the cytoplasm. Broad flattened interconnecting sacs and tubules. Smooth and rough


Isolated interior space of endoplasmic reticulum

Rough endoplasmic reticulum

Ribsomes attach. Site where proteins are produced and modified for use as an integral part of membrane and secretion into extracellular soace.

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

No attached ribosomes. Manufactures lipids and carbs. Also participates in detoxification


Process by which an enzyme act on chemicals and drugs to change their structure and resume their toxicity.

Golgi apparatus

Composed of flattened membraneous sacs containing cisternae stacked on top of each other. Packager. Modifies, packages, and distributes proteins and lipids for secretion or internal use.

Secretory vesicles

Membrane bound that pinch off the Golgi and move to the surface of the cell. They fuse with the plasma membrane and the contents are released by exterior exocytosis. The membranes then incorporated to the plasma membrane. Contents not released until cell receives a chemical signal.


Membrane bound vesicles that form at the Golgi containing a variety of hydrolytic enzymes that function in the intracellular digestive system. Vesicles taken into the cell fuse with lysosomes. Also autophagy


Process by which organelles of a cell are digested that are no longer functional.


Membrane bound vesicles that are smaller than lysosomes that break down fatty and amino acids producing hydrogen peroxide as a toxic by product. Also contains catalase. Cells that are active in detoxification have many of these


Breaks down hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen eliminating toxic substances in the body


Large protein complexes containing enzymes that break down and recycle other proteins within the cell. No membrane but are a collection of specific proteins forming a barrel like structures. The inner surface has enzyme regions that break down proteins. Other proteins at the end of the barrel regulate which proteins are taken in for recycling. Breaks down proteins in cytoplasm


Organelles that provide the majority of energy for the cell. Cells power plants. Dynamic and constantly changing shape and number as they split and fuse with each other. Major site for ATP production. E

Structure of mitochondria

Inner and outer membrane separated by inner membrane space. Outer membrane has smooth contour but inner has cristae and inside called matrix


Numerous inner foldings that project like shelves


Material located inside inner membrane

Function of mitochondria

Complex series of mitochondrial enzymes systems form two major systems responsible for most ATP synthesis. Cells with greater energy requirement have more mitochondria with more cristae

What else does mitochondria contain

DNA and ribosomes but mitochondrial DNA and ribosomes are much different than the nucleus. The proteins found in mitochondria are separate from rest of cell


Located in the centrosome. Two im each unless preparing to divide. The wall consists of triplets of parallel microtubules serves as centers for microtubule formation determines cell polarity during cell division and form the basal bodies of cilia and flagella


Specialized zone of cytoplasm close to the nucleus

Spindle fibers

Microtubules that extend in all directions from the centrosome. Great and shrinks until it comes in contact with a chromosome to bind with all of them during cell division.


Structures that project from the surface of cells and capable of movement. The shaft is enclosed in the plasma membrane and contains two centrally located microtubules and 9 peripheral pairs of fused microtubules.

When does cilia move

When microtubules move past each other and requires ATP

Dynein arma

Proteins connecting adjacent pairs of microtubules in the cilia that push microtubules past each other

Basal body

Modified centrole at base of cilia


Similar to cilia but longer and move the whole cell not just small particles past.


Increases cells surface area foe absorption and secretion modified to form sensory receptors Do not move and supported with actin filaments


Functional units of heredity. A segment of a DNA molecule that specifies the structure of an RNA molecule


Transmission of genetic traits from parent to offspring

Gene expression

The product of RNA and or proteins from information stored in DNA. Two steps. Transcription and translation


A copy of the gene


The changing of something from one form to another.

Explain how gene expression works.

Because DNA is to large to go through the nucleus it creates a copy (transcription) necessary to make a particular protein. The copy is called mRNA travels from the nucleus to the ribosomes in the cytoplasm where the info copy is used to construct a protein (translation); the ingredients or particles needed to create the gene are brought to the ribosomes by tRNA

How transcription works

The synthesis of mRNA, tRNA, and rRNA molecules based on the sequence on DNA. Occurs when a section of DNA unwinds and it's complementary strands separate. One strand serves as the template strand for the process of transcription. Nucleotides that form RNA align with the DNA nucleotides in the template strand by complimentary base pairing.

