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22 Cards in this Set

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is the act of protesting by sitting down
was a key player in the civil right movement for several years.
Ella Banker
was a guiding spirit behind SNCC and one of its organizers.
decided whether the ruling was being enforced.
Freedom Riders
are African Americans and white CORE members left Washington D.C and got on 2 buses and went to New Orleans.
Robert Kennedy
is the U.S authority general,asked CORE to stop the freedom riders for a "cooling-off period."
James Farmer
is CORE leader and responded: "We have been cooling off for 350 years,. If we cool off anymore we will be in deep freeze."
those who crossed the state lines and in bus stations
James Meredith
was the student that was enrolled by the Mississippi university.
Ross Barnett
prevented Meridith from registering.
George Wallace
Governor and vowed he would "stand in the schoolhouse door" to block the integration of the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa.
Birmingham, Alabama
the SCLC targeted here for a desegregation protest.
Medgar Evers
was state field secretary for the NAACP was murdered on June 11, 1963.
Lyndon B. Johnson
who succeeded Kennedy, finally persuaded congress to pass the civil rights act of 1964.
Freedom Summer
is when thousands of civil right s workers spread throughout the southern to help African Americans register to vote.
Selma, Alabama
the SNCC organized a major demonstration here to protest the continued denial of African American right to vote.
Voting Rights Act of 1965
this act gave federal government the power to force local officials to allow African Americans to register to vote.
Malcolm X
a leader in the nation of Islam emerged as an important new voice for some African Americans.
Stokely Carmichael
became the leader of the SNCC, advanced the idea of black power.
Black Power
was a philosophy of racial pride that said African Americans should create their own culture and political institutions.
Black Panther Party
symbolized a growing tension between African Americans and urban police.
Watts section of Los Angeles
was the first major urban riots since the 1940's took place in the summer of 1965 and happened here.