RNA polymerase

Enzyme that synthesize the complementary RNA molecule near the beginning of the gene by the promoter. It must associate with transcription factors


Signals the beginning of a gene and is the site for initial RNA polymerase binding.


Regions of the mRNA that do code for proteins.


Regions of mRNA that do not code for a protein


And mRNA that contains introns.

Post transcriptional processing

Modifications of preMRNA which produce the functional mRNA used in translation to produce a protein.

Alternative splicing

Process in which various combinations of exons are incorporated into mRNA. allows a single gene to produce more than one specific protein.

Genetic code

The information contained in MRNA and it relates the nucleotide sequence of mRNA to the amino acid sequence of a protein


Three nucleotide sequences which specify an amino acid during translation. 64 possible codons

Start codon

Signals the beginning of a translation

Stop codon

End of translation UAA, UGA, UAG

The function of tRNA

Match specific amino acids to a specific codon of mRNA


Three nucleotides complimentary to a particular codon. Only matches with one codon.


A cluster of ribosomes attached to the same mRNA. Each ribosome in a polyribosome produces an indentical protein making an efficient way to produce many copies of the same protein using a single mRNA molecule


A longer protein than what it will be in it's final state. Extra length will be cleaned off by enzymes


Enzymes that cut the proproteins so that they may be in their final functional state

Posttranslational process

Being modified before functional in a cell

Describe posttranslational change in mRNA

The two DNA strands separate and one strand is transcribed to produce in pre mRNA strand

An intron is cleaved from between two exons and discarded

The exons are spliced together to make the functional mRNA

A 7 methyl guanosine cap and a poly a tail are added to mRNA

How does gene expression work

DANA contains necessary info to produce proteins

Transcription of a region of one DNA strands results in mRNA which is a complimentary copy of the info in the DNA strand necessary to make a protein

The mRNA leaves the nucleus and goes to a ribosome

Amino acids the building blocks of proteins are carried to the ribosomes by trnas

In the process of translation the information contained in mRNA is used to determine the number kinds and arrangement of amino acids in the polypeptide chain

Formation of mRNA by transcription of DNA

The strands of DNA of the DNA molecule separate from each other one DNA strand serves as a template for mRNA synthesis

Nucleotides that will form mRNA pair with DNA nucleotides according to the base pair combinations RNA polymerase joins the nucleotides of mRNA together

As nucleotides are added the MRNA molecule is formed

Nucleotide pairs

Cytosine to guanine

Thymine to adenine

Uracil to adenine

What nucleotide does RNA have that DNA does not have

RNA has uracil not thymine

Transcription of mRNA to produce a protein

To start protein synthesis a ribosome binds to mRNA the ribosome also has two binding sites for TRNA one which is occupied by a TRNA with its amino acid. The other site is open

By occupying the open TRNA binding site the next TRNA is properly aligned with mRNA and with the other TRNA

An enzyme within the ribosome catalyzes a synthesis reaction to form a peptide bond between the amino acids

The ribosomes shift position by three nucleotides the TRNA without the amino acid is released from the ribosome and the TRNA with the amino acids takes its position a TRNA binding site is left open by the shift additional amino acids can be added by repeating steps 2 through 4

Eventually a stop codon in mRNA such as UAA and the process of translation at this point the MRNA and polypeptide chain are released from the ribosome

Multiple ribosomes attached to a single mRNA to form a polyribosome as the ribosomes move down the MRNA proteins attached to the ribosomes lengthen and eventually detach from the MRNA

Cell life cycle

Includes the changes of a cell undergoes from the time it is formed until the time it divides to produce two new cells


The phase between cell division. Nearly all of the life cycle of a typical cell is placed here. Cell carries out the metabolic activities necessary for life and performs it's specialized function. Also prepares to divide. Divided into three subphases

Three subphases of intraphase

G1- cell carries out routine metabolic activities

S- DNA replicated

G2- cell prepares for cell division

DNA replication

The process in which two strands of a DNA molecule each serve as a template for making complementary new strands of nucleotides

DNA polymerase

An enzyme that adds new nucleotides to the 3 end of the growing strands

catalyzes the production of a new nucleotide

Leading strand

A continuous strand of DNA for replication

Lagging strand

Short fragments of DNA spliced by DANA ligase.

Cell division

Cell division produces the new cells necessary for growth and tissue repair a parent cell divides to form two daughter cells each having the same amount and type of DNA as the parent cell the daughter cells also tend to have the same structure and perform the same functions as the parent cell

The two major events in cell division

The division of chromosomes into two nuclei and the division of the cytoplasm


The division of a cell's nucleus into two new nuclei each containing the same amount and type of DNA as the original nucleus.

Process of DNA replication

The strands of the DNA molecule separate from each

Each old strand functions as a template on which a new complementary strand is formed the base pairing relationship between nucleotides determines the sequence of nucleotides in the newly-formed strands

Two identical DNA molecules are produced

Mitotic chromosomes

Discrete bodies that can be stained and easily seen with a light microscope

densely coiled compact chromosomes used during mitosis


A copy of the original chromosome


The attachment place for chromatids


A protein structure that binds to the centromere and provides a point of attachment for microtubules that will separate and move the chromosomes chromatids during mitosis

The four phases of mitosis






chromatin condenses to form a mitotic chromosomes. Centrioles in the cytoplasm divide and migrate to each pole of the cell microtubules called spindle fibers extend from the centrioles to the centromeres of the chromosomes. In late prophase the nucleolus and nuclear envelope disappear


Chromosomes align near the center of the cell


Chromatids separate. One of the two identical sets of chromosomes is moved by the spindle fibers toward the centrioles at each of the poles of the cell at the end of anaphase each set of chromosomes has reached the opposite poles of the cell and the cytoplasm begins to divide


Nuclear envelopes form around each set of chromosomes to form two separate nuclei the chromosomes begin to uncoil and resemble the genetic material characteristic of interface


The division of the cell cytoplasm to produce two new cells begins in anaphase and continues through telophase

Cleavage furrow

The first sign of cytokinesis involving the indention of a plasma membrane that forms midway between the centrioles


Also known as programmed cell death it's a normal process by which cell number within various tissues is adjusted and controlled in a developing fetus it removes extra tissue such as cells between developing fingers and toes

The major hypothesis that attempt to explain how aging occurs in cells

Cellular clock

Death genes

DNA damage

Free radicals

Mitochondrial damage

Cellular clock

A hypothesis of Aging that suggests the existence of a cellular clock that after a certain passage of time or certain number of cell divisions results in Death of a given cell line

Death genes

A hypothesis that suggests that there are death genes which turn on late in life or sometimes prematurely causing cells to deteriorate and die

DNA damage

A hypothesis that suggest Through Time DNA is damaged resulting in cell degeneration and death

Free radicals

A hypothesis that says DNA results in mutations causing cellular dysfunction and ultimately cell death

Mitochondrial damage

A hypothesis saying that mitochondria the primary source of ATP the loss and function could least to loss of energy critical to cell function and ultimately to cell death


Gene is present


Gene can be seen


2 of the same RR bb


Not the same Br

Recessive and dominant


Women can just carry this gene. Me either have it or they don't. Can't carry the gene shown by little h. Big H is carrier


Cannot survive with X


Can survive will be female


Can survive but will be male due to presence of y


Both dominate AB

Incomplete dominance

Recessive gene shows in presence of dominant

Egg and sperm have how many chromosomes

23 with 46 in embryo. Every cell has 46 other than sperm and egg


Pair of chromosomes


One copy of egg and sperm

Egg or sperm.